Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1661: last minute

After more than 300 simulations, Dufferin discovered the weakness of the Tyrannosaurus.

That's the back of the neck.

The two front hands can't catch it, and the head turns around, and it can't bite.

And it's a deadly location.

As long as he climbed up along his body, the other party could only roll around on the ground to drive him away.

However, rolling on the ground will also leave gaps due to its huge size.

This became his hiding place.

Punching and kicking, then a knife and axe, and finally a chainsaw and a drill.

Another hundred simulations...

Tyrannosaurus is dead.

"Haha, haha, I succeeded!" Dufferin exclaimed ecstatically.

He wants to film it and show this scene to that woman, he can break the prophecy of the future!

He can do it!

He laboriously cut off one of the Tyrannosaurus's teeth, and he's going to use this to prove that he beat the other.

Then drove the car and happily went to the shelter.

He drives fast.

It took only an hour or so to reach the refuge under the cliff.

When he saw the shelter, he was stunned.

Because the three-headed tyrannosaurus is there eating a lot...

Dufferin only felt a voice in his head mocking him: "Are you surprised or surprised?"

In front of several exits in the sanctuary, there were bloodstains and corpses piled high.

He swept over carefully, and then saw a familiar car...

He shouldn't let the other party go to this sanctuary.

However, another thought arose in his mind, even if he let the other party go to another place, the Tyrannosaurus would follow him.

It was you who brought bad luck to each other.

Just like in the story, the unknown heroines often do not have such a tragic fate, only the heroine is repeatedly tossed.

He was silent, then jumped up at one of the tyrannosaurs.

Just like the first time, he jumped directly into the opponent's mouth, the only difference is that he lay flat.

Immediately afterwards, a teardrop fell from the mouth of the huge Tyrannosaurus.

The dead Dufferin couldn't see it, but Wen Rensheng saw it.

"Why can't it be saliva? Both are water." Xiao Huan raised his bar.

"The emotions contained in the two kinds of water are different." Wen Rensheng sighed.

"I don't understand." Xiao Huan said with a headache, scratching his head with his small claws.

"Let's see."

"Why don't you do it?"

"When you start, you can't see a purpose."

"I still don't understand, I'll play with Lao Han next time."

"Well, you two have a common language."


Dufferin was awake again.

This time, he didn't prepare the vehicle and didn't say much, but went back to sleep...

Sleeps until the tyrannosaurus eats him.

Wake up again, sleep again, be eaten again.

Of course he didn't give up.

He was thinking, how to save two people at the same time?

It seems impossible.

If he can kill one, he is doing his best, not to mention going to two places and killing four?

However, when he activated the alien again and fought against the Tyrannosaurus, he found that the alien became stronger.

His use of alien species is more flexible and agile.

It wasn't too obvious, but it gave him hope.

Even hundreds of times, thousands of times, as long as he continues to become stronger, when he is strong enough that he doesn't have to run away, when he is strong enough to defend the two of them, his story will end.

And then into a peaceful marriage without a story.

A trace of saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth, and then it was swallowed by the Tyrannosaurus.

He did not give up, but mobilized the source power to form a thin spherical cover, wrapping himself in it.

When entering the esophagus, he began to act as a demon.

The esophagus was broken, and it came to the trachea, the trachea was broken... The Tyrannosaurus coughed violently and spit him out.

Then he didn't look back and ran to Antti's side.

Running past, he then found the three-headed tyrannosaurus besieging the shelter.

Antti and the others were blocked at the exit.

By the way, where is the xenogeneic person on the evaluation a?

He thought to himself, then bravely rushed towards a Tyrannosaurus.

He thought that the Tyrannosaurus would be one-on-one, but who knew that the other two would come at the same time.

He repeated his old tricks, but the three-headed Tyrannosaurus simultaneously stretched out their mutated tongues, the tiny, blood-red tongues with forks, and wrapped him at the same time.


Three horses dismembered...


He thought so before dying.

Come again.

But this time, when he saw the phone, a sentence appeared on it:

"The number of individual simulations has reached the upper limit."

upper limit?

Can't simulate anymore?

Does everyone have a fixed number of times?

He wasted too many times.

There is always a chance.

As a result, it failed again and again, again and again.

What should he do?

Is there no way out?

In anxiety, he thought of a way out.

Yes, he remembered that the crow had taken him a long way.

Unfortunately, he had to do it himself, wanted to defeat the Tyrannosaurus himself, and did not follow.

In fact, he should have coordinated it.

Make sure to retreat first, find the way to the man, and then challenge the Tyrannosaurus.

At this point, it's too late to regret these.

He took the initiative to drive, took the four of them, and drove in the direction he remembered.

It didn't take long for the four tyrannosaurs to be surrounded from four directions.

Fortunately, the alien species has been enhanced a lot in many simulations, and he also knows the tricks of the Tyrannosaurus:

Just a step, a bite, a sweep.

The car nimbly bypassed the Tyrannosaurus attack and fled all the way.

Finally he saw the crow flying.

This frees him from worrying about losing his way.

Next, run to where the man is.

It's a bit embarrassing, but it's probably the reality.

It is not so easy to solve the opponent by opening and hanging.

Time passed by, and the car turned around one giant pit after another, leaving the four-headed Tyrannosaurus behind.

Fortunately, their speed is not faster than the speed of the car, otherwise, there is really nowhere to escape.

He also thought, where does the energy of such a huge body come from?

You must know that the aircraft carrier is only more than 300 meters long, and it consumes 200 tons of heavy oil in one day's operation.

And at sea, the huge buoyancy of sea water reduces too much consumption.

And these tyrannosaurs, hundreds of meters high, are still on land, and they are still very inefficient bioenergy.

Naturally, he didn't know that the wasteland had been simulated, and these so-called consumptions were just some data.

Just like in the game, the value of several Jing is also casual.

Just thinking about it, the crow suddenly "quack".

He looked up and looked into the distance, and saw a remote hotel in the distance.

The hotel looks clean.

Built here, don't know who to entertain?

Do you entertain ghosts?

He accelerated, and when he got close, he saw a man drinking tea on the balcony on the third floor of the hotel.

He couldn't see his face clearly.

I don't know why the simulator has to use the words "plain-looking" to describe each other.

He always felt that the appearance of the other party should be the words "indescribable".

The man looked at him.

He suddenly thought of the words on his phone, then turned his head to look behind him.

The four tyrannosaurs were already chasing very close, but just a few steps away, it became a moat.

They were glanced at by the man, and then fell to the ground one after another.

"Finally survived."

Dufferin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He slowed down the speed of the and then saw that the man was shaking his head at him.

The crow made another "quack" sound.

He found that the vehicle was lifted.

It turned out that, at some point, under the ground, an earth dragon appeared, with the same huge mouth, and swallowed the man and the car.

Like last time, he broke the esophagus and trachea and escaped.

But three of the other four people in the car died.

Only the last unnamed child survived.

Dufferin stood blankly in front of the Tulong corpse.

it's all over.


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