Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1783: reaction

Ten minutes later, Qi Zhongjie consciously figured out what happened.

Tricky live TV.

That's right, here in the tribal jungle, there are often such shows.

Let someone win the lottery, and then observe his life after winning the lottery.

There is even such a brain-opening show.

As for the legal risks that may arise, these programs have perfect considerations.

It's strange to say that this kind of program directly interferes with personal freedom, aren't they afraid of causing huge compensation?

Yes, it must be so.

This little panda must be controlled by humans. What kind of artificial intelligence? As an elite figure, he is very clear that in certain fields, artificial intelligence has made some breakthroughs, but in the general field, it is far from reaching the level of human beings.

Immediately, the red panda showed him many abilities that were comparable to or even far surpassed that of human beings.

This made him more and more sure of the truth: there is actually a person or a team behind it.

He was about to refuse, but then he thought, in Truman's world, Truman made a lot of money in vain: for example, his brother's daughter-in-law.

"Okay, okay, I believe you are artificial intelligence. What do you want me to do when you find me?"

"Of course it is to give you happiness, and then let the happy you give happiness to more people."

Is it really a trick show?

How can a normal cheater have such a mind?

Because it is broadcast to the public, it must have positive energy and correct viewpoints.

As for why it appeared in his mind before, maybe it was some high-tech method they used.

That's it.

Qi Zhongjie decided to cooperate with each other, firstly, to add some fun to the barren life.

Second, you may be able to make a lot of money.

Who thinks they have too much money?

In retirement, the more money the better.

After that, he embarked on the path of Hua Gang's dream.

He quickly discovered the incredibleness of this tricky show:

The red panda helped him start a robotic vacuum cleaner business.

Its technical level completely exceeds the industry technical level of existing sweeping robots.

They do the cleaning job exactly like a seasoned driver who controls an excavator, or the kind of driver who can make an excavator dance on the floor.

The high praise from customers and the online comments are all shocking, far exceeding the enthusiasm of Musk to develop Mars.

The frequency of "incredible" is the highest.

"This completely solves the dispute between my wife and I over who cleans every day. I only have one expectation now, when will the cooking robot come out?"

"The previous sweeping robots have also solved many problems, but there are always some areas that are difficult to solve, and this one is comparable to a middle-level nanny, and it only needs one-tenth of the nanny's salary, and there is no need to worry about additional problems."

"It's incredible, artificial intelligence has begun to penetrate into the family."

Facing so many positive comments, Qi Zhongjie began to panic.

Could it be true artificial intelligence?

Tricky programs don't have such a high level, right?

If they have such a technical level, wouldn't it be nice to make this money by themselves? What TV show are you doing?

Also, will the FBI come to warn you?

He has lived in the tribal jungle for many years, and he is very clear that this place is not what the Alliance people imagined. In fact, it is closely monitored.

As small as you make a takeaway call, or as large as you cooperate with overseas companies.

Big data analysis has long been used here.

He believed that there must be many people watching him behind the screen.

But they are not harmless spectators, but violent people with guns.

As the number of zeros on his account increased, he became more and more worried.

By the way, escape to the Alliance!

Escape to your own home.

There, as long as there is enough investment and good technology, you can get a high security guarantee.

Thinking of this, Qi Zhongjie began to deal with it quietly.

Start a business overseas.

Move funds silently over there.

At the same time, the pre-sale time of version 2.0 will be released.

Then, on a dark and windy night, when he was out for dinner, surrounded by ten bodyguards, he was taken away by a group of black suits...

in an office.

"You guys are breaking the law! I want to see my lawyer. I won't answer any questions until the lawyer arrives." Qi Zhongjie said stubbornly.

"The technology you developed involves safety issues. It can be flexibly cleaned, so it can complete the simpler job of remote-controlled killing..." Black suit A reminded calmly.

"As you said, just ban all mobile phones and computers! Because they can be transformed into remote-controlled bombs!" Qi Zhongjie said bitterly.

"We have banned it. Now we need to add monitoring and backdoors to the technology you use to ensure that it will not be used by others to endanger the safety of the tribe."

"All right…"

Qi Zhongjie finally agreed to the other party's condition.

Because he knows that many long-established big companies can't escape this trick.

The control system has backdoor monitoring, which is tacit.

Speaking of freedom of business development, that is a liar.

Qi Zhongjie was very angry.

"Mr. Xiao Huan, we have no way to develop the remaining technology, because it will soon be used in the military." He said.

"Oh, how do you say it?" Little Panda said ignorantly.

"Today they said that they need to add backdoors for security, and tomorrow they will say that for security, UU reading wants me to cooperate with the tribal military to transform drones and land-based robots. This is bound to happen, any one This technology, as long as it has great military value, it will inevitably be used in the military. A robot that cleans more than a servant, used to clean the battlefield, will also exceed that of ordinary soldiers..." Qi Zhongjie is an elite after all, and he sees problems from a far-reaching perspective. Far more than Hua Gang, who only knows how to make money and make a fortune.

"That's right, then what should I do?" The little panda scratched his ears and cheeks.

"You can only give up the development of technology and maintain the current level. Fortunately, even if they analyze our software, they will not get any technology, because the real technology is all with you." Qi Zhongjie said calmly.

"Let me think about it," said the little panda.


"What should I do now?" Xiao Huan asked confidently.

"Your route is wrong. Jumping and developing by abnormal means will definitely bring abnormal response. Ordinary people will win a big prize or demolish. If they don't relocate and escape the original circle in time, they will have quite high The probability of being maliciously targeted and calculated, let alone your model?" Wen Rensheng said calmly.

He has seen through these things.

The hard-earned technology must be guarded against commercial espionage.

Not to mention the extraordinary technology that fell from the sky?

"Then you said the right route?"

"Put the nuclear bomb first, and slam ten nuclear bombs to keep you safe."

"It rhymes, I know."

"You know, will you?"

"What I won't have is that people will."

"That's true."

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