Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1656: food

In the beauty pageant venue, a man with a melancholy expression was staring blankly at the painting in front of him.

His smile was like a flower, and his eyes were shining, and he grabbed his heart at once.

Who is this?

Should be a very important girl.

Why can't I remember her name.

No, I even forgot my own name.

Just vaguely remember the various fragments of the past.

A football, a wasteland, a black and white chess piece...

Also met an interesting boy.

I don't know when the lost memory seems to be washed away by a black breath after returning to a certain place.

After that, he lived in a daze.

Someone tried to rob him, but he killed him casually.

Even bullets can't pose a threat to him.

Until today, when he came here, he was pressed by several tentacles and drew a picture in his heart.

"Who is she? What's my name?"

He muttered to himself.

There was a black man next to him, who heard the words "haha" and smiled: "Boy, that woman is very beautiful. It's different from the woman in our minds. Why don't you give us that painting and let's change it..."

The next moment, the black-skinned head exploded.

The man indifferently retracted his fist, reached out and picked up the scroll, and then ate it in his stomach.

In this wasteland, there is no place safer than your belly - until you die.

The people around saw this scene, but their faces were calm, just like seeing someone trample an ant to death.

In this wasteland, the breath of death and chaos is everywhere.

It's too easy to die.

It's easier to kill someone.

The man turned away.

He didn't know, there was a lot of sight behind him.


This man forgot his name, but when Wen Rensheng's eyes were projected through the source world, he recognized him at a glance.


This guy used to be Xiaohuan's big toy.

However, she had long since discarded it and left it behind her head.

Anyone with children knows how quickly children tire of those toys.

This guy, it is possible to extract the quality of "love".

Wen Rensheng nodded slightly and continued to watch.

I saw Dufferin walking all the way, confused all the way.

Eat, drink, sleep, go there, sleep there.

Without the protection of xenogeneic species and the luck given by the simulator, he would have died more than a hundred times.

There are aliens, always luckier.

For example, well-packaged old-time food can be found at critical times.

As he was walking, he heard the voices of several children outside an abandoned building.

The voices of those children were somewhat familiar.

"Phil, it's my turn to skate!"

"Leighton, wait a minute, I'll skate again."

"Crackling" a fighting sound.

"Wow wow wow" I cried.

"Hey, you two, don't fight!" Some familiar female voices sounded exhausted.

"Oh, Mama Andy, it's Phil who takes the slide."

"Leighton did it first!"

The sound of two little dogs arguing.

"Phil, why are you occupying the slide? Didn't my mother make a rule that everyone would play three times, and then give it to others?"

"Leiden, why do you want to do it? Didn't my mother say that anyone who is unreasonable will come to me to judge, instead of doing it privately?"

"Go to the penalty station."

Dufferin stood outside the building and was attracted by the female voice. He stood and listened for a long time.

Suddenly, a broken pickup stopped beside the building.

There were two people in the car. Hearing that, they looked towards the building with greed in their eyes.

"Brother, is there a woman in here?"

"Woman, that's great!"

"How many children are there?"

"The children are captured as slaves, and the women are left to us."

The two of them acted as if Dufferin didn't exist, and simply decided the fate of several people in the building.

The next moment, their heads all exploded.

"When you can simply decide the fate of others, your fate is already on the table." Dufferin casually said a philosophy that he didn't know where he came from.

Then he left.

He didn't stop because of the familiar voice.

It's just that after walking out not too far, I heard the voices of the two children again.

"Alas, two people died outside! Phil."

"Ah, Leighton, they look so fat! Suck! I've read, a famous writer said that organic matter can't be wasted."

"But Mama Andy's going to be pissed, Phil. She never let us catch the street beasts, not wild boars, not pheasants."

"Just don't let her know, she's skinny now and needs more protein, and we're going to keep the eggs for her."

"Okay, I'll block it for you, you go."

The voices of the two young children and the sound of picking up the corpse behind made Dufferin turn his head.

I saw a little white girl who only reached his knees, skillfully holding a dog-leg machete, slashing at the two people he killed.

"How could such a small child have so much strength?" The first thing he thought of was not what was wrong with doing this, but this.

He stopped.

He looked carefully.

After the child finished chopping, his mouth suddenly opened violently up and down, as big as a deep-sea giant shark, and cleaned up the remaining bones and meat in one bite.


He was silent.

There is really no hope in this wasteland.

Because the most hopeful children have become like this.

He turned and walked back.

The boy looked at him warily.

"You don't want to touch our pork. Although you killed it, you just don't want it anymore." The little girl said in a tough tone.

"Take me to meet your lord."

"No, you, get out!"

Dufferin glanced at her and was about to turn away.

At this moment, a woman with a frosty face walked out of the building.

"What are you doing? Wait, is it you?" The woman was about to have a seizure, but was stunned when she saw Dufferin.

"Do you recognize me? Then can you tell me, what's my name?" Dufferin stared at the woman.

"You forgot your name? Yes, it's good to survive in this world, come with me." The woman looked at him with a complex look.

"Oh. What's your name then?"


Andy made a pork burger sandwich.

But Dufferin didn't take a bite.

The two children next to them, the boy's name is Leiden and the girl's name is Phil, but they are delicious.

"Why don't you eat?" Andy asked with concern.

"I don't need to eat now." Dufferin shook his head.

"If you don't want to eat it, give me that portion." Phil couldn't wait to grab the sandwich in front of him, "This is a pork sandwich, my favorite."

Dufferin knew the meaning of pork, but he didn't feel sick.

When the world returns to wasteland, only the laws of nature, not social common sense, can restrain people.

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