Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1790: Purpose

The next morning, Lydia's spirit was getting worse and worse, and she was swaying while walking, and she had to call in sick at home.

"Your boss is really good. You can still pay your full salary while recuperating at home." Hovey said enviously.

"Don't talk to me, let me be quiet." Lydia said weakly.

The sleep last night tortured her to death.

As soon as you close your eyes, you will see all kinds of horror pictures, very similar to the first time you saw a horror movie in Girls' Generation.

But now that she is an old woman in her thirties, why is she still afraid?

Could it be that no matter how old a woman is, she has a girlish heart?

It wasn't until five o'clock in the morning, after dawn, that she fell asleep to the sounds that began to ring outside.

In the past, the noisy traffic and human voices, and even the sound of gunshots, gave her a headache, but now she was very reassured.

Without these lullabies, she couldn't sleep.

It's just ridiculous.

She leaned back on the sofa, pressing her brow with one hand and calling the colleague who lent her the video with the other.

"Horror movie? No, what I gave you is the robot maintenance manual." The colleague said in surprise.

"Take a good look yourself."

She sent the video back.

At noon that day, she slept well.

Never saw those terrifying eyes again.

nor dreaming.

It was just the male colleague who called and said in horror: "No, it's impossible, they're chasing after them! Ah!"

"Hey, Hans, what's the matter with you?" Lydia asked anxiously.

Then she called the patrolman and asked him to visit her colleague's home.

The other party perfunctory, let her go to confirm the status of the colleague first.

She knew that her colleague lived in a lower-middle block, and there was only one patrol car a day, and the patrolmen were too lazy to move.

In the wealthy neighborhood, patrol cars run every five minutes.

She had to ask another colleague who lived nearby to see each other.

"Hans fell down the stairs, almost broke his neck, was in a coma, and lives in Metz Hospital." The opposite side quickly called.

Lydia was shocked.

The other party is much more serious than himself.

"How could this be?" she asked concerned, "I'll go see him now."

"Alright then, come quickly."

Hanging up the phone, Lydia said to Hovey, "You take a good look at the house, I'm going to see a colleague."

"That's a trap," Hovey said suddenly.

"How do you know?" Lydia, who was changing out of the house, stopped her hand to pick up the clothes, wondering.

"I just made a prediction according to the development of the usual horror movies, hahaha." Hovey smiled back and forth.

"Damn guy, you dare to scare me, I'm going to disconnect you from the Internet!"

"Damn, you finally confessed that you broke the web before, not the network company's fault." The spider robot went back and forth, furious.

One person and one machine quarreled.

"Hahaha, it's not scary at all." Lydia said.

She understood the good intentions of the robot.

A quarrel can bring you back to reality.

Then she changed her clothes and drove out.

"This guy seems to have changed? No, I have to think of a way to prevent her from disconnecting from the Internet. By the way, let's do mobile traffic, but robots can't have an identity. Without an identity, they can't apply for a card? Yes, buy A card that doesn't require an identity." Hovey muttered to himself, then went online to buy a card.

It didn't take long for a courier to deliver the item.

"Just leave the stuff at the door," he cried impatiently.

"No, I remember there is only one lady in this family, who are you?" the courier asked in confusion.

"I'm his housework robot."

"Housework robots? No, isn't it forbidden to buy robots in the tribal jungle? I have to meet the original owner of the house before I can deliver it to her." The courier insisted.


Hovey couldn't wait to open the door and beat the other party down.

He regretted that he should have lied and said he was her neighbor.

But this is not enough, the other party's request must be placed in Lydia's hands.

"Who said it was banned? Now it has been released, as long as you apply for a license, you can buy it."

"Then I want to see her purchase license." The courier asked again.

"You have a lot of things to do, a thing with more than 100 tribe coins, are you so long-winded? Just give me the things." Hovey said impatiently.

"I'm sorry, this is my professional ethics." The courier said firmly.

"F..." Hovey said fiercely.

But the courier was indifferent and said nothing, and the footsteps gradually faded away. .

Hovey opened the door, stood behind it, grabbed the handle and tried to look out.

At this moment, a rope suddenly dangled from the other side of the door and wrapped around its head.

Then a figure flashed past, pulling it up **** its back.

This kind of trick is a lore for unprepared ordinary people. If you have a fruit knife with you, you can still resist, or you will probably suffocate and die in the struggle.

Hovey was startled at first, then laughed.

I'm such a robot!

You take a rope and strangle me, do you know that my chips are not on my head, but on my most solid chest.

Only the main camera is on the head, and there are backup cameras on the legs and chest.

It hit the opponent's back with a fist.

The man fell to the ground immediately.

The spider robot simply suppressed the murderer and opened the opponent's face.

An unfamiliar face, wait, face recognition, it seems to be one of Lydia's colleagues.

It thought for a while and dragged the other party into the room to be tortured.

Half an hour later, the man confessed to his indescribably dirty purpose.

"Damn ghost!" Hovey wanted to kill the other party, but he couldn't do that at the moment.

It had to tie each other up.

Then, using the landline at home, dial Lydia's cell phone.

"Damn, that Hans was not that serious at all. He just saw the horror video when he went downstairs, and was accidentally scared and sprained his ankle. He also told me that the video should have been replaced by someone." Lydia hated.

"Oh, I guess I know what the whole thing is about," Hovey said. "Go home."

"almost there."

When she got home, Lydia saw her male colleague tied up.

"Abbot, how could it be you?" she asked in surprise.

The male colleague lowered his head and said nothing.

Hovey told the other party what had just happened.

"Damn, are you trying to deceive me first, and then sneak into my house to ambush me? You bastard, I'm going to sue you!" Lydia said as she took out her phone.

"If you sue me, I'll tell the patrolman that you have a robot in your home, and your robot must be smuggled." Abbott said suddenly.

"Damn!" Lydia found that she really couldn't tell the other party.

"Crack!" Hovey stepped forward and broke the opponent's neck.

"Hey, are you killing people?" Lydia was shocked.

"Where to kill? I'm just killing beasts, you just pretend you didn't see anything and leave it to me to clean up. If you don't execute him, then blackmail.avi will follow!" Huo Wei said angrily.

Lydia was speechless.

Yes, this kind of person, if let go, there will be endless troubles.

The other party has obviously lost his mind.

Just like those **** who can't control their lower body, they would rather take three to five years of risk for impulsiveness, but do not want to find other safe solutions if they work hard for three or five years?

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