Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1748: high end destroyer

Two days later, Wen Ren was in the villa.

In the study, he was looking at the mobile phone trial report written by Li Chun, as well as a piece of undercover information.

Of course, he gave the phone to the other party.

The source is Dufferin in the former McCann wasteland.

Facts have proved that it's too easy to die if you don't open up and go to the cruel elimination mechanism.

Even if you are good enough, you will die by luck and pig teammates.

"The phone works great, but sometimes I think it's this guy who's causing enough hatred."

"In addition, the future timeline of the simulation is expected to be a little longer, preferably 24 years. Many tasks are long-term."

"One more point, it's better to give some rewards, just simulate without rewards, only see the information, and sometimes still can't beat it. It's better to give me all the power and items obtained during the simulation process, anyway, I also pay. life."

I thought it was pretty.

Wen Rensheng read the mobile phone report, and then looked at the undercover information of the other party.

"The biggest characteristic of black tentacles is laziness, simplicity and cruelty."

"It never cares how the destroyer does or dies, it only cares about the result."

"It will use the least resources, the least time, and get the best return."

"It cannot be negotiated, it only gives rigid and cold verdicts and rules."

"It has loopholes, and loopholes exist for a long time, and often take a very long time to fix. People from the Rock team, tell me, there is a quest loophole that can be played repeatedly, can live in a certain world, until till death."

"The loophole in this mission is the world node to be destroyed. It is a tree of life that can be resurrected in a short period of time. It needs to be destroyed ten times in rapid succession before it will die. Therefore, many people deliberately let this tree keep resurrecting, Use this to save time.”

"This mission loophole has been protected by many powerful teams and is used for retirement. Anyone who doesn't want to continue taking risks, and whoever wants to be left behind, will be sent to this world to retire."

Wen Rensheng nodded when he saw this, this is normal.

"Black tentacles are raising Gu, and they don't care if Gu will destroy it."

After reading the information, he found that, on the surface, it was easy to defeat the black tentacles.

Because the other party didn't think about people's hearts at all.

The more powerful the destroyer, the more he wants to destroy the black tentacle itself.

But is it really that simple?

Wen Rensheng turned around and read the information given by Li Chun again, and finally found a problem: Li Chun can only mingle in the middle and low-level teams at the moment. Is that what the high-level team thinks?

He decided to go see it for himself.

Find the big cat that has been eating ashes for a long time.

This time he will use this double to investigate intelligence.

Because cats themselves are good at reconnaissance.


The world of sporozoites.

On a grassland, four destroyers are watching a black cat.

The black cat lay calmly on the turf and swept the four of them.

Of the four, there are two women and two men.

"Damn it, can even a cat be a destroyer?" a certain man said in surprise.

"This year, what strange thing has not happened? What's more, a cat?"

"The cat is fine, at least it's quiet and not noisy."

A woman in business attire came over and wanted to grab the big cat and give it a swipe, but was thrown at her hand by a tail: "This kitten has a really good temper."

"Okay, kill it, we don't need any unexpected factors." A man with glasses said coldly.

"Hey, Gao Huayu, you are too arrogant. You are willing to kill such a cute kitten?" The woman in business uniform retorted.

"Hmph, Ling Ziqi, are you stupid? There's no such thing as cute in this world. Be careful that it will turn into a monster in the next moment."

"Vote, raise your hand if you want to kill the kitten." Ling Ziqi swept towards the other three.

"Hmph, on the other hand, raise your hand if you don't want to kill the kitten." Gao Huayu said.

Neither of the other two raised their hands.

"Hey, you two, don't you have any love at all?" Ling Ziqi said angrily.

"Okay, put away your hypocrisy. One day you slaughtered a world in one breath, but now you have pity on a cat. It's ridiculous." Gao Huayu said with contempt.

To slaughter a world in one go?

This is the high-end destroyer, and it really is unpretentious.

Wen Rensheng looked at Ling Ziqi and made a comment.

"It was a rotten world, dirty and stupid. There was no good person. It was a rotten swamp with all the shortcomings. For the first time in my life, I really wanted to destroy a place." Ling Ziqi felt no guilt at all.

"Okay, stop arguing, take it with you if you want, maybe it can help us solve this world of spores." Another man said impatiently.

"Let's do the main quest. We have to find the werewolf village first. We only have 20 days, so it's still very urgent." Another woman said.

Ling Ziqi and Gao Huayu stopped fighting each other.

Ling Ziqi picked up the black cat, but this time the black cat didn't move.

A werewolf village?

What is their main mission?

Wen Rensheng was quite surprised by this. Although his stand-in was brought into this world by the black tentacle, he did not hear the main quest like Li Chun did.

This means that the other party cannot invade his brain or consciousness.

It should be that the mysterious seed has stronger protection for his soul consciousness.

This is a good thing.

However, they were looking for the werewolf village, and they knew the exact location.

After all, Xiao Huan was in the Sheepman Village and the Werewolf Village at that time, and he did a lot of wandering around.

Then it jumped off Ling Ziqi's body, chose a direction, and went straight.

"This cat seems to know the location? Sure enough, the black tentacle will not send a cat in for no reason." Ling Ziqi said happily.

"It's very fast, it really isn't an ordinary cat." Gao Huayu said coldly.

Half an hour later, the four of them stood in front of a low fence, where a werewolf was grazing.

Yes, the last time Wenren came here, he knew that werewolves eat grass and goatmen eat chicken.

Just the opposite.

" No wonder the black tentacles asked us to find the werewolves. Isn't that an accurate statement?" Ling Ziqi said excitedly.

"Wait, are they werewolves? Is this a trap, they're just a flock of sheep?"

"Impossible, I have true vision glasses, and I can see the truth. They are wolves, but why do they eat grass? I don't understand. I can only say that the world is too distorted." Gao Huayu lowered his glasses.

"Do wolves eat grass and sheep eat people?" said another woman.

"Okay, let's get down to business and find a way to get in touch with them."

"There, you see, there is a gray wolf there, it seems to be setting a trap? It must be meat-eating, let's go and get in touch with it."

Wen Rensheng looked at the four and came to a small road on the east side of Wolf Village.

There is a big bad wolf there, digging a hole on the road.

"Hello, Mr. Wolf, hello."

"Ah, the prey will come so soon? But my pit hasn't been dug yet. Come back tomorrow." The big bad wolf was startled when he saw the four of them plus a cat.

This is a stupid wolf.

The four thought at the same time.

"We are not prey, we are here to help you."

"Help me, just right, I want to eat meat, who of you jumped into this trap?" The big bad wolf swept towards the four of them, and the first one skipped the cat.

Too little meat.


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