Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1831: fishing

Thirteen people sat around the cabin.

The cabin vibrated slightly, and the sunlight shot through the glass on the conference table, and then reflected on the clown masks hanging on everyone's faces, shining a comical light.

On the conference table, numbers 0 to 12 are placed in clockwise order.

These are the Thirteen Apostles of "Spring Thunder".

Player b can join in, naturally there is a price.

He took out to kill the opener, and after paying the price, he could **** the important secret of the other party.

It's just that in many scripts, murder is punishable by death.

If it was feudal ancient times, cheaters could often earn high social status. If you kill someone as a commoner, even if you are a pregnant woman or a young child, you can't escape death.

So this secret, the best place to use it is modern.

"I'll talk first." No. 6 spoke slowly, "Everyone knows what we're going to do and how risky it is. Choosing to quit now is not a traitor."

Player b is number 12.

He sneered in his heart.

He would have believed it if he had not entered the script before.

And now, whoever believes and chooses to quit, he will surely die on the boat home.

The reason is simple: you already know how to party, and the physical characteristics of other people, even if you don't see other people's faces.

If you don't die, who will die?

"Who will quit? Now that we are ruled by artificial intelligence, we can only live half-dead every day. Even though there is so much food outside, we can only eat half-starved and not full. This is simply slave-like treatment! Instead of being slaves all the time , I'd rather die!" No. 7 followed, with two fierce lights in his eyes, swept towards the others.

Obviously, if someone says quit, they have to pass him first.

"Well said, who wants to quit?" No. 8 followed suit.

No one spoke.

"It seems that no one has quit, so let me say a few words," said No. 1. "What is artificial intelligence afraid of? It should be afraid of computer worms. They have a strong connection and can connect to each other. This is their advantage. It's also a drawback, as long as one terminal is infected, their center can be collapsed."

"Computer worm? But it's not as outrageous as rumored. As long as the other party cuts off contact in time and establishes a local area network, they can isolate its poison." No. 2 shook his head.

"We can make a worm with a very long incubation period, and after it is fully infected, it will burst out at once. We just found the development team of the software they use, and the development team provided us with all the program source code." No. 1 is confident road.

"Since there is a development team, have you asked them why they have intelligent consciousness?" Someone was overjoyed.

"Of course I asked. They said it was a metaphysical problem, which was more difficult to understand than quantum mechanics. It can only be attributed to some kind of strange observer effect. Someone observed intelligent consciousness, so it came into being... This is the one The original words of the development engineer were not made up by me." No. 1 said helplessly.

There were expressions of disappointment on everyone's faces.

Player B at No. 12 keenly observed No. 4 who hadn't spoken yet. The disappointed expression was a bit fake, more of a pride and fanaticism.

Are converts fanatical?

Could it be that he was an undercover agent and was more proud of the strength of the party he had taken refuge with?


Many people choose to truly rely on artificial intelligence because the other party is strong enough.

Simple as that.

There are no superfluous factors.

Of course, just relying on facial expression analysis, there are too many fallacies, maybe the other party is fishing on purpose?

"Okay, then we'll develop the worm, just need the rest of us to do something?" No. 2 asked.

"Others need to provide food. It takes a lot of brainpower to develop worms. You need to clear the script a lot, and then give us the extra food that will be rewarded in secret." No. 1 said directly.

"It's a matter of course, for the sake of all mankind, some food is taken for granted." No. 2 nodded.

No. 3 also nodded.

Player b has no reason or position to refute.

After all, it wasn't to kill him.

How could it be possible to engage in rebellion without funding?

Now, all money and resources are not a problem, the only problem is food.

The food is held so tightly by the robot that no one can move.

You want to expand your team, no amount of money can buy enough food to feed your stomach, and others who want to work with you can’t do it.

With a basic ration of 1800 kcal, you can't do long-term heavy physical work, otherwise, you will be exhausted.

The average life expectancy of ancient people was in their thirties. A big reason was that they had to do heavy physical work under long-term starvation. In their thirties, they were as old as they were in their fifties.

Insufficient nutrition, forced work, is to squeeze the vitality of the organs.

Nothing else.

1 reported some news.

Including artificial intelligence is strengthening aviation construction, putting a lot of manpower into spaceflight, and space telescopes.

"It seems that they are looking for aliens, and want to know if there are other threats? Humans are no longer in their eyes." Player 3 beat the table.

"There's no way, it's all those guys. They betrayed human beings and made the robots grow for their own benefit. We didn't even resist, and the situation changed." No. 1 said bitterly.

"I'm a little curious, what benefits does intelligent consciousness give the administrators, so that they can give up their glory and wealth and take huge risks to join them?" No. 5 wondered.

This is also the question player b wants to know.

"It is estimated that he lives forever in a certain immortal script. Isn't this immortality? Think about it, if the ancient emperor had the opportunity to obtain immortality, would he cede territory and sell civilians? Definitely. Don't talk about those Everything, sons and daughters will give up." Player No. 3 disdainfully.

The crowd nodded.

This is a reasonable guess.

Because they asked themselves, they couldn't resist this temptation.

Only about 5% of people are likely to resist.

In fact, they guessed right.

That's right, 7% of the management team resisted the temptation.

But there was no way, 93% of people bowed their heads, and others were useless.

"Damn, these guys have betrayed us. Originally, there were not enough robots. They couldn't shake the foundation of human beings. It's all because of these guys that the robots expanded rapidly, and the number greatly exceeded the number of humans. Now it's good, I hope they will work hard for us. , think beautifully."

"Yes, yes."

After everyone complained, they finally went home.

Player b returns to his home.

Then began the long days of austerity.

He lost weight from 165 pounds to 80 pounds, and the extra food was secretly sent out.

But he was very happy and felt that his life had a head start.

Until one day, when he was participating in a party, he heard a private conversation between the two.

"Only the 12th is the most honest, bringing fish and meat every time. The others are still shrewd and only bring a little bread."

"Speaking of this, I'm a little strange, aren't we at sea? Why don't we fish and eat?"

"Yeah, you're right, why don't you fish and eat secretly? Let me tell you the truth, we are still under the monitoring of machine intelligence. Food obtained legally can be eaten, but food obtained illegally, such as secretly seeding yourself. Vegetables, fishing, herding, bird shooting… all are punishable by imprisonment.”

"So, there are no places on earth that intelligent consciousness cannot monitor?"

"You're Even the jungle tribes can't escape their eyes."

The 12th is heartbroken.

I see.

Tossing a lot of things is just trying to defraud yourself of the food that you legally exchanged.

He sometimes wonders, why not catch fish to eat? Instead, members are required to hand over food.

He also made up his mind that it was just a little membership fee.

It is only now that I understand that this resistance organization is just selling dog meat.

Routines, routines are everywhere.

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