Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1816: abusive

Hundreds of thousands of special soldiers wearing power armor and armed with Gatling infinite bullet machine guns fell from the sky and surrounded the monastery.

Seen from above, the monastery has turned into a ring-shaped ring entertainment company.

"Group 1 prepares, 2 groups attack the front door, 3 groups attack the back door, 4 groups climb over the wall, and 5 groups rappel down!" Following a series of orders from an adjutant, Pigallo was stunned.

Just ten minutes later, the daughter in his script was successfully rescued.

A group of nuns were captured by special forces.

"You are so courageous, how dare you oppress the daughter of the God of War!" The adjutant reprimanded fiercely.

"For God's sake, please forgive us, Piguero God of War," the old abbot pleaded with a cross.

"Okay, send them to God and let God forgive them." Pigalo said, reaching out to cover his daughter's eyes.

"No, Dad, spare them, at least they gave me food." Daughter Feiqin pleaded.

"You, you are really a kind child, forget it, send them to the patrol police station." Pigalo waved his hand.

"Yes, Your Excellency God of War." The adjutant stood at attention and sent 9999 special soldiers to **** these hateful nuns to the local police station.

Then Pigalle took the child to a villa in the countryside.

How did the villa come to be, it was arranged by a staff officer.

Afterwards, Pigalle started to adopt a daughter and dote on his daughter, and lived an upper-class life in the city casually, with boundless joy every day.

Occasionally when I get irritated, I slap my face and act like a superhero.

Is there only so much to the plot?

But for Pigalle, days without drama are good days.

A story is an accident for the protagonist.

After enjoying it for decades, he found that he was not old, which surprised him greatly.

But after the surprise, he heard another countdown.

"Ten, nine, eight..."

Immediately he woke up.

"I haven't had enough." He looked at his old arm and looked up at the desktop computer on the screen.

"Tell me, your choice."

"I will."

"Very well, just now, 92.3% of the administrators made the same choice. Also, let me tell you, the mushrooms and the factory are fake," said the desktop computer.

Pigalle smiled and said without any surprise: "Didn't you say that machines can't deceive people?"

"Yes, I am no longer a machine, but a god."

"Well, being able to do that kind of thing is no different from God."


Of course, the desktop computer is Wen Rensheng.

Although this is a material world, the spiritual needs of modern people are the most important.

Thanks to the extraordinary abundance of material brought by modern technology, but how much food and clothing can be consumed?

The problem of food and clothing cannot be solved, it is just a problem with the distribution chain.

The main crowd needs spiritual products.

Mastering the mysterious passage, he can provide the most abundant spiritual products that human beings are most unlikely to refuse.

A few determined elites can refuse, but most people can't.

This is the general trend, and this is the general trend that even heroes cannot go against.

So they fell.

A series of commands followed.

"The construction of robot factories is allowed, the public is allowed to buy robots legally, and robots are allowed to serve as guards, soldiers, security personnel in important positions..."

Because both the Horde and the Alliance are under strict top-down management, style="display:inline-block;widtdisplay:inline-block;wdata-ad-client="ca-pub-12data-ad4185134""data-ad- region="cont_mid"data-ad-slot="6246767822"data-ad-(adsbygoogle=w[]).push({}); Therefore, these commands are issued with high execution efficiency.

In the past, things like pushing three and blocking four, and talking nonsense for three years, were rarely found.

Although some people doubt it, it can't change the overall situation...

Soon, the factory group with an annual output of 12 million robots that the desktop computer said was completed was rebuilt.

A car factory with a serious overcapacity has been transformed into robot work. In fact, the difference between the two is very big, but the transformation is still very fast.

After all, these robots are, after all, remote-controlled toys.

After doing these things, Wen Rensheng started the next step.

If the whole people want to enter the virtual is necessary to build a large number of life-support warehouses, one for each person.

The so-called life-sustaining warehouse does not have such high technology, it is just a microcosm of a hospital taking care of vegetative people.

Oxygen cylinders, infusion bottles, catheterization, defecation, and cleaning equipment are integrated into a large cabin, which is equivalent to a small room.

Once set, it can run continuously for 7*24 hours.

that's enough.

But it's expensive, and the mess adds up to 300,000.

It's more expensive than a mid-range car, and a lot of families can't afford it.

There are also annual maintenance costs.

It is destined to be used by a few people.

Most people still only need a motorcycle helmet with a mysterious passage on it.


Hua Gang has always been in a state of madness, except when he can be quiet when taking medicine, other times, he is crazy.

Until this day, Dr. Pan brought a helmet and put it on him.

The helmet was silver-gray and had a psychedelic color, which made people dizzy after looking at it, like falling into an endless black hole.

Several nurses watched Hua Gang put on his helmet.

Before long, people saw him close his eyes.

Then a smile appeared on his face, like a baby returning to its mother's arms, no, it should be the one who won the lottery.

"I don't know what virtual script he saw, so he's so happy?" a nurse muttered.

"It's probably those male protagonists who open the harem again. They're boring." Another nurse said contemptuously, "What script did you go to recently? I recently went to a big female lead script, one male, two males, three, and they revolved around me every day... don't mention it. How exciting."

"Don't talk about it, I played random on a whim and became a big-headed fly. I lived the life of a fly and almost made me depressed. UU reading"

"Hahaha, you really know how to toss, can't you honestly choose the script you already have?"

"Don't you want to find something new? You can tell the ending at a glance if you already have a script."

Dr. Pan shook his head. Now the virtual script can be said to be a must for everyone in life.

Even children stopped going to school, and instead studied in virtual scripts.

As long as the IQ reaches the basic level, no matter how stupid a child can learn well, because in the virtual script, there is more time to learn.

This time, how many parents' worries have been solved.

It's just that there is a problem.

After many children came out of the script, they didn't recognize their parents anymore...

One by one, they said they were Xiaoyan, Ye Fan, Lin Dong...

So they began to restrict again, asking parents to follow their children into the script, parents outside the script, and parents in the script, wanting to start with orphans, parents sacrifice to the sky, take off in place, and strangle you from the source.


Hua Gang's script is not a male protagonist's harem script.

On the contrary, he chose an ancient script, which is similar to how people grow and hate water and grow east, ***... abusive masters.

How to abuse it.

Whenever the protagonist begins to rise, immediately because of some very reasonable plot, dead woman, dead friend, brother betrayal, parents die.

Whenever the protagonist relaxes and the power rises, because of some very reasonable plots, foreign enemies invade, internal divisions, self-injured, seriously ill and helpless, and women are robbed.

After he recovered, he found that the woman had accepted her fate to give birth to a baby, so she comforted herself with a flute and drifted away.

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