Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1768: rooftop conversation

East Water City.

Wenren was promoted to home, study.

He is working in front of his notebook.

There is a document inside, but the content is shocking.

On the document, the world names are written one by one, and there are detailed descriptions.

Radiation Wasteland, Invincible Heroes, Go Immortal, Werewolf Mutual Killing, Medieval Darkness, Mist Detective, Spore Wolf Sheep, Feudal Age, Baldur's Gate, Battlestar... and the world of flames that entered a long time ago.

He also has a crimson alien species with creative attributes, which he obtained from the world of flames.

He wrote carefully about the characteristics of many worlds and tried to find the connections among them.

He wants to build a tower defense dimension system.

Who is the support, who is the output, and who is the tank is of great importance in tower defense.

There are many kinds of auxiliary effects, such as slowness, poisoning for the enemy...

Amplification, treatment for one's own use...

There are many worlds, but most of them are fragmentary.

According to the Mysterious Seed's investigation, the amount of source power they possess is not even as much as his own.

For example, the game fragment world of Baldur's Gate is now hidden in his laptop.

"Xiao Huan, which of these worlds gave birth to consciousness?" He asked while arranging.

Xiao Huan's head appeared on the computer screen, pointing with his little finger: "This, this, this, and this have all come alive, but only this and this are the best."

Wen Rensheng took a closer look, and Xiao Huan was referring to the four worlds of Spore Wolf Sheep, Invincible Heroes, Baldur's Gate, and Go Immortal.

She said the fun is Spore and Heroes.

Because of these two places, she went to the most frequently.

"What are their personalities?" Wen Rensheng said while typing.

"This little bag is stupid, she can do whatever she wants; the old lady in this hero is Asha, she is very kind, she will give me whatever she wants." Xiao Huan said triumphantly.

"Uh, you're really welcome, are you still there?" Wen Rensheng said and entered the characters of the two world consciousnesses.

"In this Baldur's Gate, there is an old man named Aio, who is dizzy every day. It's impossible to move. I'm so great, how can I be in a computer? This Go world is a big computer that plays chess all day. Cube, it doesn't answer any question until I turn off the power and let it do whatever it wants, hehe..." Xiao Huan snickered while covering his mouth.

"You're really good, as expected, the blue is better than the blue." Wen Rensheng tapped her on the head.

Then he said again: "Please bring the four of them to the rooftop of our house. I want to chat with them."


"Where did you learn it?"

"on the phone."

"Don't look at your phone."


After a while, on the roof of the villa.

The breeze is breezy, the air is extremely fresh, and there is no pollution at all.

Because in the distance is the tree man jungle.

Absolutely original, the biggest handicraft industry is rubbing leaf cards.

A natural oxygen bar.

And so far, there has not been a single case.

The character of trees is gentle.

On the rooftop, five people sat facing each other at the round table.

"Impossible, it's impossible, I am a **** above God, how can I live in a false world?"

An old man with a white beard shook his head there with a look of disbelief.

"It must be the **** of deception, who stole my Slate of Destiny, united with those restless gods, and concocted so many illusions for me. Hahaha, you are all fake, you can't deceive me!"

Next to the old man sat a large computer cube, a kind of desktop computer, an old-fashioned cube monitor.

The big cube turned a deaf ear, and the black and white chess pieces flashed across his face at such a fast speed that he couldn't see clearly at all.

"Okay, Mr. Aio, you and I are both the founding gods of the game world, why can't you accept this fact?" Opposite the old man was a kind white-haired grandmother, she smiled and said to her peers.

She is the creator of the world of Ashan, the dragon **** Asha of Heroes of Invincible Five. His tears are the tears of the famous artifact Asha. If you can dig out the map, you will not be far from the victory of the battle. .

Her real status is higher than that of Aio. After all, no **** can betray her.

"What game world? It's completely incomprehensible." Next to the grandmother sat the little girl in red, the little bag who was fooled by Xiao Huan all day long.

"Okay, everyone, understand that you are a secondary world, and the sky will not fall. You must know that the real material world of the main world is actually very cruel, and it cannot tolerate a little miracle. It is all a combination of randomness and regularity." Wen Rensheng opened his mouth to the four paths.

"It's fake, it's all fake." Aio still turned a deaf ear.

"Cruel? Cruelty is not good, peace, friendship, that's what Xiao Huan said." Xiao Bao held his chin and blinked his big eyes.

The computer cube still didn't say a word.

"What Mr. said is that I have received a lot of information from the main world, where there are countless creatures who want to live in my world. If the main world is really that beautiful, they would not have such an idea." Grandma Asha said.

"Can you receive information from the main world?" Wen Rensheng asked in surprise.

Sure enough, this move was the right move.


"How do you know that they are from the Overworld?"

"Because I can feel that I have a deep relationship with those information, I believe that games related to my world are being played by many people in the main world."

Wen Rensheng nodded. He thought of the extremely distant past life.

Although this game is lonely, there are still a group of people paying attention.

"What is the main world?" Xiaobao asked timidly.

"Children, the main world, UU reading is to create us, or the world we are attached to. We are suspended in the endless void, and our existence depends on the connection with the main world. If the main world can no longer remember us , we will truly disappear." Grandma Yasha kindly said a terrible message.

"I don't want to disappear, I still want to play with Xiao Huan. It lost last time and owes me 9 chips and didn't give it to me." Xiaobao said reluctantly.

"This is exactly the purpose of calling you here. If you want to exist forever, you must repair the falsehood and make it true." Wen Rensheng said seriously.

At this time, the old man Ao who had been dizzy also quieted down.

He looked at Wen Rensheng with burning eyes.

"How to do this?" the old man asked directly.

"First of all, we must do a good job of defense. There is a group of destroyers trying to destroy the world in which we exist; secondly, we must conduct a strategic counter-offensive, and finally we must find strategic support."

"Destroyer? I've heard of them. They are traveling through various secondary worlds, destroying many worlds and making them disappear from the void. Those worlds have no birth consciousness, and they are completely resisted by instinct, not their opponents." Granny Sha said.

"Hmph, a bunch of idiots, I've been conscious for a long time." Old man Aio laughed.

"This is the advantage of your game world. From the very beginning, there is a God of Creation, so after your world is born, you will naturally have a world consciousness." Wen Rensheng nodded.


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