Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1660: challenge

"Can you escape by yourself?"

After his death, standing at the foot of the Tyrannosaurus again, Dufferin felt a trace of inexplicable fear in his heart.

It must work!

Just like facing the former strong team, after repeated defeats and battles, they finally defeated the opponent: Well, the three strongest players of the opponent were dug over by them.

Thinking of this, he seemed to have an idea.

As he ran, he shouted: "I have money, a lot of money, as long as you are willing to let me go, I will give you all the money."

Of course this is useless.

He was just trying to see if the Tyrannosaurus had wisdom.

Smart guys can be bought, you can never buy a machine.

Tyrannosaurus seemed stunned, it seemed to understand what the other said.

Then it called up to the sky twice.

It's a pity that Dufferin couldn't understand each other's words, so he could only take the opportunity to run farther.

He suddenly found that he was stupid, he should not wait for the Tyrannosaurus to come, but to find a car and drive to find the plain-looking man.

But there was a problem with that, and that was that he found each other through that crow.

But where is the crow?

Raven, Raven...

While distracted, Tyrannosaurus stepped on it with one foot.

he died.

This time, before dying, he saw a crow flying from a distance.

It turned out to be so.

As long as you entangle with the Tyrannosaurus for long enough, the other party will fly over.


After ten simulations, Dufferin finally got to the crow's flight.

But this is only the beginning of a new death.

The crow took him all the way, but unfortunately he couldn't escape the Tyrannosaurus chasing behind him.

Later, he thought of a way to hide a few cars nearby in advance, and get in the car when the crow came.

You can't run ahead, you have to entangle with the tyrannosaurus for a long time before the crow will fly over.

He didn't come before because the time was too short, and he died.

Probably when he faced the Tyrannosaurus, the breath of dying drew this crow?

He knew that crows liked to gather where death appeared.

This time, he got into the car just in time when the crow appeared, and drove all the way.

But he was embarrassed to find that the crow's flying speed was limited, so he couldn't catch up with his car, and couldn't fall into the car...

He had to take an oversized S-turn, get the crow into his car, and speed up.

In doing so, he wasted time.

Bigfoot fell, and he was trampled with the crow.


He learned to be smart, he remembered the direction the crow appeared, and hid the car in that direction.

This time, he finally drove the car, took the crow, slipped the Tyrannosaurus, and drove in the direction of the man.

Only halfway through, the car broke down.

This time, the people and the car were swallowed into the mouth, and only the crow flew away.

"Is it really that difficult? Why was I able to live well in the wasteland before? Could it be that I didn't exist in those years?" Dufferin shouted in the sky, as if he couldn't write math homework when he was a child.

He was puzzled.

If it was so difficult, he should have died in the wasteland.

One wrong step is death, and he will never live now.

In fact, he has also encountered mutant beasts more than a dozen times. If he can't beat them and escape in time, the mutant beasts will give up after chasing them for a certain distance, because the consumption is too high.

Unlike this time, the tyrannosaurus entangled him, completely violating the logic of the normal hunting of creatures.

If the opponent is a small creature like a wolf pack, it is normal to be entangled.

But the Tyrannosaurus is an oversized body of several hundred meters. Even if there is the temptation of a different species, it should not be so deadly chasing.

Like someone ordered it.

Is someone targeting him?

Dufferin subconsciously thought of this idea.

He suddenly thought of what a director said: "The story will only appear when the protagonist appears."

Yes, he is the protagonist.

He meets the heroine and the story begins.

The connotation of the story is the accident.

That's why he was so difficult.

And there is a key to the cracking of the story.

The crow is the key to solving the story.

This is a difficult story.

He has to pay attention to every detail to survive.

The car will break down, so it needs to be checked in advance.

Looking for the car and waiting for the Tyrannosaurus to show up, he can't do nothing.

Make the best use of your time.

Thinking of this, he calmed down.

It won't die anyway, just pretend it's a wolf.

He does it again.

Find vehicles, service them, and remove parts from other vehicles.

He found some hidden dangers, changed the tires, filled up the oil and fuel, and made all preparations to welcome the arrival of the Tyrannosaurus again.


Tyrannosaurus appeared again.

This time, Dufferin finally took the crow, and in good condition, he was able to escape the pursuit of the other party.

Just watching the Tyrannosaurus pull farther and farther.

There was an inexplicable taste in his heart.

He stopped the car slowly.

The crow was puzzled, fluttering its wings desperately, pointing ahead, as if to say, not far.

He shook his head: "Humans are such animals. After a challenge has passed, they feel that there is no stimulation, just like playing with greater stimulation."

"Now, I want to try, can I kill that tyrannosaur with my ability!"

He completely forgot his previous irritability and incompetence, and now he is full of eagerness to try again.

The crow was stunned, as if he couldn't understand why he was so stubborn?

At this time, the Tyrannosaurus has caught up.

He activates the alien species, uses what he has learned over the years, and fights with each other.

In the face of such a huge volume of life, his combat experience is only:

When being eaten, lie down obediently, do not move, the more you move, the more painful it will be to die.

"Is illusion okay?"

He began to perform a trick he had learned in the bar.

A shimmer of light lit under the Tyrannosaurus's neck.

Wrong place.

It should hit the eyes, but the purpose of casting a spell of a few hundred meters is still too far away.


Dufferin naturally didn't know that the person he was looking for was looking at him from a distance.

Wen Rensheng was drinking tea, sitting on the sofa, watching the scene of man and dinosaur fighting in front of him.

This is mapped with illusion.

He put a mark on that and you can see each other's every move.

"This guy is so small, can he deal with such a big dinosaur? His mutant is just a regular mutant with no special abilities." Xiao Huan asked curiously.

"People are different, let's see if he is that different person now." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

"Uh, is that so? Is he different then? Would you like me to take a test?" Xiao Huan said excitedly.

"You don't make trouble, it's good to sing honestly." Wen Rensheng nodded his little head.

"Singing? twitter, twitter, twitter... I'm a happy little bird. I can't get enough to eat every day. I want a warm embrace. Is such a requirement too high..."

Xiao Huan sang with the bird's voice.

The degree of being out of tune actually reminded Wen Rensheng of his past life, when he made a fool of himself at the school concert.

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