Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1767: downwind

"You bastard! It's been three years, and still haven't found the whereabouts of Chunqiu Bi? These eunuchs, palace maids, and concubines around me, all of them will be killed!"

"Your Majesty, you are wronged, but this servant has been with you for 60 years."

"Your Majesty, be merciful. The slaves never did this!"

He went down with a stick, and the sound was so weak that he couldn't hear it in the end.

On that day, eight words floated from the sky: "The imperial palace tragedy, tragic and tragic".

Up and down the palace, more than 30,000 maids, eunuchs, guards, and some concubines were all slaughtered, leaving the walls and floors red.

After everyone saw it, most people were silent, and some people were angry.

Ten days later, a letter was sent from the mountain border in the southwest.

"In ancient times, there was Jie Zhou, but now there is Xuanyou. The tyranny is very tyrannical, and God is furious..."

In short, it is a letter of rebellion.

In the past, everyone didn't see the real situation, and they could pretend to be deaf and dumb. Now the **** scene is hanging in the sky. Who wouldn't be afraid?

If you let the old emperor continue to sit down and kill him in the future, who can bear it?

That night, there were rumors that the emperor was going to massacre the city.

There was a riot in the capital. The people attacked the four gates and fled outside the city. The rogues took the opportunity to loot and set fire to them, causing countless casualties.

As soon as this happened, all sides were suddenly unstable.

In addition, the Spring and Autumn Brush has brought out countless local injustices one after another.

The anger of the people burns like fire.

It's good to say that it's just a case of injustice, but Spring and Autumn's pen also exposed the black things that the officials did.

Xiaomin looked at it. Originally, he only had to pay one-third of the official tax of the imperial court, but now he has to pay one-third of the apportionment. Is this still worth it?

The bright big characters hang on the skull every day, and there are no literate people.

Ask someone to write the letter on your behalf, just Nian Nian.

As long as it is related to money and food, small things become big things.

Jiangnan took the lead in initiating the civil revolt.

After three years of deliberation, combined with the theory of righteousness and the theory of emptiness, the people of the south of the Yangtze River demanded that the emperor be deposed, a vacant king should be established, the cabinet should be re-established, and the administration of officials should be cleaned up.

Before that, they didn't pay a penny or lose a bucket of rice.



"Captain, don't you think those great Confucians are very powerful? Why didn't they come out to suppress the commoners?" Huang Ergou looked at a group of rebels passing by and wondered.

With his understanding of the Great Confucianism, the other party can kill a thousand people by one person.

"Er Gouzi, you're so stupid, do you know what it means to raise bandits with self-respect? Behind these rebels are the shadows of great Confucians. They took the opportunity to ask the emperor for power." Su Xiaodan said with contempt.

"But they were very powerful before, why didn't they ask the emperor for power directly?" Huang Ergou asked in doubt.

"That's because the core of their strength is loyalty to the monarch. When they rebel, their strength will be lost; so they have to rely on the power of the small people, and only the power of the small people is independent and does not rely on any outsiders." Li Chun explained patiently.

Now the first phase of the main quest released by Black Tentacle has ended.

The root of Confucianism and Taoism has been found, which is the word "kneeling".

Since it is "kneeling", how can the great Confucians rely on their own strength to resist the emperor and foreign enemies?

Their power is used to suppress the commoners.

This is a game of beast fighting. "The emperor is afraid of the common people, the small people are afraid of the great Confucianism, and the great scholar is afraid of the emperor/tartar."

The perfect closed loop of the world.

Speaking of which, Li Chun sounded a reminder in his mind:

"Mission: Destroy the world of Confucianism and Taoism."

"The second stage: destroy the roots of Confucianism and Taoism."

How to destroy?

Let everyone stand up!

When no one knelt down, the roots of Confucianism and Taoism naturally disappeared.

In those places where there is no kneeling ceremony, is there still soil for Confucianism and Taoism to survive?

On the grasslands, the son kills the father, the son marries the stepmother, and the khan turns alternately.

On the ocean, the captain and the sailor take money according to the share, and the sailor kneels to the captain? No, kneeling is the sea.

Li Chun thought like this, the question is, how to get everyone to stand up?

Normally, it is difficult. It may not be possible in a hundred years or two hundred years.

He took out a few talismans and looked at them carefully. He had to use extraordinary means to speed up.

"Captain, what kind of talisman are you?"

"Stupid talisman, puppet talisman, if you burn one, a substitute will appear to take damage and do things for yourself."

"Is this thing expensive?"

"It's not expensive. After all, as you know, black tentacles are very careful, and they like to fight with war. There is only technology on these talismans, but the source of power is the world itself."

"Understood, with the spear of the child, the shield of the attacking child. But what are you doing with the avatar?"

"Right now, all the troublemakers are the gangsters who are supported. The real people have been bullied by the great Confucians for too long, and they dare not stand up for everything. Only by using substitutes and puppets can they sprint to the court with confidence." Li Chun said seriously.

"Well, I feel this is a bit awkward, right?"

"What's wrong? You don't need a vest when you go online?"

"Understood, but how many characters do you have?"

"As much as you want."

Later, Li Chun began to distribute this kind of avatar.

The local people didn't know what it was for at first, and they were extremely suspicious.

However, Chunqiu Bi endorsed it, and took the initiative to introduce the function of this talisman in the sky.

It is not for curing diseases, not for warding off evil spirits, but for wearing vests.

Burn it, drink it, and there will be a stand-in different from you.

You can manipulate it to do things.

But the premise is to make it full.

With this, the people finally became active.

But the problem also arises: no one has any surplus food.

This stand-in can only fight and fight, but he can't go to the ground to grow food, not to mention the high-tech jobs such as weaving and fishing.

That is, pure consumers.

What should we do then?

Grab it.

Isn't that what the substitute does?

Who robbed?

Robbery of the big family.

There are Confucian scholars in the big family, what should I do?

We fought together.

Anyway, the stand-in can't kneel, there are few bones in the knee, so I can't kneel down.

" Why don't you take the power of Confucianism and Taoism?" A great Confucian who was invited to suppress the civil revolt was shocked.

Then he wanted to understand:

This power of Confucianism and Taoism can only suppress people, but not animals and monsters.

Therefore, as soon as it encounters Nanyi, Beiyi, Xiyi, will be invalid immediately.

There is only one truth: these are not people.

After letting dozens of cronies seize a stand-in, the great Confucian inspected it and found that it was indeed the case!

"This is a rebellion, this is a rebellion! Demon heresy, evil monster heresy!" The Great Confucian said furiously.

"It's a rebellion, it's a rebellion, teach me, what should we do?" Captain Jiading said anxiously.

"Come on, go find the army of the imperial court. The power of Confucianism and Taoism doesn't work, but swords and spears work."

Three thousand imperial garrison troops were transferred.

The civilian army doubles were beaten and fled.

To be honest, the little people could have won, but when someone's stand-in was smashed, more people started to care.

Although he didn't lose his life, he lost money!

How much can a puppet do?

It's such a pity to be destroyed on the battlefield like this.

So they all ran away.

Originally, a player who was not afraid of death played a tailwind game, but it became a runaway game for a player who was worried about equipment damage.


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