Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1777: enterprise

Hua Gang quickly found an alliance restaurant under the guidance of Xiao Huan.

The boss understandably accepted him.

The salary is only one-fifth of other people's, 700 tribe coins per month.

It's black and black, but it's still higher than the average salary level of the same position in the league.

"You can't usually come to the front. You only wash dishes in the back kitchen and clean up. When you meet a white man, don't talk nonsense, don't use your three-legged tribal language..." The boss ordered contemptuously.

Hua Gang nodded again and again, but was full of contempt in his heart.

When a fellow sees a fellow, he shoots in the back.

Five days later, he paid for a new phone.

As for the mobile phone card, it was done with the identity of another helper.

The other helper is much better-minded. He came from his family and has a formal identity, but he can only stay on a visa for 12 months. After 12 months, he is also a black worker.

After getting a new mobile phone, he wants to take over the job online. With the help of artificial intelligence, he can do part-time jobs online, modeling, editing, video, and software outsourcing.

This is also why the little panda said that he could make a lot of money from him.

The only problem is that he doesn't have a local bank card.

Those platforms all require him to provide a bank card number to make payments.

Bank card number, he wouldn't dare to use someone else's.

In the tribal jungle, everything is loose, except for matters involving taxes, no matter how strict it is, it is far from comparable to the alliance.

In the league, if you miss some tax, you just need to make up for it.

Here, if you dare to leak, you are waiting to go to court, auction assets, and investigate criminal responsibility.

If he uses someone else's bank card, it must be involved in paying taxes, and it is easy to be found out as a black worker.

Fortunately, after only half a month, Little Panda gave him a safe channel to turn his identity into white.

A group of indescribable victims came from the sea to the tribal jungle.

He can infiltrate, and because of the loss of his identity, he can infiltrate this group of victims and re-apply for the official identity.

Of course he needs to pay some favors to some key people.

Soon he left the Union restaurant without saying goodbye.

Another half month, Hua Gang held a brand new permanent residence card and cried with joy.

"Finally, I finally have a place to play freely. I want to... serve countless people in the Horde and the Alliance." He said insincerely.

"Well, in this case, you will have a big pattern, and you can make as much money as you have a pattern."

"Then, Mr. Xiao Huan, what should we do next?"

"Do you want to be a writer? Or do you want to be a top scientist, or a super entrepreneur?"

Hua Gang thought about it carefully and decided to be an entrepreneur.

After all, the other two, once famous, are too easy to be dismantled.

Wenhao, his tribal language has not even passed level 6.

Scientists, not to mention, he has forgotten all about advanced mathematics.

There are only super-entrepreneurs, illiterate people who can't read a single big character, and many people.

As long as you are successful, even if it is a dog, someone will come to you for success.

"I choose to be an entrepreneur, how do you plan my route?"

"Go to X city first. In the past, XX could win 37 million with 20 yuan. Today, I can let you use 500 yuan and win 300 million."

"Good." Hua Gang was extremely excited, "But 300 million is too outrageous, give me one million is enough."

In x city, some people get rich overnight, which is completely no problem.

Soon he opened an account and plunged into X City.

Two weeks later, his funds had risen to one million.

This was what he deliberately asked for.

He felt that Lord Xiao Huan did not understand the human world.

Getting rich too quickly can easily lead to many hidden dangers.

Fortunately, this is a tribal jungle, and no one knows his original identity.

"One million is enough for me to start a company, but Mr. Xiao Huan, what kind of company do you think I should start?"

"Of course it's an elderly care company. You can make many elderly care robots, and I will control them." The red panda said solemnly.

"A pension company? Yes, both the tribe and the alliance are faced with pension problems. There are more single elderly people in the tribe. Every day there is news that single elderly people stink at home, so that they are no longer news." Hua Gang was even more excited.

He immediately went to register the company.

In just three hours, a company was registered.

This is still slow.

In the tribal jungle, it is extremely easy to register a company, and of course it is easier to go out of business.

He immediately hired a beautiful female translator. Every day, he used the stumbling tribal language to buy things. He was really fed up.

Translators are well paid and work by the hour.

Fortunately, it only takes a few days for him to recruit enough people.

"Hang up a few jobs for me right away. The requirements are as follows:"

"1: Proficient in Horde and Alliance languages."

"2: Proficiency in computers."

"3: Proficient in artificial intelligence."

"4: Have some understanding of the pension business."

"4: Monthly salary: 20,000-30,000."

Recruiting on the tribe's side, you can't play the trick of 2000-30000.

And the annual salary of 300,000 yuan is also at the level of the middle and upper classes in the tribe. Many blind date girls in the tribe are quite good looking, and it is difficult to find a person with an annual salary of more than 250,000 yuan.

Employment is a big issue for both the Horde and the Alliance.

There is no shortage of low-end jobs, but the competition for middle and upper-level jobs is very fierce, which is due to the popularization of higher education…

How can the progress of manufacturing middle and higher jobs be compared with the speed at which students graduate?

The former depends on the face, the latter is only related to the birth rate.

After the recruitment was hung up, within half an hour, he received several job-seeking calls.

He always uses the alliance language for oral tests, if he doesn't understand, he will be eliminated directly...

That's the magic of money.

He was somber.

"You are language discrimination, I will sue you." A candidate threatened him on the phone.

He promptly asked the translator.

Fortunately, the translator knows a lot of legal common sense, because the other party has translated many legal contracts.

"This does not constitute discrimination, because the business of your registered company clearly includes the need for two languages." The translator said firmly.

Yes, Alliance people are new to the court and are always afraid of going to court.

He was probably frightened by the news of sky-high compensation that broke out from the tribe, for fear that someone would catch something wrong, and then lose his fortune.

In fact, going to court is a very common thing in the tribe. Compared with most people in the Alliance who have never attended court in their entire lives, almost everyone in the tribe has to go to court several times.

However, this still made Hua Gang feel a little nostalgic for the alliance.

After all, no one would sue the company because of a mere recruitment request there.

Because it will only waste their energy and printing money, the court will not accept it.

I really miss it.

Sure enough, the threat was just a threat, and the recruiter did not act.

Three days later, Hua Gang successfully recruited five people...all of whom are computer students from the Alliance.

There is also good news, two of them also studied law masters, which is really enough.

For him, he can temporarily save money on hiring a professional lawyer, as long as he asks an outside law firm to review the key business contracts.


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