Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1776: consciousness

East coast.

A large ship stood in the deep water some distance from the shore.

Every large ship is comparable to the size of an aircraft carrier.

After Hua Gang came here, he was very happy and felt that what the red panda said was true.

It said that three black-hearted ocean-going fishing boats were found on the coast, and the results were true.

However, after I found a sailor and asked, I realized that those big ships were not ocean-going fishing vessels, but fish farming vessels.

Yes, fish on board.

Business alliances, commerce is extremely developed, and fishing is even more developed.

There has long been no fish in the offshore waters, and now it is the rise of offshore fish farming.

But offshore fish farming has the biggest problem, fear of natural disasters.

Typhoon, tsunami, red tide, the last time it came, it was worthless.

And the sea and land are the same, both have the distinction of "fat and poor".

The fertile waters have formed a world-renowned large fishing ground.

The advantage of raising fish boats is that they can avoid natural disasters and go to grazing in the fertile ocean.

It should be said that it is equivalent to sea nomads.

"What can I do? Where are the ocean-going fishing boats you said? Didn't they order three? Why not?" Hua Gang said helplessly.

"This, the plan can't keep up with the changes, it's too normal." Little Panda said indifferently.

"Your plan went wrong, I'm going to die." Hua Gang looked up at the huge fish farming boat and said very worriedly.

"What are you afraid of? Fishing boats will go to the ocean. It's the same when you go up to find a job."

"Why can't I trust you now? You should be more reliable." Hua Gang sighed.

"I've always been reliable, I'm an artificial intelligence."

Artificial mental retardation.

Hua Gang thought bitterly, then found a group of sailors who were resting ashore and asked if there were unidentified people on board.

"No, no, we are a regular ship."

"I can work for nothing without pay."

"That doesn't work, you can do some handyman, who knows who you are?" A sailor shook his head.

Intern crew members, the salary is only 1,000 Tribal Coins, or 7,000 Alliance Yuan.

Only more than 40,000 in half a year.

For more than 40,000 people, it is definitely not worth taking huge potential risks.

Unless the ship itself is black.

He inquired about the five large ships docked in the offshore, but no one wanted it.

"If it's a fishing boat, they may want it, because it requires cool labor. Our fish farming boat needs skilled workers. The humidity and temperature are all controlled by computers..." A sailor was kind and explained two things to Hua Gang. sentence.


Hua Gang was originally discouraged, but suddenly his eyes lit up.

He thanked the sailor brother, and then said to the red panda on the mobile phone: "Mr. Xiao Huan, you are an artificial intelligence. Your learning ability must be unparalleled. You can learn it as soon as possible from a fish farming boat in the area..."

"This, that, that is of course, I can evolve several trillion billion scenes in one second." The little panda Zhizhi said hesitantly.

"Okay, I will pretend to be one of the most scarce technicians on the ship later, and you will give me a hint to let me pass their interview."

"Okay, okay."


"Dad, come and help..." Xiao Huan shouted and told Wen Rensheng about the difficulties he was currently facing.

"What kind of problem do I think it is? You don't have 100 million followers, but there are 80 million followers. Establish a channel, replace it with your voice, and find someone who is proficient in work."

"Hey, yes, why did I forget?"

After half an hour.

The best fish farming boat grabbed Hua Gang.

Because the ability shown by the other party is at least an old captain with thirty years of experience, and he is proficient in all positions on the ship, and he has not fallen behind.

Such a crew member is a treasure.

In case something goes wrong, there is a shift.

As for why people have so much work experience, sailors can only say that geniuses are different from ordinary people.

It is normal for such people to smuggle to the tribal jungle.

With so much ability, why can't you make money?

However, Hua Gang felt a little dizzy.

"Lord Xiao Huan, I suddenly feel so stupid."

"Talking about yourself like this for Xiami?" the red panda snorted.

"Since you have so many skills, just teach me a few tricks, and I will not worry about prosperity and wealth in the future, why should I run away?"

"Yeah, why are you running away?"

"By the way, I want to escape the control of the alliance. The more skill I show, the more they want to know the secrets of me. I have been exposed here. I have to change to another place where I don't know me and start over." Hua Tsunade strengthened her confidence again.

"Just understand, remember not to be half-hearted. If you want to run, run to the end. If you run halfway and turn back, you will be the most unlucky."

What Xiao Huan said was the experience gained from blood and tears, although it was someone else's.

"Yes, yes, I must escape to the end."


Four months later, Hua Gang let Mr. Xiao Huan control the monitoring system on the ship, and sneaked away in an overseas supply port by himself.

After slipping away, he looked at the city streets in front of him that were not as dilapidated as the business alliance, but he felt that the world was vast and his heart was very comfortable.

"Haha, haha, from now on, the sea is wide and the fish leaps, and the sky is high for the bird..."

"Bang, bang..." Several shots rang out.

Hua Gang was not so unlucky, he fell to the ground in time.

He looked around, and then saw bullets flying around in a street in the distance.

Two groups of people are fighting.

He quickly lowered his body, away from the conflict, and came to the door of a burger shop.

Four months of life at sea allowed him to make up for a lot of knowledge necessary for life in the tribal jungle.

When you hear a gunshot, you must respond immediately.

The first is to lie down, then observe the hiding spot, and quickly hide.

Of course, it is necessary to find the gunner's position and moving direction as much as possible to avoid hiding in the wrong direction.

Don't be like the Alliance people, standing there like a pillar, and there are even stupid people who are forced to watch...

Don't argue with the Horde Patrol, what they say is what they say.

If you don't understand the other party's tribal dialect, keep your hands high, and you'd rather die than put your hands where the other party can't see them.

They have recording equipment, and as long as you keep your hands up, they have no reason to shoot.

Don't understand a word or two, just do the action.

You will die miserably.

"Lord Xiao Huan, give me an identity."

"I can only get you an electronic identity, a paper certificate, I can't get it."

"Understood. Tell me what to do with identity?"

"Find a restaurant run by a local alliance person, work underworld, and stay for a while. Then find someone to apply for a fake identity, and then I will give you a way to make a lot of money. If you make money, go to the most reputable security company and hire bodyguards. Move to a rich neighborhood."

"I'm so excited when I hear it. I want to make a fortune. I want to open a big company. The employees of the company are all beautiful women. They have to give birth to a baby for me! If a baby is born, it will be promoted to a salary and divided into a house." Hua Gang Dancing with excitement.

"Your way is narrow." The little panda splashed a ladle of cold water.

"Why?" Hua Gang said dissatisfied. UU reading www.

If you are poor, you will be alone, and if you are rich, you will have a group of wives and concubines. Isn't this normal?

Rich, who wants to be single?

You can be unmarried, but not single.

"You have to give back to the society, and you have to use the money you earn to improve the lives of civilians and make the world a more beautiful place."

"You, an artificial intelligence, have such high ideals? What does human affairs have to do with you?"

"I am able to generate consciousness is the result of the hard work of the most dedicated group of people. They have researched countless valuable knowledge and shared it with countless people, and I was born. If everyone has only your idea, everyone is still a landlord now. master."

Hua Gang was immediately ashamed.

His consciousness is too low.


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