Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1289: Director and Documentary

"Remember, Parker, the greater the power, the greater the responsibility...the greater..."

An old man with white hair tilted his head and died.

"Got it, uncle, I'll go to Eagle Castle tomorrow to apply for a job. With my ability, I'm enough to be a five-star general. He should be the person with the most responsibility for McCann at the moment." Parker hugged his uncle and wept bitterly.


A flash of camera flash appeared.

"Be more emotionally invested, and also, why don't the actors follow the lines? Don't shake yourselves!" The director said angrily.

"Are you teaching me to do things?" Parker stretched out his hand, and a cobweb hung the director from the ceiling.

"Oh, sorry, Parker, do whatever you want." The director quickly begged for mercy.

"Hmph, I looked at the character settings again. Spider-Man is a top student. He once made a spider web launcher by himself, and the information is so developed, it is impossible for him not to understand the real cause of his uncle's death!" Parker insisted.

"You're right, can you let me down now?" the director said helplessly.

After the director was put down, he quietly called Dr. Stein.

"Let's try it first, the appropriate freshness is more helpful to gain the attention of the public." The doctor replied after being silent for a while.

Later, in the new documentary "Spider-Man: The Hidden Truth", the McCanns understand that it is all those consortia and aliens who monopolize knowledge, fool the people, and just want to make superheroes go it alone. chivalrous soldier--

And superheroes are not allowed to dig deep into the root cause and direct contradictions to their upper class.

From this point of view, they are not as good as the East Islanders. Anyway, they dare to point the spearhead of the Restoration at the shogunate and the samurai.

The new film has attracted a lot of attention, and the originally calm McCann has also begun to be in full swing.


"Winnie, what are you doing with your luggage? Why can't you learn to dance and sing honestly, and then be admitted to the choir organized by the priests?" the daughter shouted.

"Hmph, I'm going for a more exciting life, not a day where I can see my head at a glance. I've had enough of this kind of static life!" Winnie yelled, and walked out of the house without looking back.

She got into a young man's car, and the two walked away.

"Ah," the old man chased after a few steps, and finally gave up reluctantly, with a look of frustration on his face, "just a few years ago, you were crying and crying to come to the Colossus State to live, but now it's just a little bit better, and you're scrambling again. Going out, is it so difficult to live a peaceful life?"

"People, you have to toss to live." I don't know when, a young man appeared next to him and said in a low voice.

The old man turned to look at the young man: "I just hope that she won't lose her life."

The young man nodded and disappeared in place.

The old man didn't feel any horror, there are too many people with this ability now.

With his hands behind his back, he walked slowly back to the house.

The young man who disappeared was of course Wen Rensheng.

He came to McCann to investigate.

The clues are a little off.


A border town.

A ghoul is raging here.

At noon, it crawls out and rummages for food in the cemetery behind the church.

People move like crazy.

A prosperous small town has become decayed because of this monster.

Guns and explosives are ineffective against it.

It can hide into the mysterious world at any time by means of blurring, and many monsters have such attributes.

They couldn't do it before, because the erosion of reality in the mysterious world has not been so deep. It is difficult to enter the mysterious world. It takes a lot of effort and takes a long time.

And now it's much easier, as soon as the danger appears, it will hide in the mysterious world.

This is undoubtedly a dimensionality-reducing blow, which completely defeats all modern weapons.

This is more economical and more incomprehensible than relying on mysterious power to resist modern weapons.

until today.

"Picture me more handsome!"

A middle-aged uncle holding a shield and wearing a McCann flag reminded the camera.

"Don't worry, Steve! We'll make you even more handsome than the original!" the director behind the camera assured.

"I'm on! Guys!"

Steve held up his shield and rushed towards the church.

At this noon, in broad daylight, it was the time for the monster that devoured the corpse to forage for food.

It seems to deliberately challenge human common sense.

In people's common sense, monsters and fears always appear late at night, but they often forget one thing-

The ugliest things often happen in broad daylight.

Steve jumped, stood on a fence, and saw the monster that was digging the grave—a terrifying hound.

It has two tattered bat wings behind it, protruding teeth, red and swollen eyes and swollen limbs.

It digs the soil desperately, like there is some delicious food underneath.

"Hey, **** devil! The **** who disturbs people's peace, today I, Captain McCann Steve..."

Halfway through, Steve couldn't bear the stench any longer. He waved his shield and was about to smash it down!


"Steve, this won't work, you have to know how to mobilize the audience's emotions and let everyone empathize with you!"

"so what should I do now?"

"You have to wait until this monster starts to eat corpses, let us photograph its brutality, its viciousness, its inhumanity, then you can do it at this time, and you have to pay attention, you have to be ravaged by it first. Fan, and then fight back... Do you understand?" the director said chatteringly.

"I... grass..." Steve's head was big for a while, but there was nothing he could do. He had a military background who obeyed orders.

With such a character, he must obey the director's orders.

And Spider-Man Parker, whose character is a teenager, is in a period of rebellion, so he can refute the director.

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you."

Steve does it all over again.

This time, there was finally no demon moth.

When he waited for the monster to eat the corpse, the nausea was enough to make people unable to eat for a month.

"Damn monster, go back to where you should be!"

He waved his shield and charged forward with a flaw.

Unsurprisingly, he was slapped on the chest by the monster hound and flew straight away.

"Bastard, I won't admit defeat!" He struggled to get up.

Over and over again, he finally defeated this very "powerful" monster.

The monster that made the entire small town decline fell at his feet.

"Perfect!" The director raised his thumb This documentary was filmed here, and we will choose a better venue next time. "

"I hope my opponent is stronger, otherwise I'll be too uncomfortable to perform." Steve shrugged.

"If it's too strong, you won't be able to control it, so take it slow." The makeup artist comforted.

At this time, a group of reporters who came from nowhere gathered around: "Hello, Mr. Steve, how did you feel after defeating this monster?"

"Oh, the feeling? My feeling is, we're going to be united, we're going to love our own land, just so we can have our own power, defeat the enemy, defeat the monster, and let's go back to the comfortable life we ​​used to be Go..." Steve said solemnly.

"well said!"

"Yeah, we need our own strength!"

The reporters applauded.

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