Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1751: hatred

When Wen Rensheng saw this scene, he updated his information about the black tentacles again.

It seems that the guardian has one more task.

That is to drive away the Destroyer in time.

The longer it drags on, the sooner the world will end.

However, this is not all good news for the Destroyer.

Because trapped beasts are still fighting, they are the greatest threat when they are struggling to the death.

Often can drag the enemy to death together.

Now the powerful Ling Ziqi was caught and assimilated by a group of sheepmen who seemed to have little force.

Gao Huayu said that he would wait. Naturally, he was waiting for the world to be polluted by black tentacles, and then the task would be completed naturally.

However, can the development of facts be as simple as he expected?


Sheep Village.

The five men and women of the other team looked at Ling Ziqi who was turning into a sheep with surprise.

"Village Chief, you guys are too powerful, this is a famous female assassin, and now she has turned into a little sheep."

"Correct, she's a goat now, not a sheep." The old village chief stroked his beard.

"Oh, village chief, aren't you scientific people? How could you do this?" Someone asked in confusion.

"We don't know what's going on, maybe it's instinct?" The old village chief shook his head.

"Anyway, our life is here," said the tall man who had just escaped.

"Take this woman as a bait, there are four of them, all of them are indispensable elites, just use her to set up traps, they will definitely come to rescue." Another woman said.

"After the other party came in the trap, how are we going to catch it?" Everyone said, their eyes turned to the goatmen.

As long as the other party came in and angered these sheep, they would be arrested by them.

"This is your business, we won't interfere, just because she attacked me." The old village chief waved his hand to refuse.

He won't let the villagers be cannon fodder for these guys, what's the benefit?

He is the head of Yangcun Village, not the parents of these people.

"If you help us, we will help you too. I said earlier that I would help you gain freedom, and this is still valid."

"Freedom is earned by yourself, you can't rely on others." The old village chief shook his head and said, "We don't need your help. We were pitiful before, but now I ask you to leave."

The five looked at each other.

A young man couldn't help his temper, and said angrily: "You old man, don't be ashamed, we are willing to cooperate with you, it's your honor, do you know how powerful we are?"

"Someone scolded the village chief!" The old village chief rolled on the ground.

A large group of old sheep, young sheep and strong sheep came over again... Surrounding the boy who insulted the village chief.

The young man sneered and wanted to cast a powerful spell. He was the output of the team and strengthened the skills of the mage.

Fast forming, strong output, wide adaptability, that is, crispy skin.

However, when he was about to cast a spell instantly, he forgot what he was going to do...

IQ -90.

Immediately became a fool...

Immediately he was **** by Wu Hua Da.

"I'm sorry the village chief, this kid is too impulsive, please forgive him." The tall man immediately apologized.

They escaped just now. They didn't see Ling Ziqi being turned into a fool. Only now do they have a real understanding.

This trick is too powerful.

"Oh, he's still a child. If that's the case, then he can't forgive him, because if he forgives, he won't remember anything. It's better to become a sheep. No matter how naughty the lamb is, it's just a matter of eating more chicken. "The old village chief laughed.

In the eyes of the remaining four, the old village chief, who was originally loyal and kind, now looks like a big bad wolf.

No, the big bad wolf is kinder than it.

"How did this good animation style turn into a cult style?" the tall man muttered.

But when he thought about it carefully, it was a good thing.

Before, he was still worried about how to deal with Gao Huayu's people.

After all, the strength gap between the two sides is too great, and even if one step in early, it will be difficult to make up for it.

It's alright now, just find a way to make them anger the people of Yangcun.

"Sorry, village chief, we'll leave now." He said immediately.

Retreat to advance.

"Alright then, I'll send the people back to you. Since you're leaving, don't bother us again." The old village chief waved his hand.

The boy was let go, and then shook his head ignorantly, as if he had forgotten what just happened.


The tall man left Yangcun with his four siblings.

Just after walking a few hundred meters, they stopped.

"Our chance of victory lies in this mutant sheep village." He said to the other four.

"The problem is that they don't trust us anymore. Even if we give them freedom, they don't believe us." A girl said with a headache.

"In the beginning, they were still willing to believe us, why are they not now?" the tall man asked rhetorically.

"I think it's because they think that they have become stronger now and can be free by themselves. It's easy to share weal and woe, but it's too difficult to share wealth." The young wizard who had just been turned into a fool finally recovered at this time.

"That's right, the reason is that simple. In our case, we don't want to keep a group of variables by our side. We can obtain freedom by our own strength, why should we rely on a group of strangers?" The tall man applauded.

"But now we are asking for them, so how do we get their trust?" The girl wondered.

"No, you have fallen into a misunderstanding. Our goal is to kill Gao Huayu's four people, so it doesn't matter if the sheep people don't trust us, as long as Gao Huayu's hatred is higher."

"It's still the captain who is smart, but how to make Gao Huayu and the others hated by the sheep people."

"The method is very simple. The main quest they received is definitely to help the werewolf village. We just need to record their help in the werewolf village into a video and show it to the goat people."

"Well, then let's go look for their collusion with the werewolf immediately."

The five immediately split up.


Gao Huayu and the three are playing cards with the werewolves.

They are playing a pair of pairs. In a pile of cards, all of them appear in pairs, and they take turns to flop to see who has the most pairs, whoever wins.

The winner can eat a pound of fresh grass.

The loser can eat two pounds of weeds.

The other two, Han Gang and the nameless woman, were too hungry to hold their stomachs.

They don't understand why the other party wastes time and waits here.

Shouldn't we hurry to save people now?

Could this wise man want to give up?

Not quite like the other party's style.

They could only helplessly continue to play with them.

This is a game that the werewolves like to play, and every wolf is obsessed with it.

I heard that they used to have a game of werewolf killing. Later, the village chief stopped them from playing, saying that it would ruin the atmosphere of the village.

They would rather play that game, but unfortunately no one dared to play with them.

"How come you always win, can you tell me the trick?" a werewolf said dissatisfied.

He has eaten a lot of weeds, and he must have diarrhea today.

"There is no trick, the only trick is that your brain is better than yours."

The werewolf rolled his eyes when he heard this, dropped the card and ran away.

Han Gang wondered, "Why did it run away?"

"Probably it thought of a way to defeat me." Gao Huayu opened a card with an old sheep on it...


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