Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1781: deviation

East Water World.

Wen Rensheng had already discovered the abnormality in Hua Gang.

The richest man in the world, the longevity medicine, the great commander... are all things that this guy came up with.

Hehe, the main world is indeed the main world, and a mere fantasy of one person can make the creators of the secondary worlds invisible.

Only oneself, relying on unparalleled wisdom and careful thinking, can figure out the anomalies.

Just since when did the other party's fantasy become the reality that he saw on his side?

Probably when the other party decided to flee.

When he was caught, he went from hanging up his life to extreme despair, unable to face reality, and then became mentally ill.

However, his own side can obtain information about that world through the other side, and the information is mixed, allowing the other side to create a somewhat false, but somewhat real world in his mind.

So much so that he didn't even see it for a while.

Not to mention Xiaohuan and Dragon God Asha.

Wen Rensheng thought about it for a while, and found an important parameter.

World realism bias value.

When it is 0, it is the absolute real main world, and when it is 100, it is absolutely illusory, that is, the source world where one's wishes come true.

Invincible peak one second, vanished in the next instant.

This is the source world.

As for the main world, if you make a little progress, you will have to exchange for countless hard work; more importantly, it will take countless hours and finally go back.

Progress is not something to be taken for granted, occasionally progressing, often declining.

Using this bias value, you can accurately measure how powerful each world is.

The lower the bias value, the more powerful it is.

It's just that the stronger the world is, the weaker the creatures will be; the weaker the world, the stronger the creatures will be.

It has the feeling of a big housekeeper and a petty citizen.

In fact, the reason is very simple. It is nothing more than that the world is strong and the laws are firm. It is difficult for living beings to directly invoke the power of the world, and can only use the power of the world through indirect means, such as technological tools.

The world is weak and the rules are loose, and the power of the world can be shaken by individual will.

It is like a small country with few people. The per capita GDP may be dozens of times that of the people of a big country. However, in a real fight, a small country will be destroyed within a few dozen hours, while a poor and big country can drag its opponents to death.

After determining this parameter, Wen Rensheng began to evaluate and set the world at hand.

In the fragmented world of Dongshui Shuren, the deviation value should be at least 85.

Hearing Rensheng a thought can mobilize the power of all the worlds.

In Dongzhou Great World, the deviation value is at most around 30.

He uses the most mysterious seed to increase his power.

In the spore parasitic world, before the birth of world consciousness, the deviation value was around 15, and after the birth, it was above 75.

Anything that is world-conscious will have a very high deviation value.

Because consciousness has loopholes, it is easy to be fooled by living beings, and ruthlessness has no loopholes.

The IQ of the world consciousness depends on the average value of the intelligent creatures in the world.

Considering the huge gap between genius and average among the intelligent creatures in the world, we can see why it is easy to be fooled after the birth of world consciousness.

Xiaobao is the best example, who is called to and fro by Xiaohuan all day long.

It took him a whole day to rank the deviations of the world at hand.

Just whether it is correct or not, he also needs an authoritative evaluator.

Who will be this authority?

He thought of his own mysterious seed.

It would have been able to probe the mystery.

The higher the mystery, the greater the deviation value.

Using this, you can see if his arrangement is correct or not.

If he sets the deviation value of world A to 95 and world B to 80, the mystery of world B is much higher than that of world A. Obviously, he has set it wrong.

He measures the mystery of each world.

Those with world awareness are easy to measure, just touch your hands directly.

If you don't have world awareness, you have to take a trip in person, enter it, and investigate.

The final result is exactly the same as the deviation value arrangement he manually set.

However, there are already worlds that he can set manually, but if a new world appears, he cannot set it every time.

He thought about it, and spent a whole month working on it. With the help of the mysterious seed's mysterious function, he made a mysterious instrument to measure the sky.

It measures the trueness bias of a world.

"Old Wen, do you use this deviation value for shrimp?" Xiao Huan stuck his head out, very curious.

"With this thing, there will be no mistakes like Hua Gang in the future. If you encounter this situation in the future, just use this ruler to measure it. If the deviation value is greater than 10, it is basically false."

"Damn, that Hua Gang dares to use his imagination to fool me, I must not make him feel better." Xiao Huan said angrily.

"Let go of the child, he is also a poor fellow." Wen Rensheng advised.

"That won't work, I have to let him know my experience."


"Haha, haha, I am light, I am electricity, and I am Ultraman forever!"

Hua Gang, who was wearing a hospital gown, suddenly became crazy.

He drew the Ultraman fighting gestures that seven-year-olds often used, and sent them out to everyone.

"Look at my angel's hammer!"

"Eat my Otto kick!"

"Millennium Kill!"

Doctors, nurses, sick patients, security guards, gardeners, nurses... In the mental hospital, everyone he could meet had been punched and kicked by him.

Of course his end was tragic.

Before, everyone just thought that he was immersed in his own world, but he was more aggressive in language, sometimes the richest man in the world, a top scientist, and a tribal commander; but now, he is really aggressive.

Is that worth it?

Go directly to the isolation room, wear a restraint suit, eat, drink, and sleep on the same bed.

The taste is predictable.

There is no dutiful son in front of the bed for a long time, not to mention the passers-by who have no relatives and no reason, and have been punched and kicked by him?

He could hold back at first, until he couldn't hold back.

It takes half a day for someone to come.

A lot of people think that freedom doesn't matter, only to realize how precious it is when they realize that they don't even have the freedom to go to the toilet.

Only then did I understand why so many ancestors were willing to give their lives in exchange.

When you don't have the freedom to go to the toilet, over time, many people would rather die with dignity.

"What's going on here?" the investigator was taken aback when he saw the latest report.

"His condition has worsened, and his brain is further deranged. Some people with intellectual disabilities will become aggressive." Dr. Pan said helplessly.

He didn't expect that Hua Gang's situation would become so serious in a short period of time.

He also counted on making a little more money.

As a result, the other party is like this, what other money-making information can they say?

Fortunately, he was not only earned a few hundred thousand and left.

Not much, just over a year's salary.

"Can it be cured?"

"There is no good way. You should know that in terms of brain science, there is no good treatment method. Generally, it is a rehabilitation method. It is hoped that the patient will recover by himself. We give some calming drugs and some drugs to repair nerves." Dr. Pan wonders.

Investigators are not completely unprofessional and did not force it.

There are indeed very few medical treatments for the brain.

"It seems that there are indeed many mysteries in him. So many people, only he is crazy. Just why can't you find any reason?"

"Is there a ghost?" Dr. Pan asked subconsciously.

"Don't talk nonsense, we are a materialistic world here, don't use the myth of ghosts as a basis." The investigator reprimanded.

This kind of thing can't be written into the report, otherwise it will be his turn to enter the psychiatric cause and be with Hua Gang.

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