Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1793: visual sense

"It's really easy when the seed is formed. The power of the main world is truly unparalleled."

Wen Rensheng peered into Lydia's dream world through the small hole.

The next step is to separate the opponent's dream world from the main world and pull it around the East Water World to form a protection.

In this way, if the destroyers come again, they must first solve the psychological problems of the main world Lydia before they can solve this world.

High, really high.

Wen Rensheng praised himself.

As for how to peel and drag, he found a few world consciousnesses and asked them one after another, and then studied from the information given by the previous disaster principals. It took some time to finally master it.

His brain has been completely learned, and the rest of the work is left to Mysterious Seed and Little Magic.

Yes, it is like that.

"Xiao Huan, I'll give you a fun thing to do, stack that dream world around our world like stacking wood."

"This world is empty, dry, and not fun at all." Xiao Huan squeezed her head and looked at Xiao Kong, feeling bored.

"This is a simulation construction type. It was blank at first, but it became more fun when there were more people." Wen Rensheng reassured.

"Oh, okay."

Xiao Huan dragged Lydia's nightmare world around Dongshui World.

The Illusionary Seed communicates reality and reality, and with the increase of the Mysterious Seed, it can do things like drag the world into the void.

As for the specific details, there is no need to describe. Few people want to know how food is digested and how to feed back to the brain to produce a "full" signal.

Wen Rensheng continued to look over.


By the lake.

Inside the villa.

Lydia soon lived here, watching the novels and movies brought in by Hovey every day, and living at ease.

Until one day, she heard the voices of four young men and women from outside.

They meet by the lake.

Guitar, drums...

Soon the quiet lake became noisy.

She thought about it, went out, and greeted them friendly.

Four people looked at her. Two of the men looked at each other and then looked around. There was silence.

They had some indescribable idea about her, and they quickly put into action.

And the two women just watched.

Lydia fled back to the villa, and the two men smirked and chased into the villa.

She ran from the first floor to the second floor.

The two men split into two to chase after her.

Pedal traps, nooses, crosses, rams...

Lydia's mind quickly came up with the situation in the horror movie Lake Villa, and then she found that behind her, these organs appeared one after another.

"Ah!" Man A stepped on the pedal trap while chasing.

The pedal, which is exactly the same as the floor, flipped over, let the opponent step on it with one foot, and then fell to the ground.

And the flipped pedals reveal shiny snow-white steel nails!

There was a close contact between Man A's chest and the steel nail.

"Ah!" Man A stared at him, his indescribable thoughts flying out of the sky.

He waved his hands helplessly, but couldn't get up.

The steel nails were inserted too deep, and the help of outsiders was necessary to force him out of the steel nails.

Man B immediately discovered the unfortunate appearance of his companion.

He stopped chasing at once and cursed loudly: "Smell XX, so you deliberately brought us in, you murderer!"

This sentence irritated Lydia.

She subconsciously and skillfully pressed a switch next to her, and a ramming wood appeared from mid-air, hitting Man B.

Man B was then knocked out, and the place where he landed was a noose, and he was hanged upside down.

The two men who were ferocious and irresistible were so easily trapped.

Just what to do next?

Lydia was puzzled.

But soon she won't be confused anymore, and Hovey is online again.

When it saw the two hanging people, it stepped forward, twisted the necks of the two people with ease, and then buried the bodies.

"what are you doing?"


"How can you take it for granted?" Lydia was incredulous, "Don't ordinary people vomit after killing people? How can you kill so well?"

"I'm a robot, I don't have feelings." Hovey wanted to laugh.

Said it was murder, but it was just playing a game and killing a few NPCs or players.

To kill people across a screen, you can do it for you.

"Oh, I forgot."

"No, you also forgot one thing. You obviously shot and killed the robbers, why are you afraid of killing people again?" Hovey said contemptuously.

They're not little white rabbits, why are you pretending to be simple?

"That's different, it's a legitimate counterattack, and you're a massacre. They've been caught and should be handed over to the patrol police, just like Abbott before." Lydia insisted.

"It's so troublesome, and they may be released on bail to get revenge on you, or escape from prison to get revenge on you. It is definitely impossible to sentence them to death because their crimes were stopped by you." Hovey analyzed.

Lydia was quiet.

The other party was right.

She has seen a lot of news that her divorced wife was entangled by her ex-husband. Several warnings were useless. After being caught by the patrol police, she killed her after being released from prison.

So the cleanest way to face entanglement is to create an opportunity to counterattack and kill with one shot. This is the way to survive in the tribal jungle.

Gradually, she accepted Hovey's argument.

After all, she was considered an accomplice, and the two were on the same side.

"There are two women outside."

"I'll deal with it together."

"They are just watching."

"It is also sinful to watch on the sidelines. They just look at other people's tragedies with malice, **** it."

"Why do you say so much?"

"I'll do psychological construction for you, I'll have to..."

After half a day, the lake was quiet again. UU reading

All traces disappeared, very quiet.

"By the way, I think we have to change our faces. Although this is a dream, after someone goes out, they can still remember the characters in the dream." Hovey said again.

"What face?"

"The elderly couple..."

Lydia was stunned. She felt a gust of cold wind blowing, which seemed to be swish.

The next moment, she became an old woman, and Hovey became an old man with glasses.

Reappeared yesterday.

As soon as he became an old man, he heard the roar of off-road vehicles and rock music in the distance.

"Gene, the scenery here is good, let's go camping here." A female voice sounded immediately.

"OK, sweetheart."

"Hey, John, George, you can borrow it from that villa..."

Lydia never expected that the plot of the movie she had just watched would suddenly appear beside her.

Two more men knocked on the door of the villa.

When they saw Lydia, they turned into beasts again.

Why is this so?

Lydia was puzzled, and this time she personally hanged two people.

She doesn't feel at all anymore, yes, Hovey reminded right, she has already killed people.

Those robbers deserve to die.


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