Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1747: cell phone

"Why did you die?"

"I'm so stupid. I just thought that the detective world depends on the brain, but I didn't expect that it still depends on the hands and feet in the end."

"Alright, so now, does the black tentacle still have contact with you?"

"I can't feel it."

"That's fine. It shows that it doesn't pay much attention to the newcomers of the Destroyer. If they die, they will die, and they won't follow the contact to find them."

"Yes, Minister."

"You take two days off, change your identity and go undercover."

"Uh, okay."

Li Chun came out of the minister's office in a dejected manner, returned to his workstation, and then met his colleague Xie Dong.

"What's the matter, Xiaochunzi, you look like you've been tormented?" Xie Dong joked.

"You're really right, I was ravaged by a few newbies, and they were all skewered into skewers, can it not be miserable?" Li Chun recalled the experience just now, and subconsciously covered his ass.

It just really exploded.

Luckily no one saw it...

Wait, three people saw it.

Fortunately, they couldn't come to the tree-man world.

"I got a good thing from a world, do you want it?" Xie Dong mysteriously took out a mobile phone.

"What is this?" Li Chun looked over.

"It can simulate the mobile phone of the future."

"Oh, such a good thing, I just need it." Li Chun grabbed the phone and looked up and down, "How do I use it?"

"On this page, register your name, and you can display your itinerary for a period of time in the future and your encounters based on your current thoughts. When your thoughts change, it will also change, a simulated future The time is 24 hours."

"What do you need to consume?"

"Your lifespan. Every time you predict a new 24 hours, you will consume 24 hours of lifespan. That is to say, don't change your future trajectory casually." Xie Dong said.

"It's alright, anyway, I don't have a shortage of lifespan, the big deal is to become a tree person." Li Chun fiddled with his mobile phone and registered his name.

Lines of text began to appear "swish swish" above.

"After 5 minutes: You went undercover to black tentacle space again."

"After 6 minutes: You met a team of seniors, you and a group of novice became breeders at the same time, slaves and cattle and horses exist."

"After 10 minutes: You tried to get rid of this status by intelligence, but you were killed by a senior as a threat."

Only lived ten minutes?

This is much worse luck than last time.

"It only shows how long it will take, doesn't it show the specific time?" He asked casually.

"Of course I can't show the specific points, because the time in different worlds is definitely different. You can only use your own subjective experience to determine how long and what will happen later."

"That's right, borrow it from me first, and I'll treat you later."

"You don't need to be a guest, just remember to write me a copy of your trial experience."

"Take me as an experiment again."


Five minutes later, the black tentacle space.

"You are the calmest of these people." A woman in black said as she stepped on Li Chun's head.

"Everything is up to you." Li Chun, who was bound by a real spider web, said calmly.

At this time, there were four new people around him, all of them were shouting:

"You can't do this!"

"Master Black Tentacle, save us!"

"The Destroyer should be united."

The others were also bound by a mass of cobwebs.

There were three senior people standing around them, two women and one man, and it was one of the women who stepped on Li Chun.

Because Li Chun was very calm, that aroused the woman's curiosity.

Becoming a farmer is definitely not acceptable to newcomers. This is a normal reaction.

And this guy seems to have accepted his destiny very quickly.

Such people are the most dangerous breeders.

The breeders themselves are a group of bullies, and of course they are afraid that a tiger will appear among their breeding objects.

This is why Li Chun was killed after he showed his intelligence last time.

"Kill him." Another woman in white said impatiently.

"That's right, he's a bit strange. Such a guy is not suitable for a horse." The only male senior also said.

"Wait, I can help you manage these newcomers." Li Chun said in a timely manner.

"Oh, look at your performance." The woman in black stepped on him again and wrote lightly.

"Why didn't you kill him?" The woman in white was a little puzzled.

"Every time I have to let new people know about their situation, it's too troublesome. Use this guy first." The woman in black gave the reason.

The senior male nodded. He often does this job and understands the troubles too well.

The woman in white didn't speak anymore.

Only then did Li Chun secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

This is the way he found his way of life after changing his mind three times.

He had thought about running away before, pretending to be mediocre, but in the end he died.

Only by actively acting as a supervisor can he survive.

"Go to work." The woman in black released Li Chun's restraint.

"Thank you sir."

Li Chun then went to train the newcomers, frightening them so obediently that they didn't dare to shout again.

"Okay, we'll start a new mission in three days, you guys should also train, at least so that they don't hold us back." The woman in black assigned him a new mission.

Li Chun responded.

That night, he performed a mobile phone simulation again.

"10 minutes later: a newcomer quietly finds you, and discusses with you how to resist the senior."

"Twenty minutes later: You discussed with him for a while and decided on a few routines. The newcomer turned around and scolded you. You are dead."

"I'm sorry." Seeing this, Li Chun couldn't help sighing, the world is getting worse and people's hearts are not ancient.

He simulated again.

"After 20 minutes: You handed the new man to the woman in black, but the woman in black disliked you for disturbing her sleep, and trampled you both to death at the same time..."

Depend on!

Even the overseer, in front of the slave owner, was beaten to death if he didn't like it.

At this time, he realized how much hidden benefits he got when he entered the black tentacle space for the first time.

The matches are all newcomers who have only gone through two missions and have not been exchanged for extraordinary abilities.

can be controlled by him.

And now, without the hidden benefits, it's just unfortunate.

"20 minutes later: You beat the new guy hard."

"Eight hours later: You hand over the new person to the woman in black, and the woman in black slaps you thinks that such trivial matters will bother her."

"12 hours later: an emergency mission appeared, and you were forced to leave early."

"16 hours later: It turned out to be a team battle mission. You fought with another destroyer team, and your newcomers were used as cannon fodder and bait."

"24 Hours: You chose to fight with the woman in black, but you died."

Black tentacles, I. Gan you...

You even engage in team battles?

Is this to screen the best destroyers?

Understood, the black tentacle's own resources are not enough, it is impossible to cultivate the garbage team indefinitely, only the best of the best.

3,000 elite soldiers are better than 100,000 bad players.

He has a headache.

How is this done?

Team battle mission, he thought about it and decided to flee.

"After 16 hours: In a teamfight mission, you chose to run away. You ran away successfully based on years of escape experience. Your team failed, and you have two choices, one is to die, and the other is to join the victor's team. "

"After 17 hours: You joined the winner's team without hesitation. After hearing your experience of being bred, the captain of the opposing team was very sympathetic to you, and then asked a senior to lead you to grow."

"24 Hours: With your wisdom, you have become the wise man of the Rock team."

Uh, the simulation results are good.


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