Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1657: resist


Dufferin found out that Andy also raised a child, but that child never showed up, and when he was eating, he didn't show his face, and Leighton sent it to him.

In addition, he discovered another terrible thing: in the eyes of the little boy Leiden and the little girl Phil, the dead people were pigs.

This is not a conceptual view, but the image displayed to their naked eyes, which is a pig.

He found this out because the little girl Phil drew a picture of her just hunting.

The two dead people in the painting are the images of two wild boars.

Living people are people in their eyes, but after death, they become pigs, cattle and sheep in their eyes.

"What do you usually live on?" Dufferin asked.

For some reason, he wanted to care about Andy, although the other party never told him his original name.

"We just pick up iron blocks, books, and plastics from the ruins and sell them to those who collect them." Leiden replied, gnawing on his left hand.

His left hand is green and has grown a fruit...

Well, this is a plant parasitic on the body, as long as you provide water and inorganic salts, and get sunlight every day, you can eat yourself.

However, this can only be regarded as a snack. After all, the law of energy transfer is there, and the sunlight that one hand can receive is too limited.

It turned out that they relied on collecting junk for hygiene.

Yes, McCann was too rich in the past, and even if it became a wasteland, the remaining social wealth would not be exhausted in a hundred years.

Steel, plastic, paper, these are all things that last a long time.

And it is convenient to be processed into various daily necessities.

"Anti's mother also planted a vegetable garden. The vegetables we usually eat are picked from the vegetable garden. But the vegetable garden is usually covered, otherwise, outsiders will find it." Phil continued.

Dufferin felt an inexplicable sadness.

The other person should not live this kind of life.

The other party should live in a clean apartment or villa, have running water and electricity, have toilet paper, eat steak every day, drive a car...

And that is the most ordinary life.

"I remember that Dongzhou organized immigration, why didn't you leave?" Dufferin asked again.

He could see that four people should meet the conditions of immigration.

They are all women and children, and they don't have any burdens, and they can't do anything bad.

"Anti's mother said she was waiting for someone."

"If she doesn't go, neither will we."

The two children chatted.

"I see." Dufferin felt a sudden pain in his head.

"The person she's waiting for, isn't it you? Uncle." Phil asked suddenly.

"It can't be him. He's too old," Leighton objected.


Dufferin stroked his beard, thought about it, and ran away quickly.

Half a moment later, a young, handsome and sunny player with a rugby ball appeared in front of the two little ones.

"Big, big brother, who are you looking for?" Phil opened his eyes wide and turned around.

She smelled the scent of shampoo, hairspray, deodorant from the other person.

Foreigners have strong body odor, and deodorant is a necessity of life.

"You need a pound of hairspray!" Leighton exclaimed.

"It's so extravagant." Phil bit his finger and said.

"Tomorrow morning, you can go." After Anti came out, her eyes lit up, and then she said.

"Why did you let me go again?" Dufferin didn't know why he added the word "again".

"Because of this." Andy said, taking out a cell phone.

"Mobile phone? Can this mobile phone determine your choice?" Dufferin wondered.

Antti put the phone in front of him.

A string of information appeared above.

"You met an old friend yesterday."

"The old man decided to stay..."

"On the fifth day, the alien aura in the deceased body attracted a powerful mutant beast."

"He died fighting to protect you and the children."

"You died too, only one child survived."

"This, is this an oracle?" Dufferin asked in surprise.

"Forget it, at least it has helped us through dozens of life-and-death crises." Andy kept staring at his eyes.

It's like remembering him in my heart.

Dufferin knew about the McCann woman. After her boyfriend died in battle, he could quickly buy a sports car with his pension and hand in a new boyfriend that night.

A woman like Antti can be said to be one in a thousand.

Maybe it has something to do with her liking the ancient culture of Dongzhou.

Therefore, it is better to be a feudal society.

Dufferin thought to himself, and then he understood why a woman with three weird children could survive in this wasteland.

Without this prophecy phone, they would have been reduced to slaves and even food.

"If I didn't show up, what happened to those two people yesterday?"

"Did anyone come yesterday? The phone only shows that two wild boars wandered here and were killed by the traps set, and the pork sandwiches came from their meat." Andy wondered.

Dufferin did not speak.

He was silent, staring at the phone.

This thing is manipulating people's hearts and manipulating everyone's destiny.

You think it is accurately predicting the future, but it is actually manipulating your choices.

Well, the phone is not wrong. After the two people died, in the eyes of others, they may be wild boars.

It's just that he has a different species, can resist hallucinations, and it can be seen that they are still human.

He didn't mind that Andy might have eaten pork.

What is this?

Survive maximum.

Although he doesn't know how to eat, he doesn't hypocritically think that others should insist on the same as him.

"My strength is very strong, I can find a way to kill that mutant beast." He insisted.

He felt that the woman was very similar to the image of the woman in his mind, but it was a little old...


He is also a puppy.

"You can't kill it, let's go, I have tried to do things against the words of this phone, and I almost died." Andy shook his head.

"No, no, my power is beyond its imagination." Dufferin decided to stay.

He doesn't believe that a mobile phone's predictive power is so strong. If it is those powerful aliens, it may be able to do it.

"Then let's go." Andy said to the two little ones, "Phil, Layton, call your brother, let's get out of here."

"It's a pity, the cucumbers in the backyard are still a week away."

"You can also eat it now."

"But watermelon is definitely not edible."

"Take it, raw watermelon can also be cooked and eaten."

"The car isn't that big."

The three of them talked about the evacuation as if they were looking at Dufferin as air.

Dufferin was not convinced.

He hasn't had the urge to prove himself for a long, long That's the urge only when he was young.

Want to prove to anyone that he is the best quarterback.

Standing on the highest podium, enjoying the most and the most conspicuous eyes, hearing the most and loudest applause.

I don't know since when, he lost his heart.

Maybe he saw the truth of the world.

Clouds of shadows that were so huge that people suffocated, pressed down.

Those applause, sunshine, praise, in front of the shadows, are so insignificant.

The world is going to be destroyed, and you will become the world's first, what's the excitement?

This is not the same as getting a grand prize before dying, the latter can still be excited.

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