Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1789: come to reality

The movie continues to play.

After the detective goes missing, the patrolman arrives.

It turned out that the detective stayed behind and sent the clues he collected to the police station in real time.

Only when the patrol officers entered the villa to search, everything was clean.

Organs, traps, bloodstains, basements, all disappeared.

"Why is this happening?" Lydia wondered, "It's illogical, how could it be so clean?"

"Hahaha, this is a horror movie. Do horror movies have to be logical?" Hovey laughed.

"Damn, illogical horror, not good horror." Lydia said fiercely.

"Keep watching."

The patrol officers were helpless, they could only secretly warn the old couple that they didn't want to see another disappearance nearby.

They sent people to stay under surveillance.

However, after two weeks of monitoring, nothing was found near the villa.

They had to withdraw.

As soon as the screen changed, another group of young people came over.

It is said that the vicinity has been exposed, and the Internet has also said that there have been two disappearance cases in this lake.

However, this group of people happened to be like this.

"I heard that there is a murderer here. It's really exciting. When I think of the dark night, the murderer is hiding in the dark and peeping, and I tremble with excitement!" A young man laughed wildly.

"Bob, what you said is so good, I can't wait for the murderer to appear!" His girlfriend laughed wildly.

The other four had the same idea.

It turns out that this is a group of curious hunters and thrill-seekers. Any place with bizarre legends and frequent murders is a place for them.

However, the strange thing is that they do not go to places that are simply not safe, such as the dark skin area.

They go to the famous murder place.

"Eat enough, Lord Ye who loves dragons!" Hovey saw through the rotten nature of these people at a glance.

Life is rotten and degenerate, and you can't live without fresh stimulation.

They found a nearby villa and tried to break in.

As a result, the old couple stopped them.

However, they promised on the surface, but they sneaked in in the middle of the night, and even sneaked in with the live broadcast.

This is not an expedition, this is live streaming.

Lydia thought bitterly, watching the live broadcast, the traps reappeared in the dark villa.

Soon, six young people made the same mistake, and none of them escaped.

The killer never showed up.

Only the old couple appeared, and the other was the four eyes.

The next morning, next to the lake.

It's clean again.

In the distance, on a road, on two off-road vehicles, the sound of rock music and laughter can be heard from far away...

The movie went black, began to slowly type the credits, and that was the end.

"It's over? The murderer, the policeman? It's over?" Lydia called out with great dissatisfaction.

"That's it? Kill three waves of people, and finally it's over?"

"Make me dinner." Lydia said depressedly.

"Cooking, impossible, ordering takeout."

"This month is overrun again, so I can't order it."

"It's alright, when I just read the novel, I led the dinner coupon."

Lydia had no choice but to go back to the bedroom to lie down and wait for the takeaway to arrive.

She has to sleep, and as for the report to do, go to TMD.

Sleep came.

A quiet lake appeared in a dream.

By the lake is a villa.

Looking closely, it is exactly the same as the murder villa in the movie.

"We're staying here today," Lydia saw a male colleague say.

"Can't be here!" she yelled directly.

"Why? Lydia? The scenery here is so beautiful, and there are two helpful neighbors, so much help, what a campsite, we can fish, sing, dance, enjoy the night view, in the tribe Only the beach can compare to the jungle." The male colleague said in surprise.

"Here, here, there are too many mosquitoes here!" Lydia held back for a long time and could only give such a reason.

"It's winter now." The male colleague looked at her with surprise.

Lydia turned to look at the villa.

Behind the glass window, the four terrifying eyes seemed to appear again.

She shuddered.

"I want to go home."

"It's very late, there are no cars here, and there are no rentals. If I send you back, I can't go camping." Colleagues shook their heads, not wanting to send her away.

"Damn, I'm walking back alone." Lydia gritted her teeth.

To act alone, in a murder movie, is to die.

However, she can't be too awake in her dreams. It is already very powerful to have such a risk-avoidance logic.

"Okay, I'll take you back." Finally, a male colleague who wanted to chase her agreed.

Then drive on the road.

Encountered a cliff, rolled over and fell, and both died.

Lydia was startled and woke up instantly.

"It's okay, it's okay, it turned out to be a dream. Damn Lore, he even gave me a horror movie, and I have to scold him tomorrow."

After she said that, the doorbell rang and the takeaway arrived.

She got up to get takeout, because the sound of gunfire from the game came from the next bedroom.

Did I buy a robot, or did I have a son?

There are many people in the tribal jungle who dote on their children. Until the university, the family sends their children to school, makes beds and quilts, and takes care of them.

Alliance people think that everyone pursues the independence of children and separates from their parents when they grow up. Some people are like this, but to say that everyone is like this is absolutely slander.

Lydia went out to pick up takeout, the only good thing is that this robot son won't grab food from her, it only needs to eat some electricity.

As soon as the door opened, she was startled, because the deliveryman standing outside the door was the old man of the old couple in the villa in the movie!

"Madam, please eat in time for the takeaway for you. It will be bad if it gets cold." The old man held his glasses and handed the lunch box to him with one hand.

"Thank...Thank you." Lydia took the takeout and closed the door immediately.

She looked close to the cat's eye, and saw an eye!

Those eyes are exactly like in the movie!


She was so frightened that she threw the takeaway and jumped into Hovey's bedroom.

Strange, why would I give a robot a separate bedroom?

Such a strange thought flashed through her, and then she got into the other person's bed and covered her head with the quilt.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Hovey asked in confusion.

"Outside, outside, that movie guy ran out!"

"What's the mess? I'll go take a look." Hovey was even more puzzled.

When he came to the door, he heard a knock on the door.

"Madam, you still have one less ketchup." A young man's voice sounded outside.

"Give it to me, I'm her home service robot." Hovey opened the door and took the ketchup packet.

The young man smiled and turned to leave.

"It's normal, women are busy with things. If you don't dare to look, you won't dare to look, and you will have hallucinations when you see it. It's really troublesome. Next time, find a male host." Hovey shook his head, closed the door, and picked up the takeaway that was thrown on the ground.

"Come and eat, there is no one in the movie, it's all your hallucinations. You can't watch horror movies in the future, just watch some comedy movies."

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