Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1737: old way

The captain of the cavalry was very surprised. A guy who was originally stupid, short-sighted, greedy, and wise can actually become smart, resolute and accurate in just a few breaths.

is it possible?

He thought of the voice just now, it should be the evil god.

As a mercenary, he has naturally heard the legend of the evil god, in the tavern, in the hotel, and in the place where he is fond of.

It's just that he never took it seriously.

What you see on the battlefield is swords and armor, not some evil god.

However, at this time, he had to believe that the power of this evil **** was too powerful.

He regretted a little, maybe he should have agreed just now.

No one at the scene understood better than him the role of a powerful commander on the battlefield.

However, at this time, he could only summon the cavalry as ordered by Sir Sir.

In fact, the cavalry had already lined up.

They were all hired cavalrymen, with five subordinates, standing under their own horses, wearing well-wiped inlaid armor, with iron pieces inlaid at key positions inside the leather armor.

They looked a little panicked.

On the contrary, the horses were in good spirits and showed no signs of fear.

Mercenaries can only fight against the wind.

"Everything is ready, we will **** Sir Sir to break through the siege in a while." The cavalry captain shouted to his men.

"Ready." The five answered together.

"Very good, wait for the order."

The captain of the cavalry went to summon the squires again. The squires are all the gentlemen of the sergeant. Except for him and the sergeant, it is useless to call others.

Soon, 20 attendants in leather armor rushed over.

Twenty-six people, this is the only person in the castle who is capable of fighting and can see blood on the battlefield.

Others just make up the number, and they will faint when they see blood.

At this moment, he heard the civil magistrate shouting from the castle.

"Master has an order to distribute the food to everyone, and everyone can come and receive five loaves of dry bread and three pieces of dried meat."

The cavalry captain was a little puzzled.

Usually, he doesn't show kindness and righteousness, and when he is about to distribute food, he expects those **** to fight. As expected, this master still doesn't fully understand.

But when he saw the messy scene of receiving food, he quickly figured it out.

If the food is not distributed, attack the castle on the opposite side. As long as 30 people are sent to guard the granary, the others can chase the gentleman who is carrying the soft.

If it goes on, they will send 300 people to harvest food head by head.

In the process of collecting, there will definitely be murders.

He knew all too well that when those serfs saw rough bread and dried meat, they would eat them deadly.

They will not save, and there is no place to save them. Only the belly is the best place to store it.

In this case, the master has time to escape.

As for why he didn't set fire to burn the food, that was because he was afraid that the other party would be angry and chase him.

After thinking about this, he was even more horrified by the power of the evil god.

To make a person with no common sense of the battlefield think of so many things in a short period of time, this is the power of God.

Two days later, the serf let the serfs eat while guarding the castle, and then he led people through the back door and slipped away in the middle of the night.

Before leaving, he took the blacksmith, carpenter and some other craftsmen, as well as the arrows that had just been forged.

People like Sir Jazz appear frequently.

All the old forces in the Middle Ages gathered together and did their best to protect their original interests.

Food, weapons, sorcery, sacrificial offerings... all that can be used.

The momentum of the Destroyer sweeping everything was finally stopped.

After all, they are fighting on the road, and the support that the Black Tentacles can give them is all in advance and cannot be supported in time.

However, the power that the evil **** gave them was real-time and instantaneous.

Comparing the two, the biggest advantage of the Destroyer is that it can use the destruction factor inside the world.

If this problem is not solved, then the soup will stop boiling, and it will boil sooner or later.


Wen Rensheng's wisdom, of course, can see this, and he also has a solution.

This solution is absolutely feasible after practice.

"Xiao Huan, give your guardians another big gift package, a reincarnation gift package, promising that they can be reincarnated with their memories after death, but the object of reincarnation is random." Wen Rensheng said in his mouth.

There are many beliefs about reincarnation, but basically it is to promote reincarnation in a wealthy family by doing good deeds and accumulating virtue.

He also claimed that the past life was rich and honorable, as long as he did good deeds, the future life would also be rich and honorable.

No one will claim that you will be randomly reincarnated into anyone.

This is not in line with the thoughts of rich people.

It's okay to take some money to do good deeds, but if you want to say that I will be reincarnated as a poor ghost in my next life, you still have to go as far as you can.

"Oh, is it real or fake?" Xiao Huan asked.

The evil **** that the lords believed in before was naturally her Lord Klulu.

Counting on the real evil **** to protect the world order, that's overthinking.

They are allied with Chaos Omniscient.

"Of course it's fake, it's just the same as what Empress Dowager Lu did before." Wen Rensheng said casually.

Of course he won't do any real good to those rotten nobles.

To die early is their greatest contribution to the world.

After this trick was used, the jazz gentlemen who received divine inspiration cheered, like a child of more than 500 months.

As long as you fight hard and accumulate merits, you will be able to live in the next life.

Just what does random mean?

When the first count died in battle and was resurrected on his groom, everyone understood.

Some people want to say, if you do this, can it still be the Middle Ages?

Why not?

Giving slaves a little welfare and easing the contradictions between classes cannot change the theme and essence of the world.

And this one hits the nail on the head.

On the one hand, the gentlemen have become kinder and more talkative. From two meals of porridge to two meals of dry meals a day, the work has been reduced from 16 hours to 10 hours, and there are two days off a month.

The other side is to follow those destroyers to pick up guns and kill Although they can get land, they have to pay rent, which is not very comfortable.

Many people's minds were immediately extinguished, and everyone still wanted to be safe.

The Destroyers couldn't mobilize more rebels, and the momentum was gradually quelled.

And the peasants also found out that their work for a year was not as comfortable as those of the serfs.

At least the serfs have someone to see when they are sick, so they can only pay for someone to see a doctor themselves.

They also have to undertake all kinds of labor.

For a time, the peasants fled from the famine and rejoined the nobles.

This is the most typical sacrifice in the feudal era. In order to avoid labor, he went to the family of the powerful and was willing to become a slave.

The Destroyer responded quickly.

They immediately reduced the oppression of the peasants, but in this way, their troops and logistics were reduced even more.

The two sides can only fall into a stalemate.

However, the nobles have the blessings of gods, and can achieve a 1:2 exchange on the battlefield. The destroyers do not have enough human and material advantages, and only retreat.

After getting the sample of the Middle Ages, Wen Rensheng turned his attention to other places.


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