Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1738: undercover

The World of Heroes Invincible.

Xiao Huan has also played here for a long time.

With the power of the mysterious seed now, the mystery of 89150 has increased by nearly a million times. This is a fantasy world again, the second-level in the second-level. When Wen Rensheng had a thought, he glanced around.

After checking, he found that everything was calm, and it seemed that the Destroyer's tentacles hadn't stretched out.

Castles, forests, undead, and demons are all in their own place, brewing one conspiracy after another.

However, there is no Destroyer in it.

Then he looked to the next world.

The world of chess.

At a glance, his heart skipped a beat.

It turns out that at this time, the world of Go has changed a lot.

On the streets and alleys, people no longer play chess, but watch videos with their mobile phones...

The Go world has undergone modernization changes before, and it is divided into two parts, one is conservative, and the other embraces modernity.

But now, no matter where, men and women, young and old, are using their mobile phones and playing chess, only a few of them.

There is only one in a hundred people. This is exactly the same as before. Before, only one out of a hundred did not play chess.

He saw the existence of destroyers, but these destroyers were very clever.

In the past, playing Go was able to get various benefits, in exchange for various favorable treatment, extraordinary power... They cut off these benefits.

Since there is no benefit to playing Go, it really has no advantage over other entertainment.

It's a complete intellectual competition.

It didn't take long for the world to live up to its name and disappear.

No, it definitely won't go on like this.

Of course, Wen Rensheng didn't have the time to break it back, because one after another, pressing the gourd floated up, he couldn't solve these destroyers by himself.

The other party has become a system.

He thought about it and contacted the game simulator.

It turned out that the other party couldn't get in touch at all.

Yes, behind the game simulator are the disaster principals, they cut off contact with themselves, naturally it is impossible to keep the game simulator as an entrance.

Sure enough, it depends on the mountains and mountains, the rivers and rivers, and everyone runs.

Then, be self-reliant and use the newly established guardian system.

Just to give more support and make them bigger.

Wen Rensheng said to Xiao Huan, "Release all your believers, and let them be distributed in the worlds we pass through to act as guardians, protect the theme of the original world, and maintain their meaning of existence."

"Is this fun?" Xiao Huan asked directly.

"It's life and death now, it's not fun or not." Wen Rensheng said solemnly.

"Oh, is it over when it's over?"

"It's just the beginning, but you don't have to do the rest, you just need to be a platform."


"It's a stake."

After Xiao Huan agreed, she put all her various followers into different worlds.

There are believers who used to be the Colossus God, and there are believers who became Klulu later, and she just wandered around and collected them casually.

In short, there are not hundreds of millions, but also tens of millions.

Wen Rensheng also had a headache when managing it.

He thought about it for a while, and simply created an "infinite guardian" space, imitating the infinite stream he had seen in his previous life.

The next step is to supplement the rules.

Contribution points are guardian points, and each time an enemy attack is defeated, a reward will be given.

The stronger the enemy, the higher the reward.

Guardian points can be used to exchange for various rewards, from resurrection times to daily necessities, from power systems to personal enjoyment.

The failure of the mission is not obliteration, but the number of times and the process. If you fail too many times, you will be disqualified.

It was designed to be much more merciful than that black tentacle.

Soon, he discovered that when some of the Destroyers confronted the Guardians, they all implicitly hinted at the other party, how to switch camps.

For him, this is simply unbelievable.

The black tentacles either didn't care or didn't notice that the destroyers themselves didn't want to destroy. They were not machines, but living people.

That being the case, he designed another way of transformation.

From chaos to order, cut off the connection between the other party and the black tentacles, and come to the bottom of the pot.

In order to do this, it is necessary to go deep inside the Destroyer and obtain internal information.

Only in this way can we find the Achilles heel of the opponent.


Li Chun, one of the explorers.

With outstanding achievements, he has already gained a great reputation.

Today he received an order to go undercover a group called "Destroyer".

"Being an undercover agent? Can you not go?" he asked nervously.

Although he is very courageous and often cooks meals against corpses at the scene, he is still a long way from the courage required by the undercover line to ask himself.

After all, the corpse wouldn't jump up and chop off his head.

"Are you worried? It's just your clone. You're just playing a game." Zhao Han personally did the work for him.

"Oh, then I'll go."

Li Chun of course knew that this was different from the game. The monsters in the game would not crawl out of the screen, but those opponents might come to him along the network cable.

"Very well, this is the way to get in."

Zhao Han then handed over to Li Chun the way to join the destroyer that Wen Rensheng explored.

The way to join is very simple, hypnotize yourself to become a fanatical changer, similar to Oda Nobunaga's.

Full of disdain for tradition and order, he challenges the order from the inside to the outside.

The tail grows up a fool, is the best performance.

Li Chun still has a lot of experience in self-hypnosis.

In just two days, he did it.

Then when he was surfing the Internet, he saw a dialog box pop up on the computer desktop.

"Do you want to change all this? Do you want to live a vigorous life?"

In no mood.

Li Chun said in his heart, I don't have to worry about eating and drinking, I can have whatever I want, and longevity is not a problem, I just need to be reincarnated as a tree person.

Why do you want to make a splash?

But there is no way. The boss has given a task, so I still have to do it.

So he clicked "YES".

The next moment, the world is spinning.

The whole person's eyes went dark, and finally he found himself in a square.

In the center of the square, there is a bunch of black tentacles with claws and claws, like piranhas growing in the wild.

Beside him, there were four or five people standing. Seeing him appear, they all looked at him.

"A newcomer is here again."

"Let newcomers know the rules."

"Heihu, look at how much he weighs."

At this moment, a **** man came over and said with a big fist, "Boy, what's your name?"

Li Chun didn't say He stretched out his hand and took out a pistol, and aimed a shot at the **** man.

"Bang!" The **** man raised his head and fell to the ground.

That's it?

The famous destroyer, can't even stop a gun?

Li Chun shook his head.

He didn't play casually. Since he was full of desire to destroy everything, of course he immediately resisted when he saw the oppression.

The others looked at each other.

"You killed him?"

"You dare to kill when you just came in?"

"How do you know you can kill people here?"

Those people asked in vain, without a trace of contempt.

"Shut up, I ask, you answer." Li Chun shot into the sky.

Those people stopped talking.

"What is this place?"

"Between the tentacles."

"What are these black tentacles?"

"Mission Platform."

"What is the purpose?"

"Destroy the world."


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