Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1780: own world

"His condition is more serious, but I secretly fired some x according to what he said, and made a lot of money. Is he really sick or fake?"

Hua Gang's attending doctor, named Pan Yichen, was in his office at this time, staring at the MRI image of Hua Gang's brain, thinking while watching.

On his mobile phone, there is also a colorful picture, which is the stock market of the tribal jungle.

As for the alliance stock market, only fools will enter. To put it bluntly, even laymen know that it does not conform to any business rules at all.

"Dr. Pan, what are you muttering in the office alone?" The head nurse pushed the door and came in, with sharp eyes, she saw his mobile phone and said, "Oh, your dignified deputy director, is you still firing x here? Is it the tigress in the family who hates you again?"

It's all about you.

Pan Yichen thought bitterly, and showed a kind smile: "Sister Liu, what's the matter?"

"No. 66, take a look, let's have fun in the small square in the front yard, and chat with a group of sick patients." Head Nurse Liu said.

Number 66?

Isn't that Hua Gang's number?

He quickly got up to look.

Not long after, I came to the small square in the front yard.

Then he saw the excited Hua Gang, with an abnormal rosy face and slightly bulging eyes, suspected of being a hyperthyroid patient.

"Everyone, listen to me, our Life One has been successfully researched, it can prolong the lifespan for ten years, can effectively reduce the damage at the cellular level, and can prolong the lifespan of major cells, such as nerve cells, cardiomyocytes..."

Hua Gang stood in the center of the square, surrounded by patients in blue striped hospital gowns, all looking at him with admiration.

"General Hua is mighty!" Although the other patients didn't understand, they were shocked and applauded.

"Life II is also under development. We will conquer the mysteries of life, we will become gods, and we will turn the world into heaven. From then on, all beliefs are beliefs in science, and all struggles will dissipate. Everyone can get rid of the fear of death!"

"Now as long as 8888, as long as 8888, you can book a purchase of Life One in advance..."

This condition is really serious.

It was just a fantasy before, and it didn't hurt others, but now it has begun to deceive people!

The point is, Dr. Pan saw that there were already sick patients and started to take out his mobile phone to make payments.

Sure enough, as long as there are many people, there will always be some fools.

"Mr. Hua, come here." He didn't step forward, but waved at Hua Gang, who was wearing a hospital gown.

However, Hua Gang turned a deaf ear and was completely immersed in his own world.

He seemed very proud, proud that he was the only one in the world.

No way, Dr. Pan had to call two security guards and take Hua Gang away.

"Everyone hurry up and collect the money, I will be back! It will be listed soon, remember, No. 1 Life, No. 1 Life!" Hua Gang said incoherently.

Dr. Pan brought Hua Gang to his office and first gave him a sedative to calm him down.

"Mr. Hua, are you feeling better now?" he asked.

Hua Gang didn't say a word, his eyes stared blankly into the distance, as if he had lost any ability to think.

After a full half an hour, the effect of the drug eased a little, and he said, "Where is this? Where am I?"

"This is the hospital. You are ill, and your condition is very serious. You need to cooperate with us for treatment." Dr. Pan said patiently.

"Sick? I'm not sick! I know, you must be the psychiatrist I hired for the employees, are you trying to steal our company secrets? I want to call the police, and I want the security to catch you! Security, Steve Husband! Come here, arrest this man for me!" Hua Gang turned his head towards the door of the empty office and shouted in a serious manner.

For a moment, Dr. Pan felt a little guilty.

Lest an investigator break in and take him away.

"Okay, okay, I won't steal your company's secrets, I'm very professional," Dr. Pan said, looked at the door again, and whispered, "Mr. Hua, what do you think is the nearest city of X in the tribal jungle? , to be a short seller of **** company, okay?"

"Yes, their company has recently left the main research team, and the stock price will definitely fall sharply." Hua Gang said solemnly.

Dr. Pan immediately began to operate on the mobile phone.

Then he quietly asked a few more questions, all about the operation of the Tribal Jungle Company.

What surprised him was that although the other party had mental problems, he answered these questions without fail.

This confused him.

The other party does not have a mobile phone or computer, and the people who are in contact with him are also under surveillance. Where is the information channel?

Crazy or genius?

Or, does the other party have the mysterious ability of the unpredictable prophet?

When he was in school before, he never believed in this trick, but after the shift was more worthwhile, he believed it.

For example, in another hospital, a certain chief surgeon was always dead when he was on duty, and the hospital was so frightened that he was not allowed to be on duty.

The same is true for him. Sometimes, he slept all night until dawn, and sometimes he was busy from midnight to dawn.

It doesn't make any sense.

No Xuan can't do it.

Just like now, Hua Gang's patient number is completely different from other mental patients.

He seemed completely blind to reality, completely immersed in another world.

No matter how serious other illnesses are, when they are hungry, they can still tell a little bit that they are in reality.

And the other party can also give the knowledge of making money, which is incredible.

Other illnesses, although they can be played very loudly, making people think that there are many mentally ill people, but in fact they can't make money at all.

If you dare to do as they say, you must go bankrupt.

But Hua Gang is completely different, that is, it can be logically self-consistent.

That's great.

What secret is the other party hiding?

Thinking of this, Dr. Pan made a series of examination applications, and then gave Hua Gang a full-body examination.

After just checking, he fell into deep confusion again.

The other party's whole body has been checked everywhere, but nothing abnormal has been found.

He also thought that the other party had some chip inserted in his body, but there was no chip at all.

"That's weird." He carefully looked at the CT, MRI, color Doppler, dr... films he had just done on the computer, and said with a headache.

"It's weird, right?" A voice came from the side, it was the investigator who had left before.

"Well." Dr. Pan nodded subconsciously.

"Using the information he gave, I've made a lot of money these days, right? Doctor Pan?" the investigator said nonchalantly.

"What? I didn't do anything. I made my own money. What does it have to do with him? You can't spit blood." Dr. Pan panicked immediately.

"Okay, UU Reading We don't care about the little money you make. Cooperate with us and find out the secrets about him." The investigator tapped him on the shoulder.

"You should have a professional doctor, after all, you are a secret department, why not transfer him to you for examination?"

"You think too much. The doctors there are not as professional as yours. Not to mention the secret department, you think that the staffing is invincible. If so, why do you need experts?" The investigator gave him a bite Peace of mind.

Dr. Pan breathed a sigh of relief.

However, he became more and more curious about Hua Gang.

Stronger than the Union Bureau of Investigation can't handle each other.

"I need more information, not only the information before and after his onset, but also all the information since his birth. The more detailed the people he has come into contact with, the better."

"Okay, I'll transfer it to you."


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