Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1740: Moving bricks

Mist Detective World.

Li Chun, Big Bai, and four others appeared in a room.

Judging from the room layout, it is a hotel.

A queen room has only one queen bed and one sofa.

The identity certificates of the six people are all on the cabinet next to them: the staff who came to the city on business from other places.

Everyone also has a hidden identity: the poor.

I can't afford to drive a poor enough standard room.

At least three of the six people must lay the floor.

Li Chun has a vague feeling: Black tentacles sound awesome, but in fact they are lazy, poor and cruel.

See what your opponent is doing?

Does the other party really lack that thing?

Why not set up a billionaire identity?

How convenient is it to start?

Now, you have to rack your brains.

"Boss, the main quest has appeared." Big White reminded.

The other four had already started to pack up in the room.

"Well, I saw it." Li Chun browsed the information that appeared in his mind.

"Main quest 1: Find a man named Luo Yan and tell him the truth of this world."

"Truth: This is a world for some people's entertainment. All people are marionettes. Only when some people watch the case will they act."

Li Chun was really angry when he saw this.

Who wants to be an actor and let others see jokes?

Unless you know that you are an actor yourself.

"There are so many people with the same name and surname, how did you find this Luo Yan?" Li Chun asked the others, "How did you all carry out the mission before?"

"We have only completed the tasks of two worlds, and those two worlds are ordinary historical types. We just passed some necessary technologies for crossing, such as burning glass, making soap, drying salt, and making muskets, to the local indigenous people. , they got up and destroyed their own world." The big white man spread his hands.

The other four did not answer and were collecting sheets and trying to tie them into ropes.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to hang myself with the rope." Someone said flatly.

"Yeah, rather than being killed by the black tentacles, it's better to end yourself. In this world, at first glance, we can't complete it, and we haven't even exchanged a single extraordinary ability."

"No, don't you still have the ability to endure hunger?" Li Chun retorted.

"..." Everyone was silent and put down the sheets.

Li Chun then asked: "Okay, are there any hackers among you?"


"So what about the social engineer?"

"Can't understand."

"It's a thief."


"Then your team is not good, you don't have any special features."

"No, there was one who was good at stealing, but was killed by you, that black big man." Someone said.

"Oh, stealing things is evil, and you deserve to be beaten to death." Li Chun did not change his expression, "Since there is nothing, then go and find out."

It turned out that after ten minutes, they knew who Luo Yan was, and they didn't need any hackers and social engineers at all.

Don't worry about having the same name.

It turned out that the other party turned out to be a big celebrity in this world. After asking the cleaning auntie, he knew who Luo Yan was, where he lived, and how many lovers he had.

Once in the Grand Theater, he defeated a group of foreign martial arts masters with his bare hands.

"Even the martial arts have come out. It really is a world of high martial arts." Big Bai sighed.

Li Chunheng glanced at him: "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and figure out how to get on line with this person."

"He is not easy to contact. The other party is currently living in a large villa, and there are more than 100 people who are well protected. It is very difficult to write letters and visitors. The protection around him is very strict."

Just through the inquiry, they already knew some public information about Luo Yan.

"Let me think, if there is a difficult case at this time, will he be attracted?"

"No, he is not interested in the case. What he is interested in is women, yachts, parties, grasslands, oceans, film and television dramas... these things." The big white shook his head.


Luo Yan is living a very comfortable life now.

Since becoming the little girl's possessed body, he has had a good life again.

This time, he learned the lessons from the past, and took advantage of the opportunity to become famous again by defeating foreign warriors. He shot commercials and accepted any endorsements, including the next three...

In short, I made a lot of money, and then I bought a lot of real estate for myself in the most stable and prosperous cities.

After the little girl left his body, when he lost his ability, he was still a rich man.

This made him very satisfied with his response.

Although many newspapers later ridiculed him, saying that he was exhausted.

Casually speaking, it doesn't matter if he is a cockroach, anyway, he is a rich man now.

One day, the housekeeper told him that a group of strange guys wanted to see him.

"Why do you say they are strange?"

"They are obviously poor, but they are very confident. They feel that they are the masters of the world, and they keep saying that they hold the truth of the world." The butler recalled the faces of the six people and said in a sarcastic tone.

"Oh, it looks like they are another group of liars who want to defraud me of money." Luo Yan waved his hand indifferently, "Give them a few hundred dollars, let them have a meal out, and let them go."

Li Chun and others quickly got an answer.

Sure enough, the housekeeper gave them 600 yuan and let them go.

"This person is really good. I thought he would only let people drive us away." The big white man happily held six big bills.

"Looking at what you're doing, it's like you've never seen money. Didn't you experience two feudal societies? You should have a lot of gold." Li Chun said with contempt.

"But I can't bring it out, I can only bring food and water." The big man Bai sighed, "If you can bring gold, it is really rich. The problem is that you can only bring water and food, not What is it worth?"

"You guys are still stupid, can't UU read bring some high-end ingredients? For example, tuna, truffles, tiger bones." Li Chun shook his head.

There must be some top ingredients that cost a few hundred yuan per gram.

"..." Everyone looked at each other, "We really don't know this."

"So, knowledge is wealth. Alright, think of a way to let Luo Yan see us." Li Chun shook his head.

Everyone looked at each other, wondering if there was any way to do this.

"Why don't we find a woman for him? He seems to like women's sex." Someone said.

"Do you have money?"


"Then why don't you go to work and earn money?"

The last six people except Li Chun, the others went to the construction site to move bricks.

Fortunately, the main task is very long, and there is still enough time to move bricks.

"Baizi, that's not right, how did we end up doing the work, and he became the boss as a newcomer?" someone muttered.

"Do you have a gun?"


"That's it, we can't carry guns with us, but he can bring guns into the square. This is his ability."


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