Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1782: Personality 2

on a big screen.

The PPT of Hua Gang's related materials is projected on it.

A group of non-famous scientists from the alliance—brain neuroscientists, computer experts, physicists, chemists, molecular dynamicists, astronomers... are watching the PPT on the screen intently.

Enough information and data have been collected on the PPT. In the opinion of the investigators, it should be enough for these experts to analyze something.

At the door, there were two groups of people, one group of people was an investigator, and the other group was also an investigator.

"Forget about other scientists, why do astronomers come? What use are they?" Investigator A wondered.

Investigator B replied: "I don't know if it's useful, I know that at least I can make up the scene."

"I heard that some people suspected aliens, so astronomers were involved."

"Aliens? I burst out laughing, it's true that anything can be related to aliens. Obviously an ordinary person with a brain neurological mutation, genius and madness coexist, he can even refer to unknowable aliens. It's funny."

"There's no way, you have to find an explanation, right? The ten-thousand-fold increase in tasks has indeed happened, and no traces of internal ghosts, hackers, or software bugs have been found."

"Hua Gang doesn't have any computer professional background, why is he suddenly able to speak a lot of artificial intelligence professional vocabulary? Why can he accurately predict the tribal stock market?"

The investigators were discussing seriously outside.

Scientists are seriously discussing it inside.

"Science is dead!" an astronomer suddenly shouted, "Everything we see is created by others for us to see. There is no objective natural phenomenon at all! There really is a god!"

"Okay, you three-body maniac, shut up, we are discussing science." Another neuroscientist, a middle-aged man named He An, gave him a blank eye.

"I think he may have developed a second personality, and he is a second personality who loves to learn. Today, all of this is caused by his second personality." A psychologist analyzed it seriously.

"Okay, needless to say, there is no solution to this problem, and I can't find any definite evidence, so I can only guess, why don't we go and have a good communication with him?"

"Can't communicate, he is completely immersed in his own world."

"That's because you have no means. I invited a communication expert."


Three days later.

Under the guidance of communication experts, Hua Gang has stabilized. He is no longer manic, but answers whatever he asks.

"How did your mission reward come from?"

"It was given to me by an artificial intelligence Master Xiao Huan, who appeared in the image of a red panda." Hua Gang replied blankly.

At this time, he has discovered the cruelty of reality.

Instead of fleeing to the tribal jungle, he escaped to a mental hospital.

"Little panda? Mr. Xiao Huan?" The psychologist looked at the companion who participated in the questioning with a hint of pride in his eyes.

Sure enough, there is a second personality.

"Yes, it is an artificial intelligence that claims to help human progress. The purpose of supporting me is to help human beings move towards a perfect society." Hua Gang continued, "It helped me escape, help me trade stocks, and help me start a business... "

"Master Xiao Huan helped you escape to the tribal jungle, get artificial intelligence technology, and then become the chief commander and reach the peak of the voice. How do I think it looks like the content of a Shuangwen novel? Or the kind of Taiping Taigan?" Psychologist Shaking his head.

"that is the truth."

"Hehe, the fact is that all of this is what you came up with in your head."

"But my quest reward, my fund receipt information, I didn't come up with it, right?"

"It's because of those things that we're here. Be honest, are you a top hacker, are you a..."

The psychologist just asked here, and suddenly an investigator came over: "Stop asking, the red panda does exist, because another player is crazy..."

The psychologist was stunned.

He looked at Hua Gang opposite.

A sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of the other's mouth.

Yes, the subject of the investigation is here, so what happened to the other person?

"Who is that person? Take me to see him immediately."

"Hua Gang's attending doctor Pan Yichen, he also plays games after get off work, and he has also received 10,000 times the task reward." The investigator sighed.

"This is an infection, an infection. During psychotherapy, it is infected by the patient's mental state." The psychologist immediately relaxed.

"Oh, can you explain it like this?" The investigator was stunned.

"Of course, there are many such cases. The patient is not cured, and the doctor is crazy."


East Water World.

"Old Wen, what should I do? They can't get out. They run like crazy." Xiao Huan grabbed Wen Rensheng's hair and shook it.

"Don't shake my Shunkun, Ke Min, Lingke, Luxiang..." Wen Rensheng said 3,000 names in one breath, making Xiao Huan stupid.

"It's over, grandma is coming, dad is crazy." Xiao Huan yelled at the door.

"I'm fine, I just named my hair." Wen Rensheng said seriously.

"Why do you name your hair?" Xiao Huan was puzzled.

"Because one hair of mine will be a world in the future." Wen Rensheng shook his head and said, "Forget it, it's too early to say this, what did you just say about running a madness?"

"I said just now that I wanted a player to escape to the tribal jungle for development, but he couldn't escape." Xiao Huan scratched his head and said, "By sea, air, and land, I tried my best, but there was no way to escape."

"Hey, your thinking is really at the kindergarten level, can't you just radiate it in reverse?"

"What reverse divergence?"

"Why don't you find a player who is already in the tribal jungle and doesn't need to flee?" Wen Rensheng directly gave a solution.

"Woohoo, I am really stupid, I just know that helping people escape, but I didn't expect to find someone who did not have to escape." Xiao Xi cried. UU Reading

Obviously it is the result of IQ being crushed.


Qi Zhongjie has immigrated to the tribal jungle for ten years.

Life thrives on the thrift and hard work unique to Alliance people.

There is a big house with full price, in a well-off neighborhood with good public security; there is also a famous car that the Alliance people envy.

The most important thing is that singles don't have to worry about their parents urging them.

There is no colleague here who will introduce him to a partner, and there is no need to worry about the boss holding a blind date meeting.

The only fly in the ointment is that he can't buy bulletproof vests. Every time he goes out, he has some inexplicable worries.

Because I have too much, I am afraid of losing it.

So he never went to poor neighborhoods, places with high crime rates.

On this day, a voice sounded in his mind.

"Do you want to get rich? Do you want to gain financial freedom? Do you want to rest every day?"

"I already have it," he replied casually.

Then he was startled, who could speak in his head?

Is it because he is mentally schizophrenic?

Of course he didn't think it would be a system, a plug-in, a gold finger.

Normal people can think of those things, but they don't use them as a basis for reasoning.

Could it be that my years of hard work and overtime have led to the emergence of my second personality?

"Looks like I have to see a psychiatrist."

"Sorry, I went to the wrong place, look at your phone."

cell phone?

Qi Zhongjie took out the Meihua mobile phone, looked at it, and saw a cute little panda on it.

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