Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1778: manpower

"We have a pension software. We only need to purchase some robots that have passed the medical use standard and replace them with our software, and then we can use it." Hua Gang told everyone proudly.

At this time, a candidate said cautiously: "Boss, I want to remind you of some legal risks."

"Jon, you said." Hua Gang was a little unhappy, but still patiently said.

"First of all, the purchased robots may not allow us to replace the internal software by ourselves, and the manufacturers will sue us and wantonly infringe their copyrights. Even if we buy them at a high price, they probably won't agree, because it directly involves serving people. Once someone else is injured, the robot manufacturer is likely to bear the astronomical compensation..." Jon said.

He is a member of the Alliance, but living in a tribe, he naturally has to follow the local customs and give a tribe name.

Hearing this, Hua Gang's head froze for a while. Judging from his common sense, such a thing is likely to be true.

"Okay, okay, we will do the export business, negotiated with the hardware manufacturers, and only export to the alliance. As for the alliance after buying it, will it be packaged again and exported to the tribe again, whatever happens, it has nothing to do with us. "Hua Gang thought for a while.

"In this case, they should agree, provided the price is better." Jon thought for a while and nodded.

a week later.

In the open space in the courtyard, everyone looked at two blue and white medical robots, skillfully taking care of an elderly man played by a puppet toy.

They are very careful and skilful, helping the elderly feed, wipe sweat, dispose of excrement…

Measure blood pressure, observe physical abnormalities, and call for help in time...

cooking, cleaning...

"This robot, a million tribe coins, is definitely not too expensive!" Jon exclaimed.

"However, those who can afford it will only use this million tribe coins to hire cheaper servants. They only need a thousand tribe coins a month." Another female employee named Laura shook her head.

"What I'm saying is, if we can, we can sell the lease right at a price of 800 tribal coins a month. This is absolutely worth it. You must know that there are no servants who can patiently serve an old man." Hua Gang said confidently.

He was born in the league and fully understands the shortcomings of the league.

There is no filial son in front of the bed for a long time.

Longevity is not a blessing.

There are countless cases of elderly people suffering from severe illness and suffering premature death of their children and grandchildren.

No one can say anything, because only when you are in it can you know the suffering inside.

Human suffering can only be solved by technology.

Soon they purchased the first batch of 50 robots, and then they modified the software and asked the relevant organizations of the tribe to certify the old-age robots.

The certifiers are amazed, they don't believe this stuff is real.

After all, in a way, it is a hundred times more difficult than driverless cars.

"Although it performed very well, we can't give you a pass, you have to go through..." The certification staff finally said.

In short, according to his words, it takes at least five years of verification process before Hua Gang's pension robot can be put on the market.

Depend on……

Hua Gang cursed in his heart.

It's better to continue to fry x!

However, another certifier gave him an idea: "You can certify the sweeping robot, because there are already many precedents. As long as you make it meet the relevant standards, you can get many licenses for listing."

"But then I don't have any technical advantages?"

"No, you have an advantage. Generally speaking, sweeping robots still have many drawbacks. You have solved those drawbacks perfectly. You can expand it step by step, making it a kitchen robot, a guardian robot... and finally a pension robot." The certified staff suggested.

So he changed direction and changed to a certified sweeping robot...

"thank you very much for your suggestion."

However, he still needs the company to be qualified.

If you can't do it in a short time, then buy a company that is about to go bankrupt.

Acquisitions are also the most common thing in the tribe. There are countless companies that go bankrupt and write off every day.

He also acquired a robot vacuum company.

Get the certification and sales qualifications, then go online, make videos, and promote...

"This sweeping robot is too powerful? It can overcome any obstacle, and it can also clean difficult places such as toilets, bathrooms, and kitchens?"

"It's a bit incredible, intelligence has been optimized to this extent?"

"Could it be editing and post-processing?"

"There is a live broadcast, this company has a live broadcast room, and it is written on the video."

Soon the first customers came.

Really good things, good things that meet people's needs, plus promotion, can still come out.

Hua Gang is very confident in his products.

The first batch sold 2,000 units.

The price of each is not expensive, just a little more expensive than ordinary robots.

Customer feedback is excellent.

"It's amazing, it's cleaner than my nanny at home."

"With it, I don't have to worry about stepping on trash anymore."

"Alas, I have a headache every time I clean my son's room. With it, I don't have to worry about it. It's very smart, and those toys that are lying around are not touched at all, and they are wiped clean."

"It's still the tribe's high technology."

"This is a company run by Alliance people."

"Why can't the Alliance retain the talents of the Alliance people?"

The second batch of customers is coming soon.

This time, it will be 30,000 units!

"Boss, someone in the league is trying to crack our robot!" a newly recruited employee said nervously at a routine meeting.

"Oh, what's the situation?" Hua Gang was not worried at all.

"I saw someone on the Internet dismantle our robot live, copy the software inside, and then crack it." The new employee said hurriedly.

"Don't worry, our robots can only work if they are connected to the Internet. What they crack is the client side, and they can't attack the server side." Hua Gang shook his head.

"That's right, then I'm relieved." The new employee was a little embarrassed.

However, his worries are normal. When selling software products in the alliance, the biggest problem is cracking.

No problem after that.

Sales have skyrocketed again and again, directly sweeping out other sweeping robot manufacturers.

So many cleaning robot manufacturers have come to discuss cooperation, hoping to introduce their software.

Hua Gang sees this very well.

It's not that he has a good heart, but that he has to refit himself, and his production capacity is limited. Isn't it good to sell software directly and charge a service fee?


at the same time.

Dongshui Old Wen, what are you conspiracy, tell me quickly, although my followers are very loyal, but cleaning every day is so boring. "Xiao Huan said angrily.

That's right, the truth of Hua Gang's explosive artificial floor sweeping robot is:

Artificial Intelligence: x.

Manual operation: r.

His sweeping robot is equivalent to a mop, and someone behind it is operating it remotely.

"Wait, wait until they popularize the robot, I can tell you my plan." Wen Rensheng is talking.

In the secondary world, the least valuable thing is manpower.

Countless people, countless minds.

In the main world, the most expensive thing is manpower.


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