Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1811: determination

At this time, the outside world gradually fell into chaos.

Although Hua Gang was tightly isolated, the terror he caused still spread at an unbelievable speed.

Don't forget that there is a dream world that can't be solved.

Those horrors must have been transmitted through dreams.

This is a completely incomprehensible existence for the existing technology system of the Alliance and the Horde.

For a time, all walks of life have signs of paralysis.

Fortunately, there are still some people who do not fall into fear.

And the management has already prepared in advance.

Let some semi-literate take over the otherwise complicated work.

Innovating is not enough, simple buttons can still be operated, water, electricity, fuel, food, medicine... these most important industries, began to arrange for manpower to take over.

As for the economy, I don't care at all.

Let the majority of people survive first.

The terror spread quickly.

Almost exponentially growing.

In just six months, it spread to the world.

Can only say that fortunately this is not a zombie virus.

The power of the material world is still in the material.

The panic in the mind can still be relieved under the suppression of drugs.

Many people are terrified at first, but the pressure to survive is even more terrifying.

The instinct of the body allows many people to continue to work in a semi-mad state.

Of course, it's all low-tech jobs.

Hydro traffic, after initial chaos, quickly stabilized.

The way people say hello every morning has changed from "Have you eaten?" to "Have you taken your medicine today?"

When the other party said that they had taken medicine, everyone dared to talk with confidence.

The material world is always full of two sides.

Just like brutal slaughter and disease, but in the end it led to a leap of civilization.

Horror has also brought unexpected benefits to people:

The work and rest system for migrant workers has changed.

The original 996 has been changed to 10, 14, and 5. During the day, I work in the hottest 4 hours of the sun, and sleep in the other 6 hours.

Unemployment plummeted, and for the first time there was a negative unemployment rate, a situation where there were not enough people.

A job has to be done by 3 or 4 people.

Because everyone can stay awake for only three or four hours.

The rest of the day is bedtime.

Most people can only fall asleep when exposed to sunlight.

At midnight, as long as you close your eyes, the infinite monster rises and falls in the darkness.

Only the sunshine, the hot sunshine from ancient times, the sunshine that can make the darkness nowhere to hide, and the sunshine that automatically +5 for security, can people barely suppress the fear in their hearts.

The management of the alliance and the tribe urgently held a joint meeting.

The conference room is a web conference.

Held in a live webcast room, except for the senior administrators, all the participants were well-known experts from all over the world.

Against the blue background, there are nervous faces.

"It's ridiculous!" a senior tribal administrator said fiercely, "How did it spread? Why do people thousands of miles away also dream of that terrifying scene, why can't they get rid of it? This is completely inconsistent with any scientific theory. !"

"If a fact appears, and the existing scientific theory cannot explain it, what we have to do is to verify the fact, and after confirming that it is true, we will revise the scientific theory. And the current facts tell us that our science is in the field of human spirit. The research is just beginning." A think tank shook his head and sighed.

"Yeah, I remember that when quantum mechanics proposed the observer effect, it said that the observer determines the objective truth, which triggered a frenzy in the scientific community. Some famous scientists also failed to understand that the world is not completely objective, and it is impossible for us to see it. The fact that the world is completely objective, and choose suicide." Another think tank followed up.

"Yeah, now we just see more truth about the world. Someone has let us observe that terror in the spiritual realm can be spread without following the laws of matter, and dreams can also spread."

"Maybe it's a magnetic field effect? ​​The human brain generates electrical signals, and the weak magnetic field allows people around to sense the same dream?" Another scientist put forward a hypothesis there.

Some nodded, some dismissed.

The human magnetic field is too tiny and can transmit too little information.

And they are all mysterious temperaments, such as temperament, cowardice, strength, civilization, barbarism...

"Resonance field? But these things are difficult to observe with existing tools. How to study and summarize the laws?"

"Why can't you observe it? When you enter their dreams, can't you observe it?" An administrator said dissatisfied.

"But that kind of observation, you can't get any data, and you can't carry out a comparative experiment. It's like a dream. It's a fake thing, completely different from a formal scientific experiment." An expert wondered.

"Then why don't you try to blaze a new path, false to false?" suggested one philosopher.

"Fake versus fake? Of course we are those administrators? Every day we know that we are playing with fakes." A scientist said dissatisfied.

"Yeah, if the truth is not observed, it is simply impossible to conduct any effective research."

"Those dream scenes are all fake things. We can have n analyses, but we can't guarantee which one is right."

"You can study Freud's interpretation of dreams, and many people analyze things in dreams, trying to find their comparison with reality. All illusions can find their prototypes in reality. People cannot imagine complete Something I haven't seen, heard, smelled, touched," an administrator suggested.

The experts were silent.

Someone suddenly said: "Of course we did the analysis, but after the analysis, we came to the conclusion that unless all the ugly things in the world are eliminated, there will be no public security incidents, and there will be no danger, everyone can live safely. In this case, fear The most fundamental soil will be lost. Otherwise, the horror of the dream will not change, can you do this?"

"Yes," said an administrator of the alliance, "now we are facing the end of the world! We must make the greatest determination and use the greatest courage, gentlemen, you do not want your children, your grandchildren, to be in Tortured in terror?"

The administrators of the tribal jungle were moved.

They have always prided themselves on letting the people manage themselves, and when they encounter some internal difficulties, they always govern the law.

The first stage is to pretend that things don’t exist, the second stage is that we need to observe before we can take action, and the third stage is that things are too late and we can’t do anything.

The final stage is mourning.

But not anymore.

If they dared to do so, it would be tantamount to allowing future generations to live in a world of fear.

They may only have twenty years to live, but their sons and grandsons will continue to live.

Who has the heart to see children and grandchildren screaming in fear every day?

"Well said! We have to use all our courage to solve those problems completely!"

"Yeah, compared to the unsolved dream world, fear spreads, and the security issue is not unsolvable." A senior administrator gritted his teeth.

"Yeah, take five to ten years to clean up, identify and isolate, and ensure that any security incidents will be eliminated in the bud."

The management who showed courage and determination, UU reading completely broke out.

The energy they release, supported by modern industry and modern science, is astounding.

Skynet project started.

Robots are banned.

There are a lot of cameras, and it is mandatory to install them in every household, toilets, bathrooms… any private place is not spared.

In addition, the supercomputer is specially used for management. If someone’s image is found to be missing, they will immediately send someone to check.

A large number of security personnel have been hired, a large number of monitoring facilities have been built, and high taxes have been imposed on the wealthy.

In fact, it is to allocate resources more evenly to security.

Under the unified global pace and strong public opinion pressure, the top rich are also vulnerable and have to hand over a lot of stocks and real estate to deduct taxes. 7220/10565036

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