Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1742: Guardian space

Luo Yan thought about it for a while, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

A central node?

Does such a thing even exist?

He has worked hard for decades, is it because someone controls his life?

No, get up, turn over, and break the fog!

However, when he opened his eyes and looked at the big villa he already had, the housekeeper, the maid, and the friends (all of the opposite sex) in the phone book and chat group, his anger dissipated immediately.

Forget it, let the guys who have nothing to be angry with this kind of thing, he will have to enjoy it for a few more years...

So he raised his head and waved to Li Chun.

"Are you planning to find the hub together?" Li Chun stood up.

"Let him go, Mr. Luo is soft-hearted and can't see desperate people." Luo Yan said to the housekeeper and bodyguards.

The housekeeper immediately stepped forward and stretched out his hand to invite Li Chun out.

Li Chun was stunned for a moment, then looked at the resplendent hall, the servants in neat suits, and immediately understood.

I see.

High-class people with more information will choose to destroy at first, but when they wake up, they will regret it.

Those who can act as the main force and go to the end are often the people below.

In this case, why did the black tentacle have to find Luo Yan and make him believe the truth of the world?

A strange thought suddenly popped into his mind.

He stared at Luo Yan for a while.

Could it be that this guy is the central node?

Before he could understand it, he heard the steward say, "Sir, please go out with us, so that we can still have lunch in time."

"I have feet myself." Li Chun stood up, shook his head, and walked away.

You shake a few hands!

Luo Yan looked very angry, smart guy, you don't know what I know at all.

After Li Chun left, he got up and went to his bedroom, calling from the bottom of his heart.

"Lord Klulu, please answer my call."

This name was also searched from the residual memory.

After the little girl was possessed and left, she left some superfluous memories in his mind.

It was like he was inexplicably familiar with Li Chun.

But after shouting for a long time, there was no movement.

Before it was replaced, he would forget it.

But today, he has a sense of urgency.

After thinking about it for a while, he took out a well-made board game toy set from the cabinet.

It's a board game war, with soldiers on both sides, the red side and the black side, that can fight automatically.

Victory depends on the formation of troops, and on the opponent's ability to master and arrange cavalry, archers, heavy armored soldiers, light armored soldiers... and logistics personnel.

The idea is ingenious, but of course the cost is extremely high. Most people can't afford it, and it is specially made for the rich to educate their children.

A set costs hundreds of thousands to millions.

"Hey, this is fun, I've never played it before." Xiao Huan's voice sounded.

Being able to return to the world of misty detectives from a busy schedule shows the appeal of this board game toy.

"Lord Crulu, are you here?"

"It's Krulu, called Krulu, I really have no culture."

"Oh, Lord Kelulu, I want to report something to you..." Luo Yan told the other party about Li Chunlai.

"Understood, give me your body."

Luo Yan thought that the other party would deal with it personally, but after giving the body to the other party, the other party played for three days and three nights in one breath.

Played his board rangers into three legs...

"Okay, I'm going back."

"That's it?"

"What else do you have to do?" Xiao Huan asked in a daze.

"I mean, that person obviously has bad intentions, you should stop him. Of course, if you don't have time, give me some strength, and I will stop him." Luo Yan only now understands that you have to say something about this adult. Just understand.

Like a kindergartener.

"Oh, you can be a guardian. We are recruiting people, the pay is good, and you want to hire as soon as possible." Xiao Huan read the advertisement slogan.

"What's the treatment?"

"Reincarnation, resurrection, extraordinary power... You can do whatever you want."

"so smart?"

"Of course, you can have whatever you have in your dreams anyway."

Luo Yan didn't hear it too clearly. What does it mean to have anything in a dream?

But he still asked, "How to join?"

"I'll give you a poster, just think about it in your head and you can go in."

Then a five-person poster appeared, with three men and two women looking ahead.

Some carry guns, some carry swords, some carry sticks, and two carry luggage.

At first glance, it looks like a very down-to-earth combat team, at least they consider logistics, not the kind of team that just pretends to be in the blockbuster.

He looked at it, and suddenly his eyes darkened, then brightened again.

He appeared in a square.

Around the square are ten rooms, and in the center is a sphere of light that emits a warm glow, just like the sun.

The insecurities of these days have all dissipated.

"Brother, which world are you from?" A very friendly voice appeared.

He turned his head to look, and saw a well-dressed, dog-like middle-aged man in a suit.

"I'm from the detective world." He deliberately omitted two words.

"It also seems to be from a modern background. I come from the world of theme hospitals. The hospital detectives are very closely connected. We can communicate more in the future." The man in the suit stretched out his right hand.

"Well said." Luo Yan nodded, but did not shake hands with the other party, "I just checked a body."

"What a coincidence, I checked it too." The man in the suit smiled.

MD, it's really not human.

"What do you usually do in your world?"

"It is to treat diseases and save people. Every day, thousands of patients appear inexplicably. How much is the treatment? How much is the treatment? If the treatment is dead, the money will be deducted. We are constantly developing new technologies, new equipment, and treating new diseases." Said unabashedly.

"Similar to us, we also have a lot of new cases, and then we get as many materials as we crack."

"Hey, we can communicate more. In your case, there must be someone injured. They can be transported to us for treatment. We can also identify the deceased."

"That's good, but can the world communicate with each other?"

"Yes, as long as you have completed a guardianship task and obtained the guardianship space, you can transport the wounded and the dead here. We will do the rest."

Luo Yan heard this matter is worth it.

The business opportunities are limitless.

"My name is Luo Yan, what do you call Xiongtai?"

"Call me Hua Tuo." The man in the suit said.

Luo Yan was suddenly in a bad mood. I said my real name, but you gave me a pseudonym. Do you really think I didn't know that Hua Tuo was from the Three Kingdoms period?

"How many thousand years old is Mr. Hua this year?" he secretly sarcastically asked.

"No, you misunderstood. In our world, famous doctors all inherit the names of ancient doctors. There are also Zhang Zhongjing, Sun Yaowang, and foreigners have names..."

"Sorry, that's what happened. Actually, I also have a name, Song Ci." Luo Yan said without changing his face.

"Haha, brother humor, okay, my real name is Hua Tuo."

Your name is Otto.

Immediately, Hua Tuo introduced Luo Yan about the purpose, rules, and way of doing things in guarding the space.

In short, Luo Yan was still quite embarrassed.

"We are all elites from different worlds. We need to protect the operation of the original world together and prevent the theme from being destroyed by outsiders. Everyone's interests are the same, and there is basically no conflict." Hua Tuo finally said.

Luo Yan nodded, no wonder the other party's attitude was so good.

This is true.

It's fine for everyone to dominate in their own homes, there is no need to rush into other people's worlds.


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