Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1290: market competition

"Life is like a play, it all depends on acting."

Wen Rensheng stood by the side, silently watching the group of people finish filming.

When those reporters gathered around and aimed at Steve, Captain McCann, he faintly saw a stream of white air gathering towards him.

At the same time, there is also a trace of extremely thin gray aura, which is also rushing towards the other party.

When he found this clue, he wanted to understand everything.

At the same time, the mysterious seed also has a new prompt:

"Faith makes God: is it really God?"

"Mystery: ????"

"Mysterious composition: ????"

Sure enough.

In the past, aliens, colossi... and even the disaster itself, to obtain source power, all depended on stimulating the corresponding emotions, using the corresponding emotions as an introduction, causing void fluctuations, and then extracting mysterious power from the source realm to increase their own power.

And now, just by people believing in him and worshipping him, they can actively gather the source power to him.

This saves a crucial step - personal extraction.

The power growth rate of the two is not the same.

The former is equivalent to fighting alone in the market and being a loner; the latter is to absorb traffic through the network and harvest hundreds of millions of leeks. It is clear at a glance which is more efficient.

No wonder Xiaohuan can't handle people.

After Wen Rensheng wanted to understand, he suddenly felt a sense of dullness.

But so.

Just thinking about it, Xiao Huan suddenly popped out of his belly, raised his head and asked:

"Dad, you seem to have discovered the truth? Tell me quickly."

"I'll call Dad when I need it, and Lao Wen when I don't need it. Can you not be so mundane at a young age?" Wen Rensheng tapped her head.

"Hurry up and tell me the truth, my young believers have run away a lot." Xiao Huan urged.

"The truth is that it is a buyer's market now, and the competition is fierce. You have to dig deep into the stock, be a good brand, retain customers, forge ahead, and the good times of lying down and eating will never come back." Wen Rensheng said slowly.

"I didn't understand a word." Xiao Huan scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks.

"I don't need you to understand, I didn't tell you to listen, just tell your priests." Wen Rensheng smiled.

"Uh, thank you Lao Wen, I'll go." Xiao Huan disappeared immediately.

"I shouldn't have told you so happily."

Wen Rensheng shook his head.

He felt a little bored, and was about to leave, when suddenly he was shocked and realized a terrible problem:

He is now starting to be uninterested in anything!

On the road to longevity, what is the most terrifying enemy?

Boring and empty.

Just like the immortal, why did he follow him all the time?

In fact, to put it down to the ground, don't you just want to find a partner?

It's just that the guy is too demanding, and ordinary people don't get into her eyes at all.

Wisdom is too deep, it really is not a completely good thing——

Any complicated and mysterious things can be seen at a glance. It is easy to save trouble, but it also loses a lot of fun.

Just like reading novels, Xiaobai was happiest in his time, there were fairy grass everywhere, and he didn't know the concept of poisonous spots; Laobai had to look through it for a long time before he found a book that appealed to his appetite.

He suddenly misses the past--

Slowly peel back the mystery, find the truth, and get your head excited while raising the upper limit of mystery.

He needs to get back into that state.


Spider-Man, Captain McCann, is just the beginning.

In another suburb, near a bank, half of the bank collapsed, leaving concrete and wood exposed.


Flames, explosions, blood, screams...

"Cry, cry, and die!"

A young man wearing a clown mask was dancing and dancing.

At the same time, there are several cameras in the distance, quietly filming this terrible crime scene.

"Why, why haven't the worship adults arrived yet?" A bank employee lying on the ground was making a phone call anxiously.

"Sacrificing your lord? Aren't you worshipping your superheroes? Let them fight evil, bye."

On the other end of the phone, a clerk under the Colossus system hung up the phone after he finished speaking.

In recent months, many cities have gone on their own, worshipping superheroes, believing they can save their cities.

On the contrary, they no longer exercise, no longer sing, no longer participate in various sports activities, and choose a variety of messy jobs.

Most importantly, they don't pay anymore!

The city where the bank is located is one of them.

As a member of the Colossus system, this clerk relies on the mountain to eat the mountain, and naturally he has to speak for the mountain. He hates this phenomenon.

Now that I have the opportunity, can't I just vent it?

At this moment, his superior team leader came over.

"George, why don't you answer according to the standard?" the team leader asked.

George spread his hands: "I'm just telling the truth. They don't believe in our colossus, but they still want the protection of our sacrifices. Who gave them the courage?"

"Oh, I understand your feeling of being in the same hatred, but you have to understand that people never really regret it, and they never find reasons from themselves. They only exaggerate and hate us." The team leader said seriously.

"Hmph, the Colossus God doesn't care about them." George was very confident.

"Uh, you're right, but next time you'll still have to answer according to the standard."

"Understood, I will say next time, sir, your tithes have been owed for 6 months. If you don't show due devotion, it will be difficult for the priests to have the strength to fly to your city in time to punish the evil."

"That's right, that's it, you're very smart, George, we need someone like you who stands firm." The team leader patted him on the shoulder.

This is also the reason why the team leader did not punish George severely——

The position is the first, the work attitude and method are second.

This is also a huge drawback of belief systems.

The team leader cannot fire George for the improper reply just now, because the other party is defending the Colossus God.

At the same time, the door of the bank that suffered the explosion.

A man in a Batman suit falls from the sky.

"It's Batman!" Several surviving employees were overjoyed.


"Kill that clown! He blew up ten of us. Damn, what did we do wrong?"

"Is it a sin to work well?"

The employees were talking.

"Okay, don't worry, sin, it's impossible to escape my eyes!" Batman showed off his black suit and put on a beautiful pose.

"You are chasing quickly, that **** is about to run away..." someone whispered.

They have a feeling that the other party is here to shoot the live broadcast, not just to chase criminals.

"Hahaha, Batman! You want to catch me, do you have that ability?"

The Joker laughed arrogantly, then snapped his fingers.

Beside him, another series of explosions sounded.

Thick smoke, flames, dust, weave an iron Batman walks through the iron curtain.

But the Joker has disappeared.

"If you don't put that pose, he won't escape." One survivor said angrily.

"Okay, let's start saving people." As if he hadn't heard, Batman stepped forward to remove the gravel and wood, and rescued the survivors and corpses that were buried underneath.

Everyone did not pursue more, after all, the other party was saving people.

At high altitude, several cameras with invisibility are working at all angles.

Because Batman can fly, the cost of filming is very high, and it cannot be a fixed camera.

But again, Batman's influence is much greater than Spiderman's.

Because he can fly to many cities.

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