Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1812: chip

East Water Fragment World.

Wen Ren went home.

"What are they doing?" Xiao Huan asked scratching his head.

"They are clearing the soil of terror and solving the foundation of chaos." Wen Rensheng saw the intention of the principal of the tower at a glance.

High, really high.

Older gingers are more spicy.

Horror occupies a considerable part of human fantasy.

It can even be said that it is an essential part.

The most basic fear comes from fear of the people around you.

The simplest and most common material exploitation, to the most brutal and occasional deprivation of life, are all real things that will happen.

This is the basis of horror fantasy.

"Can they succeed? In such a big place, they don't have extraordinary power, and they can do it with just a little technology?" Dad Wen Rende shook his head.

Obviously not optimistic.

But Wen Rensheng understood how scary people would be when they were forced into a desperate situation.

Don't look at the fact that people in the tribal jungle have to manage themselves every day, but once the threat from the outside increases, it will immediately become a top-to-bottom system, even more ruthless than the alliance.

Because they will have a whole set of public opinion bonuses.

"Let's take a look." Wen Rensheng did not express his judgment.


Tribal jungle, a small town somewhere.

"This just makes me sick!" An old red-haired man with a shotgun confronted city workers who came to install surveillance cameras.

"This is the order of the city council, this is the order of the administrators, and this is the request of the people!" said the worker captain.

"Get out of my house, no one can enter my house, except me and my son! I don't want any dirty cameras, you don't want to install that thing in my house!" The red-haired old man said viciously.

"You are the servant of the devil!" At this moment, a junior high school student shouted loudly in the crowd of onlookers.

"Yeah, he is a demon, he dare not accept the surveillance in broad daylight, there is definitely darkness!" Another girl shouted.

There was a group of kids shouting.

A group of adults also shouted.

"What are you talking about? Can you tolerate being seen by others when you shower?" The red-haired old man was furious.

"But we don't want to see a devil suddenly appearing in the bathroom when we take a shower!" a girl shouted loudly.

The red-haired old man shook his head, disappointed: "You have forgotten our traditions, you are all cowards!"

"Bang!" Gunshots rang out.

It turned out that a boy in the crowd had shot him.

The red-haired old man was safe and sound.

Even if the distance is only five meters, it is not easy to hit the opponent.

But the gunshot made the old man give up his resistance.

He dropped the shotgun and sat slumped aside.

The city worker got in to install the surveillance camera, and told him: "You have the obligation to maintain the camera. Once there is a problem, you must report it for repair immediately, and bear the door-to-door maintenance fee..."

"Because it's keeping you and your family safe."

The red-haired old man said nothing.

Soon, however, a patrolman drove up and shouted, "We found a body in this devil's bathroom!"

The red-haired old man was surprised and couldn't help but stand up: "It's impossible! I'll clean it up tomorrow!"

The crowd looked at him intently.

Then he was taken away.

Then the luminol reagent was arranged, and a large amount of blood was found in the bathroom.

It turns out that the red-haired old man is really a devil, with a serious schizophrenia.

At night, he would drive home a drunk woman on the side of the road and kill him.

Wake up and clean up again during the day.

"Sure enough, there is evil wherever the camera is not installed according to the administrator's order!"

The crowd cheered, and the case was widely spread by the media.

For a while, there were some faint objections, but at this time they also disappeared.

After the surveillance was installed, someone else suggested: "With surveillance, the patrolmen can catch the criminals in time. In this case, the guns are useless, and accidental injuries will happen instead."

Then, there was a huge gun ban in the tribal jungle.

Then a lot of things were banned.

In short, people can finally walk into the most unsafe neighborhoods in the early hours of the morning.

Seeing this scene, the people in the alliance on the opposite side were dumbfounded.

"I really didn't expect that, we thought that the tribe would never solve the security problem, but it turned out that they solved it faster than us!"

"How can we be behind them by comparison?"

The two sides began to compete.

You build 100% Sky Eye coverage, I will build 200% redundant coverage.

If you build 200%, I will include sewers and pipes into the monitoring scope...

You have recruited three times as many security personnel, and I will recruit ten times as many.

In the end, people were horrified to find that people engaged in public security maintenance accounted for one-third of the total number of people.

In other words, when two people work, one person patrols nearby.

Of course, the truth is even scarier than that. After all, neither the elderly nor children can work.

This is more powerful than the most ruthless dynasties.

But the effect is immediate.

Crime rates plummeted.

New crimes are almost always caused by excitement and difficult to control emotions, such as quarrels between husband and wife, quarrels between friends, quarrels between strangers...

Premeditated crimes are rare.

"This is not enough. There are still four-digit cases every day, which means that the lesions still exist." At the joint meeting, an administrator was very dissatisfied.

"It's hard to press down any more. After all, people are not robots, and there will always be mood swings. Some people can restrain themselves, but some people will burst out." Another person shook his head.

"Can't you scientists develop a chip that can detect the heartbeat and body temperature, if it rises, it will warn you in time, or even start an electric shock?" the administrator said smugly.

"But that would hurt a lot of people by mistake."

"As long as the danger is strangled in the bud, and people know they're living in a safe place, it's worth it."

"But is it safe to be electrocuted in a place where you get an electric shock?"

"Yeah, it makes people docile tempers. Who doesn't like to be around docile people? Do you like to be around lunatics, alcoholics, hot-tempered people?"

Soon the administrator's suggestion was approved.

However, the scope of chip placement is first of all those who have committed crimes repeatedly.

Not for experimentation, but simply because such chips are expensive and expensive to make.

It is simply impossible to cover it all in the first time.

To meet the high demand for electricity, they used nuclear power.

This is not a technical problem, such as pacemakers, there are nuclear-powered pacemakers.

The pacemaker uses trace amounts of plutonium, which can last until a patient dies of natural causes.

This is real technology, not fantasy literature.

Under the pressure of the doomsday, people took out all the black technology they had saved in the past.

This nuclear power chip can automatically check people's heartbeat, body temperature, and once a certain threshold is exceeded, it will release an electric current.

Current from small to large.

But this brings up a huge question: what to do when you're exercising?

easy to do.

The Alliance and the Horde jointly issued an order prohibiting people from doing vigorous exercise.

Only do moderate exercise.

Such as slightly moving the body, walking slowly, Tai Chi...


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