Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1775: chase

After six o'clock, the sky was bright, and Hua Gang decided to speed up.

Before the black light was blinding, I only rode 40 kilometers in three hours. The bicycle had no lights, and if I rode too fast, it would fall into the pit.

He took a break, ate a piece of chocolate with him, and rode east along a country dirt road without cameras.

Good cyclists can ride hundreds of kilometers in one go.

The speed reaches more than 50 kilometers per hour.

But Hua Gang couldn't do that.

The escape was too hasty, his bike was too broken, and it was not his professional bike.

If you don't ride yourself, you are also afraid of being manipulated.

Not in a hurry, but after a while, he was afraid that someone would discover the existence of the red panda.

At that time, this earth-shattering artificial intelligence will no longer belong to him.

Wait, when did you let yourself have the illusion that this artificial intelligence is bound to yourself?

He rode all the way, and suddenly this question came to his mind.

Yes, it must be seen too much, and when a system comes out, it is considered to be bound to itself.

However, the fact is, from the beginning to the end, the other party never said this.

The problem came, when I ran to the tribal jungle after all my hardships, the other party suddenly said, I liked another kid.

Isn't this the same as many blind dates in the past?

You worked hard, paid a lot, worked every day, and gave gifts when you were hungry... Thought you had reached the last step, but people rejected you because you were not sincere.

How funny.

So his riding speed gradually slowed down. Finally, he took out his mobile phone and said to the sleeping red panda, "Mr. Xiao Huan, I'm already on my way, and I can't look back. You can't lie to me."

"Don't worry, I've said it before, I've read a lot, so I won't lie to you." Little Panda said firmly.

just play with you.

"Oh, how many books have you read?" Hua Gang felt relieved and accelerated again.

"I have finished reading all the books in kindergarten." Little Panda said proudly.

"...that's quite a lot." Hua Gang said sincerely.

One blind date was a young woman with a four-year-old child, one year younger than him.

The kindergarten reading materials prepared for the child have exceeded the extracurricular books he read when he was in junior high school...

No exaggeration at all.

The other side also said, "I'm not going to have a second child for the sake of being good to my child."

Then why did I marry you?

Just to serve you and your baby?

Not cheap!

This ride will arrive at 12 noon.

At this time, he saw his wanted notice.

On an electronic advertisement screen at an intersection, his face and ID number were displayed, scaring him to detour quickly.

"Leaving home at three o'clock in the morning, only to be discovered now, after a delay of nine hours, why didn't you let me steal a motorcycle at that time?" Hua Gang regretted a little.

Otherwise, at this moment, he should have ridden five or six hundred kilometers, not like now, he has only ridden two hundred kilometers, and he is exhausted to death. .

"Motorcycles are of high value, generally more than 5,000 yuan, which is a criminal act. The bicycle you ride is only one or two hundred, so it's not a big problem."

"I'm on the run now, do you still care about crime?" Hua Gang was very helpless.

"This is the bottom line. Your escape is your personal choice, and it is harmless to others. As a human being, remember that you must not trouble others at any time."

"Uh, the big deal is that I will get rich in the future, and I will pay them back a hundred times."

"The future cannot be counted."

Hua Gang stopped talking and continued to ride east.

Two in the afternoon.

"No, I can't stand it because I'm hungry. Lord Xiao Huan, see if there are any shops nearby."

"There is a village. There is a store at the entrance of the village, but it is not recommended that you buy it. There is a vegetable field nearby, so go buy some radishes."

Hua Gang nodded, and following the other party's navigation, he quickly saw a vegetable field.

In the vegetable field, there was a pair of elderly people who were busy working in the radish field. The radishes that were pulled up formed a hill.

"How do you sell your radishes?"

"Hey, Mistress, you don't need to spend money. Are you thirsty? I'll give you some water." The old man, who was in his sixties, took a bowl and poured him water.

"Thank you, I have money." Hua Gang took out a hundred yuan.

"No, a few radishes, no money." The old man just shoved the radishes to the other side, but didn't ask for his money.

Alas, what a simple villager.

When you develop yourselves, you will be rewarded ten thousand times in the future.

In the end, he still took ten catties of radishes, tied them to the bicycle, and set off on the road.

The old man watched him leave.

"It's a bit strange that this young man is dressed well, but in such a hurry, it's like being chased by someone," the old woman said.

"When you go out, there are difficulties of last resort." The old man shook his head and continued to work.


Hua Gang nibbled on radishes while riding.

I don't know when, a helicopter flew overhead, scaring him to quickly turn into the roadside grove to avoid.

"No, how did they locate me?" he asked in a panic.

"Pull-net investigation, crowd tactics, direct large-scale coverage in the direction you are most likely to leave. You are still 700 kilometers away from the sea, hurry up."

"Will I be blocked halfway?"

"No, I monitor them, and I can see any of their actions."

"If they don't use the Internet, can you still see them?"

"That won't work, but in modern society, they can't block you without the help of the Internet."

Hua Gang continued to ride along the path, but not the main road.

As long as you don't take the avenue, you're not afraid of being discovered.

It's just that he ignored the omnipresent passers-by.

The area where he was located was originally densely populated. Within twenty miles, there were two villages.

A lot of people saw him, but most people didn't care.

Someone noticed the wanted notice sent in the text message and called.

Hua Gang had no choice but to change his outfit, throw away his helmet, and put on his jacket backwards, so that he avoided the sight of some people.

"There are three off-road vehicles chasing you in the back and the front. You can only turn north and find a wasteland to hide for a while."

"Didn't you say that they will pull the net to investigate? Once I stop, I will be finished." Hua Gang was startled for a while.

"It's okay, I will monitor their mobile phones at all times."

"In this case, you can forge orders, tamper with their orders, and let them hunt elsewhere."

"That's right, okay, I'll do it now, you can continue to the east."


Business Alliance, Criminal Investigation Bureau.

"Have you been tracked down yet?"

"No, but it is certain that there is a top hacker helping the other party. Our monitoring system has not found anything, and even changed the various pursuit orders we issued, making the people below go in the opposite direction."

"That Hua Gang is just an ordinary employee, and he doesn't know any hacking skills at all. And there will be some hackers, playing these boring things?"

"It's hard to say, after all, hackers with weird personalities abound."


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