Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1502: war begins

"Okay, your courage is commendable, come here, give me a bottle of Bulaoquan." Madam Lu sat behind the curtain expressionlessly and dictated.

Immediately there was a valet eunuch, holding a wooden plate, and gave a bottle of youthful spring water to Yan Feng IX in the matter of Bingke.

Yan Feng IX immediately thanked him, but it was just a matter of sealing the official expedition, but there was no text.

He felt that he had not cultivated his mind well enough, and was seen through by the Queen Mother.

Fortunately, this result is still in harmony.

It's just that next time, I'll go to the monks and Taoists to learn more meditation methods, so that there is only one thought in my mind.

Just now, I was excited, and the thought came to my mind.

At this moment, a report suddenly came from outside the door.

"Qi Zuo Empress Dowager, there is an envoy from Dasu in Beijing outside the door, asking for an audience."


Soon everyone saw a white man with brown hair and blue eyes, with a tall nose and broad eyes, walking up the hall arrogantly with an entourage.

"Sir Clenso, the messenger of the Dasu people, after seeing the pilgrimage to the sky." The white man said with his hands up.

"Envoy, don't kneel down, don't lose your respect in front of the hall." The etiquette officer reminded.

"No, no, we Westerners only kneel to God, not to the king." The Dasu envoy shook his head.

"But the Big Tooth messenger has already knelt down."

"They are losers and incompetents, so they can kneel at will, and we are the winners." The Dasu people's messenger glanced at the Dato people who were kneeling on the ground with disdain.

Lu Zhi was so angry that he was so angry.

Only then did she really understand that the insults and filth that she thought of in the past were nothing in this formal court.

This solemn sense of ceremony, on very formal occasions, the humiliation received is more real and more intense, far exceeding the humiliation she thought she had when she was in the second year of middle school.

It's like a child who feels greatly insulted, but adults are thinking about where this is going. The different perspectives form a communication barrier.

She has lived for hundreds of years, and only a hundred years ago, the Dasu people's messenger was still like other messengers, kneeling three times and nine times knocking over.

Now it is really thirty years Hedong, thirty years Hexi!

Naturally, she didn't know that the people from Dasu were the ones who understood what kind of strength should be matched with what kind of treatment.

"The war has just started, do you think you have won? Tell you, we are going to impose an embargo on the spring of youth! We will also drive you all out of the land of the Celestial Dynasty and prohibit you from living and reincarnating here!" The Minister of Rites took the lead in attacking.

"Hmph, we have already occupied several islands in the south, and we will be driven out if we have the ability! There is also the Fountain of Youth that we have hoarded for 30 years, but I don't know if your dynasty can support it for 30 years. War!" Dasu's messenger said without fear.

Everyone was surprised, and then suddenly, why the Dasu people's messenger dared to start a war.

Turns out they were already prepared.

Some people glared at the Big Tooth messenger. The other party didn't even say such important information. Obviously, they had ulterior motives.

They have forgotten that such information should be collected by themselves, not by foreign envoys.

Of course, the Daya envoy knew the news. He didn't say it, he just wanted to make a time difference and make the relationship between the two sides deteriorate sharply. In this case, later on, the Eastern court and the Dasu people would only fight more fiercely, which would be of great benefit to them.

Only then did Lu Zhi realize how ridiculous he was. It turned out that the other party had already made a comprehensive plan.

Big teeth are not a good thing either.

It's all nonsense to use barbarians to control barbarians.

Da Ya people have ulterior motives and deliberately give wrong suggestions, just to make the conflict between the two sides further intensify.

The feudal bureaucrats did not think of the trade embargo for a while, and the Daya people proposed it, but they did not say that the Dasu people had already prepared for it.

China's imposition of a trade embargo will only aggravate the war and make it irreconcilable.

But now, Lu Zhi couldn't give in just because of the opponent's attitude.

After all, she is not a qualified politician and has a personal temper.

I am the owner of mystical power, how can I bow my head to you people who have been fooled by me?

Simply ridiculous!

She directly ordered: "Push it out, behead!"

The style of a feudal old lady is vividly reflected.

"Queen Mother, no!"

The first assistant immediately stood up and persuaded.

"When the two countries are at war, they do not kill the envoy. Even if the envoy from the Dasu people offends him, he is an outsider, and he is a little lenient."

"Inners can't be lenient, but outsiders can be lenient? Chop!" Lu Zhidi was born in modern Dongzhou, and he roared immediately without the stubbornness of the inside and outside.

Immediately there will be guards in front of the hall who will drag the envoy out.

"I, I kneel, I kneel!" The Dasu people's messenger immediately panicked, and the opponent did not play cards according to the routine.

He suddenly realized that the seemingly civilized Eastern court was essentially a barbaric feudal place, not their parliamentary meeting place, nor a place of enlightenment.

"Kneeling late, behead!"

After an hour and a half, the head of the ambassador appeared grimly above the hall.

Everyone was stunned.

The deputy envoy of the Dasu people's messenger was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and kowtowed again and again.

"Hmph, I have issued an edict to declare war on the people of Dasu!" After Lu Zhi finished speaking, he drove back to the palace.

The ministers knelt down.

When the Queen Mother left, the important officials spontaneously stayed for a small meeting.

"The queen mother killed the messenger, so there is no turning back. You can only fight." Shoufu sighed.

"Daya people's strategy is also not easy to use. They can only first strengthen the wall and clear the field. They have come from a long way, and they are not familiar with the place of life. They will definitely not last for a long time." Cifu followed.

"But as a result, foreign pirates are rampant, people's livelihood is deteriorating, the port is blocked, and the court has money, and if it goes on for a long time, it will not be able to buy anything." Huang Xiong VI said worriedly.

The blessing of Toxi's study, the feudal bureaucrats have studied a series of merchandising books such as the theory of national wealth, and finally understand that there is a term called "inflation"...

Silver is just a currency, and if the market goes down, the more money there is, the worse it will be.

"We are backed by the inland, and we still have grasslands and border trade. We can still maintain one or two. Now we need to quickly appease the grasslands and the west, and don't face the enemy on both sides." San Fu reminded.

"We did it separately, each wrote a statement, and immediately ordered the customs in various places to be on strict guard."


The huge and sluggish Eastern Court finally turned slowly.

The news of the Dasu people's messenger being killed had already spread to the Dasu people's fleet.

Originally, they were not ready to go north. They only wanted to fight a few battles in the south where it was easy to supply, and threaten the court to hand over the real Fountain of Youth and its location.

As a result, the other party killed the messenger, which is obviously proof that he will never admit defeat.

What else is there to say, go to the capital!

A mighty fleet of hundreds of steamships and galleons headed north all the way.

A month later, the large fleet appeared near Fuhai City, which was only three hundred miles away from the capital.

"Dasu people have landed!"

The news spread wildly throughout the for a while, people's hearts were floating, and the market was chaotic.

Businesses closed, rich people fled west.

The wealthy folk have a more sensitive sense of smell than the imperial court.

They know the fineness of the court navy, and they can never beat the Westerners.

Everyone finds it strange, obviously after learning Western learning for hundreds of years, but the big guy is satisfied with a little learning, just enough.

Of course they don't know, this is the nature of feudal bureaucrats. As long as you deal with the queen mother well and get rewarded silver, who cares whether it is really advanced or fake?

In the final analysis, they have no survival pressure, no bottom-up competitive pressure, and certainly no motivation for self-innovation.

They are not aliens who can see the whole world.

Xenomorphs are under pressure to survive. If they do not evolve, they will be killed by their opponents. Of course, they must do their best to evolve.

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