Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1692: adapt

Dongshuicheng, the original site of a university, has become a school.

A group of university professors are sitting in the grass hut at this time, discussing the current situation.

Others can only care about survival, they have to think about the future, just sit and talk about it, professional habits.

"I found out that people have lost the psychological basis for reproduction." Professor A told a terrible fact.

"I also discovered this. Although it is a good thing to change back to eighteen years old, without the drive for reproduction, our closed city, I am worried that it will die out in a hundred years at most." Professor B worried.

"I have a bigger worry, who will cook at noon?" Professor C looked around. "The canteen auntie and the master chefs have already gone home..."

"Why? We didn't fire them again." Professor A said in surprise.

"They said that they don't know how to use this kind of large earthen stove. It will take several days to cook dishes for hundreds of people. Let us find a way." Professor C said helplessly.


Everyone is silent, this is not a joke, that kind of large earthen stove, it is very troublesome to make a fire, let alone cooking.

"It seems that it is not a matter of reproduction, but a matter of eating and dressing." Professor A said cautiously.

As soon as he finished speaking, the guard came in: "Ladies and gentlemen, there are people from the yamen outside the door, please go and discuss what to do in the future."

"Old Zhangtou, you've changed fast enough, so you're going to start calling the master?" Professor B quipped.

"That's because I often look at it like this, isn't it a collective journey back to the ancient times? Of course, this ancient rule must be picked up." The guard said plausibly.

"Okay, your kid must have a future."

A group of professors followed the guards away, and then they met the people from the former marketing department. Maybe they should be called the prefect yamen now?

Director, Deputy Director, Secretary, staff of various departments...

At this time, they were helpless in the face of drastic changes.

"Professors, you know a lot, first help you solve the problem of eating in this ancient environment." The director saw the professors coming, as if he had the backbone.

"I should ask a professor from the Department of History for this matter. I'm in high energy physics, so I can't help," said Professor Ding.

"Then why are you here?" Someone asked suspiciously.

"Come to dinner, I'm a bachelor, the cafeteria is closed, and I don't know how to cook." Professor Ding was righteous.

Everyone thought he was right.

Taking a closer look, it turns out that the majority of people who come to mix and eat.

Professor Li of the History Department was pushed out.

"Old Li, you are a big winner who has published many papers. It's up to you."

"No, I'm studying ancient dictionaries. Those of you who live in the people should find folklore experts or archaeologists." Professor Li shook his head.

"Then find old Chen from archaeology."

Professor Chen said: "No, no, I specialize in the study of stone monuments, and the guy who cooks the fire must be Lao Zhao, who is engaged in folklore."

Professor Zhao said, "I'm studying folklore and ancient music..."

The director looked at it, suddenly thought of a scene, and immediately said: "I understand, you are all chefs in the imperial kitchen, you can only chop green onions."

No one thought that the last solution to the problem was the teachers of the sports university next door.

"These things are very easy to use, and it is much more convenient than when we enthusiasts do field survival training." A certain physical education teacher skillfully hit the flint with a scythe to teach everyone to start a fire.

"To collect firewood, we mainly use the straw, corn stalks and straws in the fields... After burning, we need to accumulate fertile fields. There are very few plain forests, and they cannot be cut down, mainly because the forests belonged to the landlords in ancient times. beaten."

"Okay, quickly make a strategy, post it into a notice, and teach the citizens to use it, and we are a mega city with 12 million people, which is absolutely unaffordable for the ancient productive forces. The existing materials can support two weeks, but it is absolutely impossible. Long-term operation." The director continued.

The crowd nodded.

This is inevitable. In ancient large cities, the largest population was on the order of one million, and such cities must have unobstructed waterways to supply food, cloth and various necessities. It is difficult for cities without waterways to break through this scale.

The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal was built for this purpose.

"That is to say, people should be distributed to the surrounding area in an orderly manner, and let them use the surrounding land to live."

"Most people have to switch jobs to become farmers."

"The peasants have a hard life, can they bear this crime?" Some people expressed doubts.

"This is the price of being 18, and they have to suffer if they don't want to." Another emphasized.

That being said, when the people from the Marketing Department started to publicize it, they were instinctively opposed by everyone.

"I don't want to be a farmer in ancient times. Just watching costume dramas can tell you that farming is exhausting."

"Whoever likes to go will go."

"But do you have a job? Now you can't find your job." The staff of the Marketing Department explained.

The crowd was silent.

Most people do non-physical work, which is completely useless in this ancient environment.

Such as lawyers, economics...

"We have calculated that each household can have enough grain, rice and noodles for at most half a month. The saving point is one month, and the wasting point is one week. Do you want to wait until one month later to starve to death?"

"This matter should be solved by you, I remember, I remember something?" Someone wanted to say a few words, but found that they couldn't think of it.

"We are all ordinary people. At most, we can find some strategies for everyone to maintain order. It is impossible to create something out of nothing. That is something that can only be done by immortals."

"Yes, we can ask the gods. Since we can be 18 years old, why not just give us a steady stream of granaries?" Someone said excitedly.

Don't say this, it really arouses the approval of many people.

"Self-reliance is king. It may be a mysterious phenomenon to change back to 18 years old. You can pray to God, but you can't pin all your hopes on it." The staff continued.

The crowd nodded.

Then they started to pray to God.

Naturally, it didn't work out.

The question is, who should be evacuated and who should stay?

There are benefits to staying because the property is ready-made.

After the evacuation, it is necessary to rebuild the house, which is a big project. When the ancients built a good house, it was often counted in years.

What's more, the kind of courtyard they live in now could only be lived in by large families in ancient times.

They can only temporarily live in some thatched huts, provided there is enough wood.

The more shrewd people can see that, at most a month, there will be a big chaos.

Some people started moving around and forming groups.

The people in the Marketing Department are exhausted. In the past, these things were handled by the computer management system, but now there is no such convenience, and they have to come to the door in person.

Recruiting people, that requires Oops, look at what you made, it's a mess, is this okay? This is not good. ' complained Furball.

"Listening to what you said, you seem like a person, but I'm like a monster." Lu Zhi said coldly.

"Uh, you haven't heard of it, are you a monster..." Hairball became bolder for some reason.

Perhaps after seeing a more terrifying guy, he felt that the original owner was nothing more than this?

To its surprise, Lu Zhi didn't stab it with a knife.

"I'm a monster, um, that's fine, just let me live in a monster world." Lu Zhi nodded, and then started editing on her ppt.

Furball looked at the busy people outside with sympathy.

They never imagined that they had just begun to adapt to the environment, and the environment began to change again...

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