Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1766: anecdote

After much deliberation, Li Chun finally handed this pen into the hands of a group of undersea octopuses.

And it binds its owner with a binding charm, which is an octopus. When one dies, it will fly into the hands of the next.

The Spring and Autumn Pen, as long as it is waved, will automatically write the truth, and giant characters will appear in the sky for people to see.

And the octopuses will definitely not modify it intentionally.

They have strong vitality, and so much fishing did not make them extinct, but spread all over the ocean.

The reason is that they have the habit of drilling when they see a hole, and can hide in the cracks of the seabed rock, which avoids the most terrifying threat of the "extreme filter membrane" in the future.

Although they were caught in large quantities by fishermen in clay pots two thousand years ago, they still cannot be wiped out.

The crock pot is far from comparable to the dead house filter membrane.

"Sad, the fairness of human beings has to be hosted by an octopus." Huang Ergou shook his head when he saw this scene.

Li Chun was too lazy to explain a lot to him, just looked up at the sky.

Not long after, five big characters floated from the sky - "The Death of Marquis Xihuan".

The following is a piece of history.

Marquis Xihuan was a great general of the dynasty. He was loyal to the people and loved the people. He lived a simple life. He distributed all the extra fields to the people.

The royal funeral was solemn, and it was buried with the ceremony of the prince. The prince came to express his condolences in person.

Well, that is the seventy-year-old prince who just died a few years ago.

The **** Gu En said, "Marquis Huan, it's time to drink the medicine. This is a gift from the Holy One, and you can't refuse it."

"Heh, the rabbit is dead and the dog is cooked. The birds are all bowed and hidden. The past and the present are the same. If I don't drink it, I will die, and I will die clearly and clearly, just like Yue Wumu." Huanhou said.

"Oh, when you are the King of Yue, do you want the emperor to be unfaithful? You are disloyal, and you deserve to die! Come on, serve Huanhou and drink medicine. If you don't want to be decent, the miscellaneous family will help you be decent!"

Huanhou died.

Then came "The Prince's Death", "Northwest Banknote Case", "Southeast Grain Case", "Southwest Mountain Rebellion"...

One after another, they were all the news that had been skipped in the imperial palace newspaper, but it was a sensation.

"Damn it, black, there is nothing that is not black." Huang Ergou said bitterly.

"It's useless, what's the use of just breaking news?" Su Xiaodan dismissed it.

She has lived in the palace these days, and she understands very well that people at the bottom just have to live by, let others stand out, and she will follow behind.

Unless you are starving to the point where you can't do it, you will fight on a large scale. You can't let a large group of people resist.

"Look and talk."

Great things have been written, and new things have appeared in the sky.

"Jin's Secret Editor":

The great Confucian Jin Huaicheng said to his eldest son: "There are great Confucians in my family from generation to generation, which is to learn the root of Confucianism and Taoism. The root of Confucianism and Taoism lies in kneeling."

"Kneeling to the sky, kneeling to the ground, kneeling to the emperor, kneeling to parents, kneeling to teachers; kneeling to Tartars, kneeling to Nanyi, kneeling to Xiyi, kneeling to Dongyi, kneeling to Beiyi..."

His son said, "The former is easy to talk about, but the latter is very inconsistent with the theory of righteousness."

Cheng said: "Those who hold righteousness can't be passed on, and can only be famous for a while; those who hold the knees are from generations. Which one do you choose?"

His son said: "A person's death may be heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather; how can a man live in the middle of heaven and earth, how can he die in obscurity? I would rather die for the sake of righteousness, get a name for a while and pass it on to future generations, so that this life will not be in vain. and also."

His eldest son was beaten to death with a stick that night, and he hated the northwest.

The second son learned the truth.

All things in the world are like this, wouldn't future generations be sad!


Somewhere in the northwest, in the courtyard of the Jin's ancestral hall.

"It's over, it's over, from now on I have no more great scholars in the Jin clan!" The Jin clan chief covered his face and looked at the sky, crying bitterly.

The other clansmen also looked at the sky, their faces ashen.

"The patriarch is too concerned. The words in the sky are only for a while. Most of the people who are literate are illiterate. Most of the literate people are good for my family. As long as I send someone to talk about it, after ten years, how will anyone know about it?" Jin Shi's second grandfather, but the old **** was talking.

"The second grandpa said yes, the patriarch doesn't need to worry."

"Also, who is cleaner than who? Those who are literate and read, who are not kneeling all the way, the real danger, but the roots of Confucianism and Taoism that we spent hundreds of years groping for, are exposed like this, and in the future We have no advantage!" said another wise man in the clan.

"What I'm saying is that this is a matter of life and death."

"That's right, if everyone kneels, it means everyone doesn't kneel. If the strongman comes, he should kill him."

"Oh, it's over, everyone kneels, and the first one to kneel is worthless."

"Yes, yes." Everyone in the clan said in unison.

"Hurry up and talk to the other families, let the branch of the family promote righteousness quickly, and strive to let the common people know only righteousness, not kneeling." The wise man in the clan said with confidence.

"That's right, wonderful, wonderful!"

"The saying of righteousness is good and wonderful. The more righteous people are, the more valuable they appear to be kneeling."

"Well, divided into ten branches, changed their surnames and changed their ancestry, and promoted Haoran's righteousness, and the main branch acted in a low-key manner." The patriarch finally said.


Three years later, the idea of ​​righteousness became popular.

"Heaven and earth have righteousness, and there are miscellaneous and manifold shapes. Below are the rivers and mountains, and above are the sun and stars..."

Everyone can recite the righteous song.

The power of Confucianism and Taoism is deflected.

Kneeling and saying that it is no longer popular, and the father and son, the ruler and the minister, have also been penetrated.

"A father is not a father, and a son is not a son; a ruler is not a ruler, and a minister is not a minister."

"A son can also be a father, and a minister can also be a ruler."

All kinds of outrageous ideas spread among the people, in the villages, restaurants, inns, and Goulan...

Especially in the south of the Yangtze River, strange people are rampant, the men are dressed in colorful, and there are even those who openly run, lying on the street naked, proud of their celestial bodies.

People are even more beautiful with bizarre ideas.

If you were a master honestly, no one would look down on you, and you would be scolded as a sour scholar.

"We shouldn't have an emperor! What is an emperor? He eats countless people's fats every year. UUkanshu Can he eat as much as he can alone?"

"Well said, Brother Liu, this emperor shouldn't have, the world should be governed by scholars."

"No, the emperor still has to have it, otherwise, the barbarians of the grasslands and plateaus will not recognize it."

"That's right, only the emperor and his own daughter can have status. Once he gets married, he has peace for ten years. This is the role of the emperor."

"Since that's the case, the emperor should be a clay bodhisattva. He is usually worshipped at a high level, and he will only come forward when he has something to do."

"That's right, Xu Jun is good, because the Prime Minister can be changed at any time, and it won't affect too much government affairs. The emperor will bleed every time he changes."

The Confucian scholars began to discuss the role of the emperor.

This was unimaginable before.

The existence of the emperor, that is the Son of Heaven, is justified.

Who dares to argue that there is no emperor, or that the emperor is a puppet?

"The emperor should also be replaced. If the emperor violates the righteousness, he must be replaced."

"Yeah, in this way, the world will no longer have to worry about the appearance of a dazed ruler and tyrant. There will only be a dazed and violent appearance, but if the master can be changed, the world will be in long-term peace and order."

Following the discussions of the Confucian scholars, new theories appeared and became popular in the world.

Surprisingly, the emperor turned a deaf ear to this.


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