Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1691: kick the ball

Dongshui City is in chaos.

First, the group retracted to four years old, then collectively rolled to ten years old, and then rolled to eighteen years old. The impact on many people was like a roller coaster.

"God must have descended, and He is testing us!" On the Dongshui LAN, everyone was in a rage.

"Only God can control the age of people freely, but why does He do this?"

"It's ridiculous for ordinary people to guess what God thinks."

"It's okay to be ten years old, but it's too scary to be four years old, won't everyone starve to death?"

"Why don't you just move out?"

There are different opinions, some people are going to take the train to leave the debris world, and some people are still going to stay and see.

Those who choose to stay verbally are all over forty.

However, when they came to the train station, they found that the place was gone...

Yes, the train station disappeared.

Empress Dowager Lu has experienced feudal society, how can she understand the truth of giving people choices?

"No, aren't we stuck here?"

"so what should I do now?"

Where the train station is, it is crowded with people.

Seeing this state, Empress Dowager Lu frowned a little, and said coldly: "It seems that the ppt still needs to be revised."

"Stop, you let the big guy rest for two days, you can't keep up with your rhythm." Mao Qiu said with a headache.

"Well, just use two days to modify my ppt."

Saying that, she left the stone fog and came to a hotel.

With such a drastic change, all the people in the hotel ran away, which saved the trouble of checking in.

Turn on the computer and revise her 300-page ppt on how to build a better world.

A pure world.

Between people, there are no superfluous thoughts.

No one harms anyone, and no one wants to harm anyone.

Going back to ten years ago, it was feasible, but how to control so many modern devices?

With that, people only need to eat, clothe, live, ride horses, listen to dramas, and do not need electric lights.

The ancestors of the feudal society can live, there is no reason why these people can't live.

There is no need for so much equipment, and primary school students can have less homework because they don???t need to learn the knowledge of the industrial age.

It can be replaced by obedient animals such as cows, horses, donkeys, etc., and it is naturally pollution-free... The key is that she can't hear the voices of these animals.

She completely forgot about cow dung pollution, horse dung pollution, donkey dung pollution... The roads in feudal cities are dirty, and they have a share of the credit.

Write as you write, and edit as you write.

Naturally, she didn't know that every word she wrote was seen by Wen Rensheng.

Is this idyllic state really attractive?


But that's for the high-class people like literati, poker, and dignitaries.

Let them go to the field to brave the sun, harvest wheat ears, and let them go to the surrounding area to pick up firewood and cook for a meal... No one will ever want to go back to this idyllic scenery.


But what if the Omniscient Chaos liked this one?

Anything is possible.

Two days later.

Dongshui people want to cry but have no tears.

The high-rise buildings were gone, and turned into small farmyards, with tile-roofed houses in the back and courtyards in front.

In the yard is the garden, firewood room, kitchen, plus pigpen and dry toilet.

The power plant disappeared and became a pasture.

The waterworks were gone and turned into a big lake.

Other modern facilities disappeared one after another.

Large shopping malls have become farmers' markets, bluestone stalls are built, and stone-paved streets are full of potholes.

Gu Kun

"Well, how should I live here?" An eighteen-year-old white-collar worker looked at his current home, a small farmyard, with blank eyes.

As for how he knew, because his name and ID number were written on it, the corresponding memory also appeared in his mind.

Although it was a bit of a profit to turn from an apartment into a house, but he didn't know how to make a fire and cook.

After all, electricity is usually used, and natural gas is not available.

"Dad, I'm hungry," his eighteen-year-old son shouted.

"We are the same age now, you will cook in the future." The white-collar worker shouted at his son.

"I've played in farmhouses, and I know how to start a fire. Use matches first. Wait, there's no matches? Is there a lighter?" His eighteen-year-old wife was the only happy person in the family.

As long as she gets younger, not to mention returning to the feudal society, it is fine to return to the slave age, as long as she is not a slave.

"Do you want to drill wood to make fire?" The white-collar worker scoured the only knowledge in his mind.

"Impossible, let me think about how the ancients cooked?" The wife thought to herself.

Soon she found a flint and tinder, hit a spark, landed on the tinder, and made a fire...

Of course they failed.

The final solution is to go out and borrow a fire.

This is the common way to make a fire in a feudal village. There are many people, and there will always be someone who will save the fire.

In the end, they borrowed fire from a wild survival enthusiast.

"In the future, the fire should be left under the stove at home, and the firewood should not be burnt clean, leave a section, bury it with ashes, let it burn slowly, and make a fire next time when cooking." The wild survival enthusiast instructed.

"Thank you bro."

By lending the fire, this lover was quickly elected as the village chief.

After some tossing, the three people spent a full six hours before eating a pile of hot porridge and rice.

The meal is pickled vegetables with wotou...

"The good news is that this kind of meal doesn't make people fat," the white-collar worker told his family.

His son threw it aside after only two bites, and went to find his phone.

How could it be found?

"My phone?"

"I can't live without a mobile phone!"

The son shouted suddenly.

"Then what do you want to do?" The white-collar worker was also worried.

"I'm running away from home, I'm looking for a place with a cell phone and a computer!"

"If you could go out, I would have taken you all long ago. Don't think about it. This must be a powerful and mysterious event. You have to be thankful that it was not a zombie outbreak or a doomsday crisis." White-collar workers still know a lot of things.

"I do hope there is doomsday, in that case, I can become a doomsday hunter!" The son gestured with the gun.

"Go back and write your homework! The college entrance examination is coming soon." The wife slapped her son.

"Ah, it's the end of the day, do you still have to do your homework? I don't, I'm going to play!" The son slammed the door open and left.

However, he was soon disappointed.

Because, there is no need to play.

But it's not right, a lot of young people are starting to play football.

It should be said that some old fans quickly found entertainment.

The history of this football is very long. Although there is no modern ball, it can be made with rags and leather.

My son is interested in and soon joined the team.

Kick and kick, someone started to feel that something wasn't quite right.

"Strange, why do I feel like I'm missing something?" a sturdy forward said.

"Me too." The defender who was defending him on the opposite side followed.

"I see," the son said. "Look at the beauties watching us play football... Sisters, don't you feel anything?"

"I feel it, it's too ugly." The guard shook his face in disgust.

"Uh, it seems like this." The strong forward followed, "Okay, okay, continue to play football and don't play with girls."


A group of men started kicking again.


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