Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1598: martial art

This full widow is naturally the incarnation of Zhao Han.

Relying on the advantage of being a dog, she clings to Wen Rensheng to learn more ways to use spiritual branding, including possessing others and acting as a grandfather.

You can be a monster teacher with a dog, but it is impossible to command the army anyway.

Running a school and engaging in education is a century-old plan. If you want to save people immediately, you have to pull the stick.

Just like now, she is possessed by the grumpy full widow, directing the other party how to do things all the way.

The other party also regarded her as the nine-day mysterious girl in the sky, obeying every word.

This feeling is much better than those guys who always go the wrong way in teaching and investing.

The reason why the grumpy full widow was chosen is because she does not want to possess the gentlemen, although she has become a dog, that is also a female.

And a woman, if she wants to deter men, she must have a temper, otherwise, she will not be deterred at all.

"Ms. Xuannv, surround the Songshan faction for a while, what do you think I should do?" The heroic Quan Widow riding on the horse said in a low voice in her mind.

In her mind, a fairy above the nine heavens was rising and falling in the sea of ​​clouds.

"Using the public mind technique I taught." Zhao Han simply said.

"Yes, Lady Xuannv."

All widows get excited.

Her honest husband was killed because he offended a martial arts disciple. The reason was ridiculous: it was just because his reaction was dull and he didn't give way in time when the other party approached.

In the Taiping period, these martial arts disciples did not dare to be so arrogant, but now there are rebellions everywhere, and the court cares about one thing and another, and they start to be very arrogant.

The martial arts are in the body, and there is no control.

Heroes of justice: X.

Bullying men and women: R.

Half an hour later, a team of 700 people stopped at the foot of a mountain five to six hundred meters high.

There are already mountain guard disciples seeing them from a distance.

The two disciples of the Songshan faction wearing blue robes, jumped a few times, and fell in front of the team.

"Stop here, this is where the Songshan faction is located, what are you waiting for to disturb me?"

One of them spoke arrogantly.

It seems that the strict team of 700 people, in his eyes, is just like a chicken and a dog.

"You Songshan faction stole 300 stone of grain from our family camp, we are here to ask for grain!" A captain stepped forward and replied.

"Do you want food?" The two of them looked at each other, then laughed "haha", "You thieves, it's your honor that the Songshan faction sees your food!"

"The man hasn't disliked the amount of dust in the grain you bought. It took a lot of effort to let Mr. Huang take over. You still came to the door. I really don't know how to write dead words!"

The two guarding disciples cursed recklessly.

"Damn, you don't know how to write the word "death"!" Widow Quan was furious and waved her hand. "You robbed us of our life-saving food, not to survive, but to sell money? Damn you all!"

"Hahaha!" The two disciples laughed, leaning back and forth, then jumped up and flew to a rock.

"If you want to kill us, it's just you? This is the mountain road! And you are just a bunch of bandits!" Disciple Jia laughed.

"If it's an official army, we will give you three points. A mere group of thieves really think that they have learned a little about the military formation and are pretending to be in front of us?" Disciple B followed with a smile.

The two were completely reckless.

If the official army were to surround the mountain every day, they would not be able to stand it.

Moreover, the government can also find experts, but a group of refugees, if they grab it, they will grab it. Do they still want to surround the mountain?

If nothing else, can Master Huang at the foot of the mountain promise them?

You must know that Mr. Huang has a son who is studying in the mountains!

"Kill me!" The whole widow was completely out of anger!

They are just a group of poor people who want to survive. They just want to save their lives and innocence in troubled times. These people are unwilling to give it!

If you want to grab it, you can grab it, it's not food, it's their life.

Three hundred stones, 30,000 catties, boiled into gruel, mixed with bark and grass roots, can make 30,000 people live for an extra seven days!

And these people took them away and sold them.

"Kill!" Everyone was out of anger at the same time, and their voices shook the sky.

"It's enough to have a loud voice..." Songshan Sect disciple A had just finished speaking when he suddenly felt dizzy, as if something was aching in his mind!

"Ah!" His junior brother, Disciple B, was already unsteady and fell from the steep rock!

The brains burst, and red and white flowed to the ground.

just die?

Junior Brother is the third level of inner qi!

Because there are so many thieves and gangsters recently, the sect sent excellent disciples with good skills to guard the mountain, so as not to be killed by the thieves and gangsters.

And he is just two layers of inner qi.

Disciple A subconsciously turned around and fled.

It's just that when he was lucky, he found that the meridians seemed to be blocked by something and could not function at all!

Feel it carefully, the sense of blockage comes from the dizzy brain!

It seems that there is something in his mind that issues an order to stop Dantian from supplying internal power.

too weird.

He has never encountered such a thing before, wait, he has, remembered that when he went down the mountain to grab a marriage, he met an old monk, and the other party suddenly scolded, and let their sect people fail for a while and be punished. The old monk taught life.

"You guys, you actually know that kind of sorcery!" Disciple A shouted in panic as he clumsily climbed down the rock.

He wants to run away.

But even if he is familiar with the terrain, how can he escape?

More than a dozen hunting bows shot out in unison, and the arrows were inserted into him.

It's just that after all, he has finished quenching his body, and he has internal energy. This injury can easily kill ordinary people, but it is only a minor injury to him.

The One Mind Technique can only suppress martial arts, but it cannot deprive the opponent of the passive attributes.

His physique is still there, and the hardness of his skin is still there.

"Catch him quickly!" Quan Widow then ordered.

Dozens of soldiers from Orion swarmed up and captured Disciple Jia back.

"I ask, you answer. How many people are on the mountain, and what are their skills?"

Disciple A was in a panic, the sorcery just now and the sudden death of his junior brother completely frightened him.

He actually answered every question: "Forty-eight people on the have twelve inner qi, the three elders and the sect master are all through the veins, and the others are body quenching."

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"There are only so many people?" The whole widow said in disbelief.

"Oh, there are many servants, they are not human, right?" Disciple Jia said subconsciously.

"Bastard!" Widow Quan gave the other a whip.

These sects, like Dahao, do not treat slaves as human beings at all.

Killing a slave is better than killing a bull.

Cattle are more expensive than servants.

It is clear that cattle are much easier to breed than people, and it is clear that people are more difficult to feed than cattle, and people do more work than cattle. Why is cattle more expensive than people?

This is a question that all widows have been puzzled by.

"I said, we still have four or five hundred slaves, all boys and girls aged eleven or twelve. If they are over fifteen, they will be driven down the mountain."

"Why is this happening?" In addition to being angry, Widow Quan became interested in the sect she had never been in contact with.

"Because after the fifteenth year, those who did not learn it would be a waste of food on the mountain, and there was not much work to do on the mountain. These servants are actually miscellaneous disciples. They learn kung fu while working, and those with high aptitude will be listed. The entrance wall, get rid of the slave status. The villain was originally a bought servant." Disciple A said.

The whole widow suddenly understood.

The source of the disciples of this sect is to buy people, to buy young servants, and to be slaves and apprentices at the same time, without delay.

This method can well ensure that the green and yellow are connected.

No wonder they dared to rob their own food. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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