Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1754: eat grass

If the Sheep Man team knew that Luo Yan had been issued a good person card, they would be very angry.

They tried their best to make the sheep people free, and they wanted to help them defeat the werewolf, and finally they were driven out.

This Luo Yan only saved a lamb, so he got such trust.

Does this make sense?

Luo Yan discussed with the old village chief and decided to deal with the destroyers together.

"No matter how nice they say, they don't like the world, and they want to toss the world away." The old village chief sighed.

This is what the world consciousness conveyed to him in the dark.

This was the real reason why he drove the five away.

However, it is a pure and thick sheep, it is only driven, not killed, and not eaten.

"I have an idea. Since you can lower the enemy's IQ, then set up a trap to catch them all in one go." Luo Yan said excitedly.

"No, no, if we do that, we won't get anything." The old village chief denied directly.


"The premise of lowering IQ is that they are hostile to us and do bad things to us, but we cannot engage in conspiracy, trap, or take the initiative." The old village chief spread his hands.

"Why is this?" Luo Yan was stunned.

"I also want to know why." The old village chief stared at him.

Luo Yan activated the detective's brain, and after a long time, he thought of a possibility.

"I understand, you have been added a defensive aura by the world consciousness, you are set as a good camp, and have the ability to reduce the IQ of the enemy. If you become a bad person yourself, you will lose this aura. And the definition of a good person , is passive." He said to the old village chief.

"That's right. Sure enough, foreign monks can recite sutras. We have so many sheep, we have thought about it for so many days, but we can't understand it. You will understand it in a while." The old village chief praised.

"Now that we understand the principle, it's easy to do things."

"what should we do?"

"So so, so so."

"Just those 8 words?"


"Then you didn't say anything."

"It's right not to say it."

So Luo Yan once again lived the life of a detective in Yangcun.

Wine, fruit, dance, music...

The only thing that was unpleasant was that there were only fried chicken legs, grilled chicken chops, etc. for dinner, and there was no TV series or novels.

Only those lambs rehearsed their own plays.

The plot is simple, the story is naive, and the ending can be seen at a glance.

However, he was still very content.

After all, the lives of other guardians are far from being so comfortable.

Meal wind and Sulu are indispensable, and intrigue is even more commonplace. If you don't kill several times a day, it will be uncomfortable.

How can there be peace of mind here?

The more calculations in the enemy's mind, the more vicious the means, and the worse the loss.

Three days later, another stray sheep came from outside the village.

It was miserable, not even a single piece of good skin, and there was a lump of wool with ringworm everywhere.

Seeing this, a few lambs soon welcomed it in.

After some grooming, she was still a stray ewe.

Luo Yan could see the root of the other party at a glance, but he just watched from the sidelines and didn't say a word.

"What's your name?" Cong Yangyang asked.

"My name is Miserable Yangyang," said the wandering ewe.


When Luo Yan heard this, he sneered in his heart.

Do you even have to sell your name badly?

Sure enough, she is shrewd. In front of good people, it is only useful to sell miserably.

Don't be reasonable, don't be reasonable, don't be reasonable.

"What's the matter with you?"

"I was caught by a big bad wolf in the werewolf village, it wants to eat sheep..."

Miserable described a tragic story, which made the listeners drool.

Because it spends more than half of its time describing how the big bad wolf configures the seasoning.

"It's too brutal, we have to catch the big bad wolf and let him learn to eat grass!" Cong said angrily.

You eat chicken and let wolves eat grass?

Is this reasonable?

"Yes, attack the werewolf village, defeat them, and let them all eat grass!"

A group of lambs got excited.

Luo Yan was speechless.

But he did nothing.

If he wants to stop him at this time, he will definitely be labeled as a bad guy.

He saw the miserable scene of secretly laughing.

He just wanted to say, you laughed too early...


"That's great. Sure enough, to deal with these stupid sheep, it's only useful to sell out. Pretending to be too strong and too smart will only make them think that we are different." The tall man looked at the current progress happily.

"However, as long as they go to the werewolf village, they will find that all werewolves are eating grass, and only one wolf wants to eat sheep." The wizard boy in the team worried.

"Then let them only see the wolf that wants to eat the sheep." The tall man said firmly.

The teammates nodded.

"Gao, it's still captain Gao Ming."

"Will Gao Huayu and the others stop us?"

"No, I understand. They also want to destroy the world, not us. Killing us is just based on the fact that we are easy to kill. As long as we don't show our flaws, they will not shoot." Gao A man gritted his teeth.

"Understood, hey, now those sheep are going to Wolf Village," said the young wizard.

"Well, immediately let Miserable Ocean lead them to the vicinity of the big bad wolf."

"Okay, the big bad wolf is setting new traps by the river to the east."

"Very good."


by a river.

The only wolf in the werewolf village who still remembers eating sheep is working hard to set traps.

It puts a few roast chickens on a raft that is easy to overturn. As long as the sheep step on it to eat the chicken, the raft will overturn and fall into a fishing net that it has already arranged.

By then, it will be wiped out.

Of course it stole the roast chicken.

When he set up the trap after putting the roast chicken, he thought of a question: "Why don't I eat roast chicken? Since I can steal roast chicken, why don't I steal a sheep?"

"Forget it, let it all go, let's wait for the roast lamb."

"Eat one and try the roast chicken."

It thought like and stepped on the raft trap that it had set up.

As expected, the raft flipped over, it fell into the fishing net smoothly, and began to struggle desperately.

"Help, help!"

When Cong Yangyang waited for the sheep to come here, what he saw was a big bad wolf that was about to drown...

"It's so miserable, shall we go back?" Kuai Yangyang said.

"It's so miserable because it still wants to eat sheep. If it doesn't eat sheep, it won't be so miserable." Cong Yangyang said.

Luo Yan followed behind the sheep, and he wanted to know how they let a group of wolves eat grass.

Then several sheep joined forces to drag the big bad wolf ashore together with the wolf and the net.

"You are a wolf, you want to eat grass..."

"You have to eat grass. Grass is rich in nutrients and has little damage to the environment. Eating grass is good for health and digestion..."

"Scientifically confirmed that eating meat can cause many body indicators to be elevated..."

Luo Yan stared in astonishment, and a group of sheep began to talk to the big bad wolf.

The big bad wolf should be the only wolf who is not so stupid. It asked: "Since there are so many benefits of eating grass, why do you eat chicken?"

"We eat chicken, but that doesn't mean we can't let you eat grass."

"What we are discussing now is about letting you eat grass, not about us eating chicken."


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