Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1759: Operation

The sheep-wolf war broke out.

For the most beautiful clothes, the strongest sheep fight with the fiercest wolf.

It's the kind that has to be punched out of its brains.

And the tricks are fierce, the goat has the courage to top the tiger's head, the wolf has the courage to bite the tiger's testicles...

The tiger became the benchmark of courage at this time.

"How do you stupid wolves deserve to wear such beautiful clothes?"

"How do you arrogant sheep deserve to wear such beautiful clothes?"

When Wen Rensheng heard their conversation, he thought that the clothes were so beautiful, but when he saw it with his own eyes, he was amused.

It turned out to be the emperor's new clothes.

Why did the wolf and the sheep fight?

Because Gao Huayu claimed that this is the most beautiful dress in the world, only the most beautiful wolf girl or goat girl is qualified to wear it, and only smart people can see it...

Do you really think these wolves and sheep can't see through?

It is precisely when you see through it that you will do this.

Obviously it's a fairy tale style, but it turns into a cult at the same time.

Can this world be destroyed?

Gao Huayu is a think tank that cannot be underestimated. He has already discovered the key to the world.

But Wen Rensheng didn't plan to kill the other party, because the other party was the best test sample.

The most troublesome thing for programmers is to find a suitable test sample to test the stability of the system.

There is always no problem in the development environment. Once it goes online and enters the production environment, there are occasional bugs, which is the worst.

I don't know when you will be called up in the middle of the night, and then take a train or plane for thousands of kilometers to maintain the program overnight.

Wen Rensheng continued to read, he wanted to see the new world consciousness, how to deal with this kind of thing.

The newly born consciousness in this world is called "Xiao Bao" by Xiao Huan. She is talking to Xiao Huan in distress: "I always feel that they are very wrong. Do you know what they are? That dress obviously doesn't exist, what do you think?"

"This shows that you're an idiot, a idiot can't see, I can see." Xiao Huan said proudly.

"Ah, you can see it, can you really see it? Give me a description." Xiaobao said depressedly.

Xiao Huan said solemnly: "It has the color of the sky, the shape of the sea, the breath of the grassland, the smell of the forest..."

"This... I don't understand it, but I'm shocked." Xiao Bao touched his head.

"Hahaha, it's so funny!" Xiao Huan rolled around with laughter.

He also laughed, the world is about to die.

The emperor's new clothes are draped on the emperor's body, so it's fine.

Putting it on someone else is a big problem.

Wen Rensheng thought to himself.

At this moment, Luo Yan realized that the danger was approaching.

He immediately found the head of the two villages and asked them to stop this kind of thing.

"It's a hoax, what smart people can see, it's taking advantage of your fear of spores, not wanting to admit that you've been stupid, this dress doesn't actually exist. And it's to be worn in the most beautiful On women, the consequences can be imagined, this will only lead to the end of your world." Luo Yan said bitterly.

"Why does the world end? Isn't it just wearing a dress?" The village chief of Wolf Village asked in confusion.

"Yeah, why? It doesn't make sense at all." The village chief of Yangcun followed.

Luo Yan had no choice, sighed and said, "I'm from the outside world, you should know?"

"I knew it for a long time, but you are a good person." The village chief of Yangcun nodded.

"For me, to observe your world is to watch a cartoon, and if a cartoon has that kind of content, do you think it will still exist?" Luo Yan said seriously.

This is the most fundamental reason why he can detect the crisis, but the people in the spore world cannot detect the crisis.

"So that's the case, what should I do?" The two village chiefs panicked.

Really panicked.

Luo Yan revealed the truth in one sentence, which made them suddenly realize.

"In the final analysis, it is because your world has a fixed theme, but world consciousness gives you normal life, and normal life follows the path of reality, and reality does not have a fixed theme."


"So you have to pray for the consciousness of the world to let it take back your normal life and turn you into fairy tale creatures. The sheep and wolves in fairy tales will not reproduce or create children, and of course they will not be like this now. Dirty mind." Luo Yan said straight to the point.

"Well said! You are really the smartest person."

"No, I'm just a detective, good at finding the truth from the details."

The two village chiefs looked at each other and immediately went to arrange a prayer ceremony.

And outside, the sheep and wolves have been beaten to the point of bruising.

The only good thing is that they still have spores parasitism in their brains, and the spores interfere with their nervous systems, so that they will not be cruel and dead.

And because the spores can communicate with each other, as the battle between the subjects progresses, it gradually becomes a martial arts routine.

You use a trick, I use a trick, outsiders look very lively, but in fact no one can beat anyone.

If the set is wrong, it will be troublesome, and martial arts stars will also be beaten all over their heads.

As the prayer went on, Xiaobao finally heard the call of his people.

"It turns out that this is the case, I feel something is wrong, Xiao Huan, are you cheating on me?" Xiao Bao said angrily after learning the truth.

"What's wrong with you, I'm you. Mom, how can you cheat on your own child?" Xiao Huan pretended to be stupid.

"Hmph, I'll ignore you." Xiaobao waved his hand, and the sheep and wolves below had become fairy tale lives, no, they should be children's animation lives.

There are also dark fairy tales, such as Bluebeard and Duck Detective, and the Black Cat Sheriff. They are very scary. They are all the shadows of children's or the safety of children's animation.

Soon, the fighting sheep and wolves slowly stopped.

"Why are we fighting?"

"Yeah, isn't it just a piece of clothing? Without it, would it be death or mutilation?"

"That is, will you die if you skip a meal? Will you die if you skip a piece of clothing? Why don't you live happily?"

"We are so stupid, what are we doing? We have the protection of the Creator, just live well."

Soon the sheep and wolves lived happily ever after.

Gao Huayu was not surprised.

He has long understood that although he is highly intelligent, the opponent's advantage is too great.

But it doesn't matter, the other party's world consciousness, once the power is used, will deplete the source once.

Is it true that the world can be changed infinitely?

Then it has long since become the main world, not a subordinate within a subordinate.

The provocation this time can consume the origin of the world once, and he will earn it.

Do it a few more times and it's over.

Which weakness will you choose next time?

Now the other party has become a young animation style.

What are children most afraid of?


He thought to himself, an evil smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


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