Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1599: must be rescued

"Go up the mountain and take back our food, no, silver!"

The whole widow gave an order, and the seven hundred people were divided into three teams. One team stayed at the foot of the mountain, and the other two teams advanced alternately.

It can be seen that they have gotten rid of the initial messy refugee state.

The Songshan faction responded quickly. When the team had just climbed the mountain road less than a mile, more than 20 Songshan faction disciples appeared in the forests on both sides of the mountain road. Their figures were hidden and hard to find.

They all held sharp swords and wore armors—this was an act of rebellion during the Taiping period. They were allowed to hold swords, but not to hide their armors.

As soon as they appeared, without saying a word, they immediately threw falling rocks!

The stone was about the size of someone's head, and it was thrown directly from the mountain road dozens of meters high.

Fortunately, according to marching regulations, a small number of outposts must be released ahead.

Now it is these sentries who have saved the lives of the entire army. They detected the falling of the stone in time, and immediately issued a rapid whistle to warn the rear.

"Disperse, retreat!" Seeing this, the whole widow immediately understood that the disadvantage was too great.

No wonder the people in these sects are so arrogant and so condescending, dozens of people can easily defeat thousands of elites!

They practice martial arts and are so powerful that they can throw stones for an hour!

Even though she was decisive and the team spread out in a timely manner, there were still seven or eight people who could not escape in time and were smashed into meat sauce, which was horrible!

This is still the result of her timely retreat. If she bravely rushed forward, only a few dozen of these hundreds would be intact.

Seeing them so embarrassed from above, arrogant laughter came from afar.

"I thought it was a big deal, that's all?"

"Haha, it turns out that the magic they used is nothing special, and they are afraid of stones!"

"Their sorcery can only work nearby, we are at a high place, they can't reach it!"

"Continue to rush, man, there are tens of thousands of stones here, one person can turn ten!"

All the widows were furious, but helpless.

The advantage of being condescending is too great. In the age of cold weapons, a young man who has never been trained can stone a battle-hardened veteran.

Therefore, before attacking the city, try to make cloud ladders and earth hills to level the gap.

But now that the other party is on the mountain, how do they make the ladder?

This is simply impossible.

The key is that they are not the military.

Officials can besiege slowly, have a lot of network resources, can find other masters to check and balance, they can't do this.

Back at the foot of the mountain, the whole widow immediately begged to the lady Xuannv: "My lady, what should we do now?"

Zhao Han was also a little helpless. After thinking about it for a while, she couldn't come up with it. Of course, if she gave her more time, she could come up with it.

But it's been too long, and I don't know how many people will die.

Those people from the Songshan faction will not watch.

She now appreciates the benefits of being a dog.

The old trick repeats itself: the watery dog's eyes flick towards Lao Guo, and then "beep" twice, roll over, and put his difficulties all over again.

Wen Rensheng's wisdom, of course, is not comparable to her, and gave her four words: "attack it will save you."

"Attack it will save you." She directly worked as a porter.

When the whole widow heard this, she was immediately stunned and admired the wisdom of Lady Xuannv.

It is indeed a god.

If you can't do anything, the other party can think of the key in an instant.

This is comparable to the wisdom of Zhuge Liang of the Three Kingdoms.

"Bring the disciple who was caught guarding the mountain to me..."

It was another interrogation, and they understood where the Songshan faction's place of salvation was—Master Huang in the county seat.

Mr. Huang is a key node in a series of necessary links in their lives, such as selling stolen goods, official protection, human trafficking... and so on.

Without these things, their Songshan faction would quickly be reduced to a ruined temple and a poor mountain. How could they support four or five hundred servants and forty or fifty full-time martial arts practitioners?

You must know that a person who practices martial arts can use ten to one hundred ordinary soldiers on top of it!

Without income, they can't stand it.

The whole widow was overjoyed, and immediately took her men and horses to the place where Mr. Huang must be rescued, a large manor outside the county.

A chain reaction quickly started.

Three days later, the Songshan faction, who received a report from Mr. Huang, had to give up the mountain road with huge advantages and sent more than 40 people down the mountain to rescue.

This counts as an outpouring.

Those who remained on the mountain were all old men and only a few young masters.


A Wubao manor is surrounded by an earthen wall made of three-meter-high glutinous rice juice, and there are several earthen buildings in the middle, with a group of people standing on it, frowning.

"Elders and masters, you are all strong in martial arts, why don't you raid their captains? If this continues, Zhuangzi will be in danger." The manor housekeeper said with a frown.

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"Damn, we can't fight in close combat, those people can do sorcery. Once in close combat, our martial arts will not be able to play, and we will become ordinary elites, and a dozen soldiers can hack us to death." An elder of the Songshan faction said angrily.

"Yeah, these pariahs can afford it, we can't afford it, each of us has been practicing since childhood, and we have worked hard for twenty or thirty years!"

"That's right, they went back to recruit people, and they practiced in three months."

During the conversation, another round of siege came.

The young men shouted their chants, held long ladders, bamboo guns and wooden shields, and surrounded the manor.

All widows, gather more than 6,000 young men, and besiege this The slogan is very simple, the food was robbed by this manor, and if you want your family to live, break the siege!

Before the siege, he also sent a letter to the county seat, saying that it was a grievance between the rivers and lakes.

Anyway, the magistrates just listened and didn't send troops out to suppress it.

If you send troops to suppress it, let’s not say whether there are so many troops. If you send troops, it will be a rebellion.

Anyway, if the other party doesn't come to fight the county right now, it doesn't matter, everyone is a lowly official, and they will leave as soon as they arrive in three years.

As for the filial piety given by Mr. Huang, it is true, but no matter how much, it is impossible to pay the army's salaries and grains to suppress the rebellion.

However, for the sake of money, they still sent a garrison of more than 200 people to go there to have a look, and finally reported for a "country fight".

Mr. Huang was so angry that he had to send people up the mountain overnight, and asked people from Songshan to rescue him.

At the critical moment, it is still reliable to sit on the ground.

Of course, liuguan won't create a vassal town, but they don't care, and they leave when they're done.

The people from Songshan didn't want to come, but Mr. Huang had no choice but to threaten that if they didn't come, next year's dividend would be gone.

Kill Master Huang and change another agent?

Not to mention that killing Mr. Huang with official skin is no different from killing an official to rebel. If this is the case, who would dare to cooperate with them?

The nurses and tenant farmers in Zhuangzi were still able to do their best. After all, if Zhuangzi was broken, they would starve to death.

The butler looked irritated.

Co-author, his master keeps a group of dogs that are useless on weekdays!

Knowing this earlier, it would be better to raise more than three hundred nursing homes, not better than these people?

It's still cheap to raise, and it's just a matter of recruiting a crop after it dies. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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