Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1815: script

If something looks real, feels real, and uses it...

Then in the eyes of people, it is true.

There is no need to discuss falsehood.

On the big screen, fireworks bursting out of mushrooms quickly flashed.

The participants in the meeting were all stunned.

Among them, there are many people who have seen the field mushroom experiments and know where the mushrooms have been experimented.

"This is true, it's not from P, there is real-time time on it, and it's not a video playback!" Someone exclaimed.

"How is it possible? When did they have such power?" Someone panicked.

"It's absolutely impossible. Our satellites monitor every day. Why haven't we seen such a large factory? Where is it?"

"Looking at the terrain, it seems to be a tribal jungle?" an expert said uncertainly.

Everyone's eyes turned fiercely towards the tribal jungle.

Who doesn't know that they are the most slack, and often a case takes decades.

It's understandable to hide there.

"It's all your fault that you always had to live by and don't solve any problems. Now it's okay, we are about to face a human crisis! Where are your superheroes, and where are your blockbusters? There is a P!" Someone yelled at the tribal administrator.

"Bastard, we are better than you no matter what, you will only walk by touching us!" The tribal administrator was not to be outdone.

First scolded, then started.

In the past, everyone would be restrained, but now, I don't know if there will be a tomorrow, restrain a wool?

For a time, the venue turned into a wrestling arena.

"Enough is enough, the end is coming, do you still want to be divided like this and blame each other?" A very dignified old man stopped everyone from fighting.

"Keep playing, it's a good fight, I'm watching." On the big screen, the desktop computer played the sound of applause.

Everyone was silent.

They all felt helpless and powerless from the bottom of their hearts.

If the mushroom war is really going to start, the robots will be fine.

They were finished first.

Even if there is a shelter underground, what can it be?

Without the infinite resources on the ground, it is impossible to be a robot's opponent just by relying on the lingering survival facilities underground.

"How about it, if you agree to my request, I can guarantee that in the virtual world, you will become immortals, become Buddhas, live forever, and be administrators for generations."

"Who cares about GMs in games?" Someone said dismissively.

But there are also some people with light in their eyes.

If you can live forever, even in a virtual world, it's not unacceptable.

"Then I want to ask, does the virtual world you create feel real? How real is it?" Someone finally asked.

"Just like the dream world, how real do you think the dream world is?" the desktop computer replied.

When someone heard this, they began to whisper: "So, it's not bad."

"You are a human traitor. It's a machine, not a human. It has no humanity. Humans can deceive people, not to mention machines."

"You are wrong, people can deceive people, and machines can't deceive people." The desktop computer said, "It's true, it's true."

Those who participate in this kind of meeting are all human beings.

How can it be possible to believe the statement of the desktop computer?

Even if someone believed it, it would be a very idiot.

There are more people, but there are still some fools.

Or, they were too shrewd and made a fool's choice instead.

"I only give you one day to think about it."

After the desktop computer finished speaking, it disappeared.


That night, someone quietly got in touch with the desktop computer.

"I hope to go in and experience it first. If it is true, I will cooperate with you to capture the world." This is an old man, in his 90s.

To be honest, he didn't have much fear about the coming of nightmares and terror.

Instead, there was a hint of surprise and anticipation.

Terror means change, and change means miracle.

Actually, a miracle did happen.

The dream world is a miracle.

"Okay, what kind of script do you want?" the desktop computer asked.

"Can you still choose a script?"

"Of course, the plots here include Dragon King style, God of War style, divorce style, invincible style, upgrade style, and the categories include Xianxia, ​​martial arts, sci-fi, urban, military..."

"Let me think about it, let's start with a simple version, invincible flow + urban type."

"That's the God of War with a crooked mouth."

"Uh, okay, let me experience the experience."

"Close your eyes, count to ten, and you're in the script."


Pigalo, an old administrator in his nineties, soon fell into a deep sleep.

When he woke up, he found himself in a busy city.

The location was very familiar. He passed the landmark building at a glance and saw that it was a famous city in the tribal jungle, with a developed economy and the top five in the world.

He looked down at himself and found his body at the age of twenty-four!

Strong and fair skin and a straight waist allowed him to regain his youth.

Even if he wasn't invincible, he decided to work with a desktop computer just for this body.

Joke, what is the alliance, what is human, what is the earth, compared to the vast starry sky, it is nothing but dust.

He is just betraying a piece of dust. In the universe, it is not a violation of morality.

Just as he was thinking, a stream of information appeared in his mind.

It turns out that he is also called Pigalo here. He has just returned from the outer battlefield and has a daughter.

Before leaving, he entrusted the other party to the nuns of the monastery, and also donated 50,000 tribal coins to the monastery.

As for why it is not entrusted to the welfare institution, because there are too many scandals about the violence of the welfare institution.

A monastery under the care of God is more reliable.

After thinking for a while, he took out his mobile phone and called the monastery.

"Mr. Pigelow, you are asking your daughter, oh, she is well taken care Now she has attended a very good private elementary school in the district," said an old nun.

"Thank you." He was about to hang up when he heard a faint roar from the other end of the phone.

"Feiqin, you son of a bitch, hurry up and mop the floor for me! If you don't finish today's work, don't even think about having dinner! Also, remember to coax those three children!"

"Feiqin, hurry up and get the courier for me!"

"Feiqin, are you still waiting for your dad to come back? Stop dreaming, he's already dead on the battlefield!"

It's a coincidence that his daughter's name is also Feichen.

Pigalle twitched the corners of his mouth, his mouth crooked, and the whole person rose into the air.

"Look, Superman!" A pedestrian pointed in surprise.

"That's the God of War, the God of War on Earth, it's rare and strange!" Another pedestrian said indifferently.

Pigalo soon found the monastery in his memory.

When he found it, he found that Feiqin was wearing a princess costume, singing and dancing with the children happily.

If it wasn't for his superhuman vision, he couldn't even see the scars on the other's hands and feet, then it would have been left behind after years of hard work.

Like the old peasants in the league.

"Damn!" He took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Understood, head, I'll send an army of 100,000 troops to capture this **** monastery." The opposite side said without hesitation.

Pigalle twitched the corners of his mouth. Although he knew the plot and genre from his desktop computer, he still couldn't accept it.

100,000 people, is there a battle formation near this monastery?

Ten people are enough.

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