Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1501: 5 years flat millet

Lu Zhi looked at the ministers with burning eyes.

At this time, she is completely the style of a feudal old lady.

Majestic, solemn, complicated... faintly revealing a hint of stereotyped and old-fashioned taste.

Aside from her youthful appearance and the temperament of her whole body, Wen Rensheng can think of the photos of Cixi in her previous life just by looking at it.

Wen Rensheng couldn't associate her with the black Changzhi who was soaring to the sky before, who wanted to destroy the universe and restart the world.

"What can you do?" she asked coldly.

Shoufu VII silently held down the spring of youth in his arms for reincarnation. Ever since his reincarnation was almost caught and chopped by horse bandits, he developed this good habit.

"When the empress dowager was presented, the old minister thought that he would send a telegram quickly, and ordered all the ports along the coast to be on strict guard, reorganize the military affairs and fortresses, recruit the brave, prepare food and grass, and hold on, wait for the court to buy a new type of military ships, and then plan to counterattack." Shang Shu boldly spoke.

This is not pleasing to the ears, but it is the safest way at present.

The ministers who can stand here, if nothing else, at least have a positive position and are willing to consider for the court.

After all, the court is gone, and their spring of youth is gone. This is the greatest alignment of interests.

The other properties and powers are all floating clouds, and after several reincarnations, they are all seen.

As long as the court is there, the queen mother is there, everything is there.

"Any other suggestions?" Of course Lu Zhi was not satisfied with this turtle plan.

When will the new boat be launched? It is absolutely impossible without three years of hard work.

Newly bought warships cannot become combat power either.

"Qi Zuo Empress Dowager, use barbarians to control barbarians, and teeth to make millet. Wei Chen has long heard that Daya and Dasu people are fighting at sea, but the Daya people are not spending enough on the military, and they are already in decline. If we send someone to contact the Daya people at this time, hire Their troops, horses and fleets, I believe they are willing to contain the Dasu people for us. Of course, this is only an expedient measure, the fundamental plan is to build our own new-style navy." The second assistant said.

"But, I'll leave this to you." Lu Zhi nodded.

Isn't it a matter of selling thousands of bottles of cyanide?

She doesn't care.

If it weren't for the fact that Mao Qiu was too lazy and unwilling to go abroad, she would have done her business all over the world.

There was more money back then.

The fountain of youth is only valid on the land of the eastern court, which is very evil.

But everyone can understand that the royal family will definitely limit the availability of these potions.

Just like when others drink it, they die, but when the Queen Mother drinks it, she will stay young forever.


Money can make a ghost grind, and as soon as the money comes out, the ambassador of Da Yaren in Beijing will come to see him immediately.

Coming up is a big gift of three kneeling and nine knocking.

In front of silver, there is no etiquette, anything that can only kneel to God, but not to the king, is all nonsense.

It's just that people found you too weak, and the money in your family can be taken away when they come in, so why are you kneeling and begging for food?

Now the imperial court still has enough strength.

"Big Tooth Messenger Andrew, I have seen the Queen Mother, long live the Queen Mother." The red-haired and blue-eyed Andrew V, the Big Tooth Messenger, knelt on the ground and shouted respectfully.

He has lived in the capital for five lifetimes, and it is estimated that he will continue to live.

In fact, many rich people in Daya lived in the imperial court.

The property and body are no longer in the big teeth, and if you think about it, you can see why the big teeth failed.

The richest class in a country has all run away. Where does the military budget come from?

"Get up, Ai's family asks you, the barbaric country is like Su, invading my border, what are you doing?" Lu Zhi asked directly without any nonsense.

"This is simple, as long as the Holy Dynasty orders that the sale of spring water to the Su people is prohibited, and the Su people are forbidden to live on the territory under the jurisdiction of the imperial court, their parliament will immediately be in chaos, and someone will propose a motion to temporarily stop the war against the Holy Dynasty. ." The big tooth messenger has proposed a new angle.

The feudal bureaucracy has long understood the strategy of the trade embargo, such as embargoing iron and salt when dealing with grasslands, but that is a long-term strategy, and it cannot be effective in a short time.

It's just that they don't know the Western power operation mode, so they didn't catch the root cause, and they only responded according to the traditional war strategy.

"I see." Lu Zhi suddenly realized that he didn't need to panic at all, because she held the biggest card in the world.

No, it is impossible for Su people not to know that they will embargo the Fountain of Youth, so why do they still beat themselves?

"Envoy, don't the people of Su know that when the war starts, they will be embargoed by the Spring of Youth? Why do they dare to offend Tianyan?" At this time, the Minister of Rites asked this question.

"This, this..." The big tooth messenger was a little embarrassed.

"But it doesn't matter, Aijia forgives you and is not guilty."

"Actually, it's because there is a Dun's University scholar among the people of Su. After a rigorous chemical analysis experiment, he believes that the Fountain of Youth you are selling is a kind of poison that sees blood and seals the throat. It is not a longevity medicine at all. , there are other reasons. They actively support the war, on the surface, it is for trade and commerce, but in fact, these big men hope to find the real fountain of youth from the Celestial Dynasty through war." The big tooth messenger bowed his head.

I see.

Lu Zhi was stunned.

The scientific progress of the Su people is rapid, and they have made great progress in chemistry, and have deciphered the essence of the fountain of youth.

And because they can't solve the mystery of reincarnation memory, they think that all the products sold by the Celestial Dynasty are fake fountains of youth.

The fountain of youth is really only found within the imperial court.

Certainly not through ordinary methods, as hundreds of years have proven this.

Then only through war, when the court has to admit defeat, they have to hand over the real fountain of youth.

This is their real motive for war, or Westerners understand Westerners.

"It turns out that these hypocrites are just like the people from the Ministry of Rites! They say it in a high-sounding manner, and they always ask for money." A minister suddenly said.

The Minister of Rites glared at the guy fiercely.

Lu Zhi was completely clear in his heart that the other party had caught the truth of the problem.

It's not bad after hiding it for nearly four hundred years.

However, she would continue to hide it.

"Damn," she said with an angry face, "whoever makes Aijia unhappy for one day, Aijia will make him unhappy for the rest of his life! Don't they want to get their hands on the fetish? Then let them come!"

"Which Aiqing is willing to levy this beast for the Aijia?"

As she spoke, she shook her whole body, and a majestic might spread up and down the hall.

Everyone is is about to go first.

Well, I didn't scare the Westerners, but I scare my ministers away first.

After a while, a soldier from the military department raised his head and said: "Qi Zuo Empress Dowager, Wei Chen is not talented, I am willing to be flat for five years!"

Lu Zhi looked at him and pulled out an earplug from his ear.

Through the curtain, no one could see her movements.

[The queen mother is in a fit of anger, and she can be promoted if she speaks loudly. Opportunities like this are usually not found. 】

[No, it is said that the Queen Mother can read people's hearts. 】

[I, Yan Feng IX, wholeheartedly serve the Celestial Dynasty, wholeheartedly be the Queen Mother, and wholeheartedly be the Master Shang Shu. 】

After hearing this, Lu Zhi looked gloomy, but for the first time in his life, he didn't even draw his sword.

"you've changed."

The hairball whispered in her arms.


Hairball was stabbed.

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