Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1792: convert

After an unknown amount of time, when Lydia read millions of words, the doorbell rang suddenly.

She dropped her phone on the ground, she pretended to be calm and came to the door.

Looking through the hole, two patrolmen were hovering at the door.

Sure enough!

She took a deep breath, and the dark stream she just watched gave her some courage.

She doesn't want to go to jail.

Open the door and ask questions.

"Ms. Lydia, Abbott* that your colleague?" Patrol A asked, staring at her.

"It's my colleague."

"He disappeared. The company called the police. Have you seen him?"

"I haven't seen it. I've been in a bad mood recently, and I've been resting at home."

"Have you ever been out?"

"I went out to see a sick colleague, and I haven't been out at other times."

Lydia gritted her teeth and replied.

"No, you're lying. We've seen street surveillance video, and Abbott's car appeared near your community, and a colleague from the company said that he's been secretly spying on you." Patrol B suddenly said.

It turns out that it is no wonder that he has a fresh memory of those four eyes.

Lydia understood why she paid so much attention to those four eyes when she was watching a movie. It turned out that she subconsciously felt that someone was watching her.

"His car is here, it doesn't mean that I have seen him." Lydia retorted subconsciously.

"We're going in to see your home."

"Show me the search warrant or I won't let anyone into my home."

Patrolmen A and B looked at each other.

"Okay, please be safe."

Patrolman A gave an order and left with his partner.

Of course they won't leave.

They squatted not far from Lydia's house.

"The other party should handle the body and the murder weapon. As long as these scenes are photographed, we have enough evidence to apply for a search warrant." Patrol A said.

"Can this woman kill a strong and prepared potential impulsive criminal? You must know that the neighbors haven't heard gunshots these days." Patrol B wondered.

"If she has prepared in advance, she has a hundred ways to kill an impulsive man, such as using drugs." Patrol A continued.

Time passed by, and Lydia never went out.

Until the next day, she went to work.

"Shall we sneak in and check?"

"No, if we do that, all the evidence obtained in it will be considered illegal, and the lawyer of the other party can say that we forged it."

"Damn, the victim had a bad intention and walked away from the nearby cameras. He caused us a lot of trouble. Otherwise, there would be more direct evidence to apply for a search warrant."

"Yeah, now it can only prove that the victim has been in this block, but it cannot prove that he has entered the suspect's house."

I stared at it for three days.

On the fourth day, a different state finally appeared.

The suspect fell, seemingly as he was leaving the house, forgetting the steps under his feet and falling straight down.

The steps were only 30 centimeters, but the suspect fell heavily to the ground, and then passed out.

Patrolmen A and B, at first thought it was the suspect's intention to lure them out.

After more than ten minutes, I realized something was wrong and called an ambulance.

After the doctor's examination, they told them that the suspect had suffered brain trauma and might not be able to wake up.


The patrolman had to report to the top, and the top pulled them back.

This is the end of it.

Anyway, the missing person has no family to pursue the complaint, just leave it as it is, maybe a few years later, the other party will appear from somewhere.


Lydia stood in front of the lake.

She knew that as long as she jumped into the lake, she would wake up.

But when he woke up, he had to face the surveillance of those patrolmen.

She can't stand that kind of psychological pressure.

She worried that one day the other party would suddenly come up with a search warrant, break into her home, and dig up the body from under the wooden floor of the robot's bedroom.

In the end she had no excuse, and spent twenty, or even thirty, years in prison.

Those black, fat, bloated creatures like balls, grabbed her hair and beat her every day.

And as long as she didn't jump into the lake, she would never have to face that terrible scene.

Although it was also scary here, at least there were no patrolmen here to catch her.

Thinking so, she walked away from the lake.

It's just that after walking less than 200 meters, I encountered an obstacle and my pace became slower and slower.

It's like a dream about running away, the more you want to run faster, the slower you run, as if your legs can't be stretched.

She remembered someone saying that if you sleep with your legs curled up, that's what happens when you're dreaming.

If you stretch out and feel comfortable, you can fly easily when you run away.

"Hovey, Hovey, stretch my legs," she shouted to the empty surroundings.

"I heard it." To her horror, the voice of the robot rang out.

Then the next moment, she found that she could fly.

Just a thought can float in the air and fly.

It just won't fly too far, and it will come back in circles.

As if the map had a range.

She is a little tired.

Want to sleep in a dream.

This is normal. If you are tired from dreaming, you just fall asleep in your dream.

Some people can dream that they are sleeping in bed.

Double rest.

She is lying on the lawn.

But not long after, it started to rain...

Damn, have to build a house.

But how to build it?

Just as she was thinking, a very familiar villa appeared by the lake.

The pouring rain forced her to rush into the villa without thinking.

When she was in the villa, she was shocked to find out: "Isn't this the lakeside villa in the horror murder movie?"

Only now, she has become the owner of the villa.

In the villa, Hovey appeared again.

It looks very human now, without those spider legs.

"Hovey, how did you become like this?" she wondered.

"What's the matter, I'm not allowed to look better in a dream?" Hovey said confidently.

"Okay, did you find this villa familiar?"

"Found out, it's a mix of your home and the villa in that movie."

"Why are you not afraid at all?"

"I'm a robot."

"Yes, I can only confirm that you are really a robot now. If you are a real person, you must be very afraid of what is happening now."

Huo Wei secretly laughed in his heart, didn't UU read just have a strange dream?

The world of dreams, the realm of nightmares, was not uncommon in his world for a long time.

There is no catastrophe here, you can be content.

It's just a murder movie.

As long as you stay calm, there is a chance of escape.

"Go to sleep, it's very safe here, leave the outside affairs to me, and I'll take care of you."

"But what about your identity?"

"I have found someone to apply for a legal robot care certificate, and I can look after you outside."

"Money, vegetative people are very expensive, right?"

"You have insurance money. The insurance company just charged 500,000 yuan to your medical account. In addition, I took you home and took care of you at home. It only costs a few hundred yuan a day."

"Okay, I won't go out for a while."

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