Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1752: Spore consciousness

three days later.

"Damn, these guys, didn't they guess what we were going to do? Why are they just playing cards, but they didn't discuss anything about dealing with Sheepren Village?" The tall man looked at the investigation results and said angrily.

He never imagined that the opponent would stop by statically, just to waste time with him.

"They are obviously so much better than us, why don't they take the initiative? Don't they have a lot of time? Are they not afraid of other powerhouses surpassing them?" asked the young wizard in the team.

"They must be aware of the changes in Yangcun, so they spend time with us, because the main quest has no time to complete, and they want to take the opportunity to wait a little longer. However, they should know that the time delay is too long, and it will be harmful to us foreign invaders. The more dangerous it is, the consciousness of the world has awakened, and it will mobilize all power to sweep us." The tall man said bitterly.

"But where are those powers? Why didn't I see them? Those goatmen just drove us out and pulled us down." The boy said in confusion.

As soon as he finished speaking, suddenly, a sawgrass crept up silently under his feet and stabbed his ankle.

A ripple flashed past, and the grass was crushed into powder by his passive defense spell.

"Hey, the grass here can eat people?" He looked down.

"Not good! Hurry up and move!" The tall man looked down and saw that the green grass around him was growing wantonly, sweeping towards them.

It suddenly occurred to him that this is the world of spores.

Aren't plants the best parasites for spores?

The malice of the world has manifested.

The five ran away immediately.

They moved to a barren hill.

There is no water on the mountain, all dry to cracked stones.

"It should be all right here, right?" The young wizard said happily.

However, the next moment, a gust of wind rose out of thin air, wrapped in grayish-yellow dust, and swept toward the crowd.

"Filter the air!"

"Water system protection!"

A series of instant spells were used to protect the five people.

However, spells are time-limited, and they cannot be protected by spells all the time.

"Is this what the power of the world is aimed at?" The tall man shook his head and said, "Gao Huayu and the others, have you encountered the same situation as us at this moment?"

"I'll take a look." The girl in the team said, and then held out a crystal ball.

The crystal ball lit up, and they were still playing cards leisurely in the werewolf village.

"It's not weird! They are so much stronger than us, and they pose a greater threat to the world. Why haven't they been targeted?"

"It's not weird, but it's very scientific, bullying the soft and afraid of the hard." The young wizard said bitterly.

The tall man nodded slightly.

This explanation makes sense.

The other party has just awakened, and he must be leveling up with the mobs first. Even a domestic dog knows that he wants to bully the little master, not the big master.

"Captain, are we quitting this mission? The iron scroll of Danshu obtained from the historical world can be used twice." The girls in the team said in horror.

This is the first time she has experienced such a difficult task.

Heaven and earth are against you.

You may be poisoned by drinking a glass of water.

When you walk on the road, grass will trip you up.

In the past, those tasks took a long time, you can think about it slowly, there are dangers, but they are all of ordinary difficulty.

"No, this is our first teamfight. If we quit, we will be labeled as useless by the black tentacles. The tasks we encounter in the future will become more and more difficult, and we will soon be eliminated by it. It only needs the most savvy. A capable main team, and a reserve team with enough potential. If we quit, we will say we give up our potential." The tall man could see it clearly.

"Fighting with them, anyway, some worlds have the ability to resurrect, so don't be afraid of dying once!" The mage boy gritted his teeth.

Young people are still hot-blooded.

"Well said, let's think about what to do now?" The tall man gritted his teeth.


Wen Rensheng's eyes were always on the Sheepren team, the tall men's team. They chose the Sheepren line, but the Sheepren Village didn't trust them and drove them away.

Now the other party is facing a situation that he has never seen before.

Is it the target of world consciousness?

He thought about it carefully, he had experienced many worlds, but none of them had a clear world consciousness.

The reason is also very simple. The world is too huge, and it is too difficult to generate a consciousness.

Even if it occurs, how can it control its huge inner world?

People cannot control the beating of the heart, the peristalsis of internal organs, and the division and growth of cells.

But from just now, this new world consciousness seems to be able to control some forces to deal with foreign invaders.

No, it should be said that it has just established an immune system, just like a newborn, with birth and growth, the self-immunity system is gradually established.

And this immune system is taking effect.

It identified the Sheeps.

As for how to identify it, it should be Yangren Village that helped it identify it.

Sheepren Village is an integral part of this immune system, but even they themselves are not very clear about it.

This system is of great reference value for Wen Rensheng.

If you want to establish a good defense line and prevent Chaos Omniscient from destroying the world in which you live, you must absorb various defense systems.

Defense is the foundation of all warfare.

Just like football, offense wins fans and defense wins. A team that is not good at defense is difficult to reach the top.

With Wen Rensheng's strength, he could slap the Sheepmen and Werewolves to death, but the latter came from the black tentacle system and would continue to flow.

He can slap 10,000 slaps, and the opponent can slap 1 million.

So he established a guardian space.

But that's not enough.

Now that the world consciousness has emerged, he has to make good use of this world should be said, to help the other party grow.

So how do you make each other grow?

It now seems that the offensive methods of World Consciousness are still too crude.

Just wind, grass... mixed spore attack.

Still need some more powerful and more incomprehensible means.

Like psychic attacks.

Wen Rensheng thought in his heart, and then his mind sank into the earth. He was ready to communicate with the world consciousness in the dark.

Ordinary people can't do this.

But with the help of the mysterious seed, after spending a certain amount of time, he finally saw a group of spores.

It is sparsely distributed in nothingness, blue, green, red, pink...

This is the theme of this world.

Spore parasitism, all civilizations are under its threat.

This is very unpeaceful, very hopeless.

But many worlds are so cruel.

For example, in ancient times on earth, cruel times abounded.

The spores were suspicious.

"I'm a teacher and can give you some advice."

"What is a teacher? Is it delicious?"

"It's delicious. It provides a lot of fresh knowledge, not only to satisfy your mind, but also to satisfy your appetite."


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