Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1741: hub node

Li Chun soon felt the brutality of the black tentacles.

After half a day, a reminder appeared in my mind:

"The first stage of the main mission, the one-month countdown begins: 29 days at 23:59:59. When the time is up, the world's protagonist can't know the truth, and everyone will be wiped out."

Obliterate, obliterate, Lao Tzu is just a clone, do you have the idea to obliterate Lao Tzu?

Li Chun cursed in his heart.

But he really didn't dare to take the risk.

If the other party can follow the hidden connection and directly kill his body, then he will be in a big hole.

He finally has everything now, but he doesn't want to die.

However, the psychological pressure of being obliterated at every turn is so great, it is no wonder that several other people have to prepare ropes for hanging at any time.

It's really hard to survive in a place like this if you don't have the mood to die and then live.

The more you want to live, the greater the pressure.

Going to the doctor urgently.

He directly found an online mailbox of Luo Yan and sent an email.

The result is that the stone sinks into the sea, and there is no news.

He called the other five people who were working part-time: "Did you see the erasure prompt?"

"I see." The opposite side was very calm.

"Have you thought of a way to make that idiot accept the truth?"

"did not expect."

"I didn't expect it? Sure enough, I can't count on you idiots." Li Chun cursed fiercely.

The other side was silent.

They were very angry, but at the same time they were helpless.

Li Chun decided to use his special ability.

Case-solving power.

Although Luo Yan is a rich man now, he used to be a detective after all. If a big detective comes to visit him, the chances of being turned away are very small.

Li Chun quickly started his own business.

Compared with the cases he solved before, this is just a case with ingenious strategies, but there is no weird mix. It's simply too easy.

He went to several detective agencies in the city to apply for jobs. After the interview, he immediately received admission letters from all agencies.

Get to work immediately.

One hundred cases were solved in ten days.

The hardest and most difficult is the roaming criminal, which needs to analyze each other's hiding places in N cities and coordinate resources.

soon became famous.

After becoming famous, he finally met Luo Yan with the help of his boss.

MD, this is not right. I am an undercover agent, how can I be so active at work? What the heck.

He thought in his heart that he would meet the other party in the living room of Luo Yan's house.

After the greeting, Luo Yan said, "Mr. Li, have I met you?"

"No." Li Chun shook his head directly.

The other's housekeeper had seen him, but the housekeeper could not have taken a photo to show him.

"No, I seem to have you in my memory..." Luo Yan frowned.

"Uh, maybe it's Mian Shan, maybe we are long-lost brothers? Haha." Li Chun told a cold joke.

Luo Yan didn't smile, he had already thought of seeing Li Chun somewhere.

In the memory left by that little girl, Li Chun was a toy?

Interesting, the other party is not from this world either.

"Mr. Luo, do you feel that this world is strange?" He said straight to the point.

"What's so strange?" Luo Yan asked rhetorically.

"For example, everything here is too illogical, and you can get supplies by solving a case. Isn't this very similar to the setting in movies and fairy tales?" Li Chun pointed out directly.

"Isn't it good to live in a fairy tale?" Luo Yan asked rhetorically.

Li Chun was silent.

No wonder the black tentacles listed the opponent as a target. It turned out that the opponent had already noticed it.

"Do you want to know the truth of the world? Or do you just want to live ignorantly like this?"

"Ignorance is happiness. Many people don't understand this. They desperately pursue the unknown, but they die on the way."

"But if you don't pursue it, you will definitely have no hope. You have so much money, are you willing to live for only a few decades? If this world is a stubborn physical world, that's all, but it's not." Li Chun threw it out. Wang fried.

"..." Luo Yan was silent.

was bombed out.

Of course he wanted to live forever. This is the dream shared by the rich. Few of the rich would dislike longevity. If they disliked it, there was only one explanation: he was bankrupt and was going to the rooftops.

"Can you do it?" he asked again.

"Uh..." Li Chun recalled the black tentacles, and followed the other party, seems to die faster?

Sure enough, the boss's competitor is always the boss.

Without comparison, you will never know which boss is better.

In contrast, his real boss is really a bodhisattva.

"I can give you a chance."


Luo Yan shook his head.

If there is a chance, he has it.

For example, taking refuge in that little girl.

It's just that the other party ran away, and he didn't know when he would come back.

Or look for those martial arts masters, but martial arts masters can't live forever, at most longevity.

And these two opportunities are not very easy to grasp.

"what chance?"

"Your world, without history, is all reincarnation. If you want to live forever, you can only break this reincarnation and make this world normal." Li Chun said.

In the misty detective world, there is no history, is it all reincarnation?

Luo Yan was shocked when he heard it, and recalled it in his mind.

Yes, it seems that there is no history, everything is a case, a case, and then the gift of the fog.

One city rises, another city declines.

People cannot control their own destiny.

Everything goes with the flow, restarts and restarts.

"How to break it?" Luo Yan finally asked.

At this time, a new reminder sounded in Li Chun's mind: "Main quest 1, complete, start the next stage: find the central node of this world and destroy it. The central node is the case generator. Time limit: three years ."

three years?

I can hang around for a few more days.

Li Chun sighed and then said, "Did you know that there is a central node in your world?"

"This is the first time I heard this statement, maybe I haven't been exposed to such high secrets before." Luo Yan's heart moved slightly.

"Aren't you curious about how your cases came about? Under normal circumstances, when a case arises, there is often soil first, and then it bears fruit. For example, there are thousands of families with domestic violence, and there are thousands of families with domestic violence. Psychologically traumatized children, and as these children grow up, occasionally another group of people suffers further damage, some people can suppress, some people can't, and then they encounter a long-term conflicting environment, such as family, and then suddenly rise to the top , I can't control it anymore." Li Chun recounted the case experience he had seen.

Luo Yan nodded, this is the logic of normal cases.

Therefore, most cases do not have so many elaborate designs, and are basically sudden.

There are many subtle ways to cover up after the fact.

There is one kind of case, but there is an ingenious design in advance, and that is theft and kidnapping.

"Do you mean the central node that controls the generation of cases in our world?"

"Yes, if you want to break the cycle and find the way to longevity, you have to find it."

"Let me think about it."


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