Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1758: play off

At this moment, the goats and wolves who were carnival were all shocked.

"My brain seems to have suddenly woken up? I can figure out 15*15=225." said a little wolf.

"My brain has always been awake, but a voice in my head said that it will not monitor me again in the future, let me not play stupid, we can be good friends, and it will get the energy in my body through work." said the sheep.

"Me too," said another sheep.

"I want to eat sheep!" A wolf suddenly and viciously stretched out his paws to the sheep dancing next to him.

Then it discovered that it had no claws at all, not only claws, but also teeth.

And the goat took out a big stick and hit it **** the head.

"Uh..." The wolf passed out.

"As expected, if we didn't strike first, when you wake up, you will come to kill us." The goat said viciously.

Seeing that a fight was about to happen, the werewolves who woke up hurriedly escaped from the party scene.

They are very shrewd. They have been deprived of their minions, and they have been eating grass for many years. Their strength and weapons are not as good as each other. How to fight?

Moreover, this is the opponent's home court, and the opponent's people are all there, and they only come to the most docile part.

Fortunately, the party was held on the grassland, and the speed of the goat was still inferior to that of the wolf.

Most of the wolves fled back to the wolf village.

Two days later.

The werewolf wrote a gauntlet, which listed the thirteen sins of the goat man.

"One, sheep eat chicken, but let wolves eat grass, which violates the number of days."

"Secondly, relying on technology and force, relying on the advantages of spores, oppressing werewolves everywhere."

"Third, the werewolf is forced to raise chickens, but the chicken breeders can't eat chickens..."

In the end, it was agreed that a decisive battle would take place in the middle of the two villages.

The loser is the slave, and the winner is the king.

The old village chief who received the battle letter sighed: "How could this be? Before there were spores, everyone could get along peacefully. Now that the spores have retreated, everyone wants to go to war? Can't we live a good life?"

Hearing this, Luo Yan couldn't help shaking his head: "You guys want to live a good life because you have an advantage and enjoy too much. They suffered so much before, and now they will get back after they regain their senses."

Just like those in the colonies.

"Then what should we do now? Is there going to be a war? A war will kill people." The old village chief showed a hint of weakness.

It is a sheep after all.

"Well, when you fought wolves before, you weren't afraid of death." Luo Yan was a little puzzled, "Why are you afraid now?"

"In the past, wolves wouldn't resist. They were all stupid. Now they're shrewd. It's different."

"Do you only dare to fight fools?"

"Who isn't like this? It's better for a fool to bully him. When bullying him, he will only beg for mercy, he will only give in, and he will not resist."

While the two were talking, the old village chief suddenly looked stunned: "Did you hear anything just now?"

"Is the spore talking to you again? Then I certainly can't hear it."

"No, this time it's not the spore, it's the creator. It's telling us that we can't fight, we want peace, and we want to turn the world into a sea of ​​joy."

"...Your creator is really kind. Wait, why do I feel somehow familiar?" Luo Yan touched his brows, feeling a little bit of a headache.

"Then I can rest assured. I will tell the villagers not to prepare for war, but to prepare toys and plays."


Wolf Village, the village chief's house.

"Do you think you are free? Are you rescued?" Gao Huayu sneered at the village chief of Wolf Village.

"Is not it?"

"You have ushered in an even greater nightmare, an unstoppable enemy. Your creator."

"It is our parents, not our enemy."

"Hehe, parents will grow old and let go of their children, but it will not grow old, it will always watch you, and you will always be controlled by it."

"...At least it saves us now."

"Its rescue is not without a price. It wants you to become a clown to please it. Are you willing to do so?"

"I used to be a clown, a wolf that eats grass, a wolf that is afraid of sheep, isn't it ugly enough?"

"Before you had hope of resistance, but now, do you think you still have hope of resistance?"

"Then what do you want us to do?"

"Join us and break the world."

Gaohua Yutu sees the poor dagger.

The power of the wise is finally revealed.

He waited until now.

When the enemy is the strongest, it's actually the time to go downhill.

The world consciousness was born, but this also means that the enemy of the world appeared.

In the past, the creatures of the world, their enemies were themselves and their opponents, but now, they have a common enemy.

This task is difficult.

However, once it is completed, he can break through the fourth rank and become a real powerhouse. The threshold of the Hell Team should also be touched.

However, since he is a wise man, the Hell Team will not want it.

Because there can only be one wise man in the team, and multiple ones will argue with each other.

"Breaking the world? After that? Being enslaved by you?" After the village chief of Wolf Village regained his shrewdness, he would not be so easily fooled.

"No, we will leave. You can live in this world truly and freely. Whether you develop technology or seek pleasure, it's your choice."

"Let me think about it."

The next day.

The village chief of Wolf Village refused.


"Most wolf people disagree, because they can't feel the oppression of the creator. First, the creator doesn't want them to pay taxes, second, they don't want them to eat grass, and third, they don't want them to work. What reason do they have to resist?"

"But the Creator mainly arranges you to please it."

"That's to please themselves, and they don't see the punishment for failure. Unless the punishment comes, I can't convince them to resist."

Gao Huayu sighed.

The real world is like this, you won't resist for an inexplicable You will only resist if there is real damage to your interests.

Still can only wait.

This wait is two years.

The world of spores is prosperous, with laughter and laughter everywhere.

The wolf and the sheep live in harmony and spend every day in joy.

Everyone didn't fight or quarrel, they just thought about how to play.

I have enough to eat, enough to wear, and I just want to play every day.

However, a think tank is a think tank, and Gao Huayu quickly found the gap.

The Creator can change all external appearances, but only cannot change their hearts.

And they are intelligent creatures, intelligent creatures have desires, and they are infinite.

He made a very beautiful dress, claiming it is the only one in the world, and only the most beautiful wolf girl or goat girl is fit to wear it.

The werewolf and the goat people soon got into a quarrel.

They all want this dress.

And this is just the beginning.

He also made the most luxurious package, claiming that only the most powerful people are eligible to enjoy it.

Isn't it easy to provoke?

For food, clothing, housing, and color, there are countless articles to do on each.

Then the Creator, can he prevent others from doing and thinking?


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