Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1810: arrange

hospital bed.

Hua Gang suddenly opened his eyes.

He had sensors all over his body.

Sure enough.

He sneered in his heart.

This filthy world is destroyed.

When he opened his eyes, he immediately startled a nurse next to him who was taking care of him.

What kind of eyes are those?

Death, horror, ferociousness, frenzy...

She had never seen such eyes that she nearly inserted the needle in the wrong way.

"Humph." Hua Gang snorted coldly, and was about to get up when he turned over, but found himself bound to the bed again.

Sure enough, if you are not an emperor, you must be a beast.

There is no space for you to be yourself!

Why should a child be killed for holding gold?

Why do I have to keep a low profile like a grandson when I got a plug-in?

Why should I give so much knowledge to others for nothing?

This **** world, quickly destroy it!

He has gone completely crazy.

"Die, die!"

he growled.

Soon many people came.

A doctor sedated him, his will was still subservient to the substance, and he finally calmed down.

"He, he is a devil!" the nurse just now shouted suddenly.

In the eyes of this nurse, the person on the bed disappeared, replaced by a squirming mass of gray matter, tentacles, bubbles, blood, deep darkness...

All the strange sights she had seen before were all mixed together and poured into her mind.

The nurse closed her eyes in fright and shrank to the ground.

But when she closed her eyes, those things were still wriggling in her mind, occupying all her thinking space.

She even forgot to walk, eat, and only those things existed.

"What's the matter?" The director turned to look at the nurse who was huddled on the ground.

"..." The nurse couldn't say anything.

"Just looking at it, you're scared like this? I don't believe it anymore, this world is materialistic, there are no ghosts!" The director said calmly.

However, the others around him also screamed one by one.






Mixed with a strange voice.

The director couldn't help but look at someone who called Dad.

That's an old doctor.

It's very strange that he can be regarded as a father.

For a time, among the dozen or so people he brought, he was the only one left who could still maintain his sanity.

Even the battle-hardened investigators went mad.

Some of them began to howl, some began to roll on the ground, and some of them hid in the corner, afraid to see anyone.

Perhaps it is because they have experienced hundreds of battles that the loopholes in their hearts are even greater.

There is a special disease, the battlefield stress syndrome, which many people can't see at ordinary times, but only when they are stimulated.

The director stepped back, but fortunately, more people rushed in and controlled the people in front of him.

"Don't look at the experiment!" he reminded directly.

But it was still a little late to remind people, and then there was a crazy phenomenon among people.

However, the symptoms were significantly lighter.

After more than an hour, the ward finally quieted down.

Crazy people are tied up.

Hua Gang was wrapped in a white cloth on the bed.

The white cloth was covered by a security guard himself.

The security guard, like the director, didn't go crazy.

This made the director very curious. After disposing of the scene, he found the security guard in an office and asked.

"Why are you alright?"

"I can't tell, isn't it just a mental illness? Why would something happen to him?" The security guard scratched his head, very incomprehensible.

The director looked up the other party's resume and saw that the primary school culture, only addition and subtraction, not multiplication and division, only knows more than a thousand commonly used words, semi-literate.

The reason for recruiting is because there is no need to worry about the other party leaking secrets.

It's impossible to understand those secrets...

But illiterate is troublesome, after all, there are still some instructions for the other party to understand.

Could it be that illiterates can restrain each other?

Or can low IQ be restrained?

Then why are you all right?

The director was puzzled.

"You really don't see anything extra in him?"

"No, it's the hospital gown and those eyes, it reminds me of the little fool in my village. Oh, it's so pitiful, I'm crazy every day, I see you smiling at first, and when you're not prepared, I punch you hard. Just run." The security guard shook his head.

you pity him?

Do you know how many mysteries this guy hides?

The director shook his head and told the security to leave.

Then he found different people to do the experiment.

Soon he found a rule, a simple-minded guy who didn't like reading books, watching TV, watching mobile phones, didn't like thinking, didn't know any philosophy or literature, didn't like music and art, and only liked eating, drinking and having fun. When he saw Hua Gang, nothing happens.

But here comes the problem, the league's literacy rate is over 95 percent.

There are many people who don't like reading books, but very few people who don't like watching the Internet on their mobile phones.

The old man will stay up late with his mobile phone, let alone other people.

The end of the world is really coming?

No, no, there is a group of people.

He thought of it, and immediately called: "Call me a group of savages from a small island in the Pacific immediately."

Yes, on the Pacific Islands, there are still many wild people living primitive lives.

Unexpectedly, in the end, it is likely that these savages will continue to continue civilization.

A few days later, a group of wild people dressed in colorful clothes and half naked appeared in the hospital.

They saw Hua Gang, and immediately knelt down one by one.

"God, we finally see you!"

"Great God, you have finally come to the world!"

"Your breath becomes a storm, your eyes become the sun, and your ears become mountains..." An old priest-like guy danced there.

The director is confused again, what's going on?

In the eyes of the barbarians, he turned into a god?

Could it be that it can neither be savage nor too wise, and that only the middle and low-level people can maintain the status quo?

Subsequently, he transferred many people to do experiments.

Finally he understood.

Atheists, semi-illiterate people who only live a normal life, don't like all kinds of fantasy culture, and live a down-to-earth life can be immune to Hua Gang.

In their eyes, Hua Gang is a fool, a lunatic, nothing unusual.

But here comes the problem.

Why is he okay?

Could it be that he is also semi-literate?

But he clearly knew a lot.

By the way, he doesn't like those fantasy cultures, he only likes actual power.

Probably that's why he's fine.

"Immediately mobilize qualified people to the doomsday base," he said.

The doomsday base has already been built.

Since the miracle, it has been transformed from the original nuclear defense base.

It is located in a rock layer 200 meters underground.

There is enough fuel, food, oxygen, and drinking water in reserve, enough to last fifty years.

And now it has been proved that such preparation measures are very necessary.

Soon, a group of semi-literate and atheists were arranged to enter the doomsday base.

An administrator smiled bitterly: "In the past, people thought that the end was coming, and the alliance must first arrange the great scientists, high-level intellectuals, and rich people into Noah's Ark, but the truth is so magical, but it is semi-illiterate, only farming, People who deliver couriers and work part-time jobs have been arranged to come in.”

"So, when we humans think, God laughs. You never know what script God has arranged for you." Another administrator shook his head. 7220/10562094

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