Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1832: ice and snow

Player b never goes.

What the hell?

Just for the sake of stuttering, to pull out such a big name, what worms, save mankind, and resist intelligent consciousness, it is really not ashamed!

Needless to say, other resistance groups were also deliberately released by robots.

This is for fishing.

Rather than strike it all, leave some on the bright side.

He understands it all.

After thinking about this, player b, Shangguan Tiezhu, was completely discouraged.

Every day when I go home from work, I plunge into the world of script.

The Chunlei Organization also sent someone to contact him and asked him why he hadn't paid the latest membership fee?

He said that the script could not be cleared, and it always collapsed halfway, and there was no reward food.

In fact, he has let the robot accumulate the share.

Now the script he plays is historical.

The script clearance standard, the minimum is to live over the age of 50; the mid-range is to dominate the party, or become an important minister; the highest score is naturally the founding of the country and the emperor.

He has played more than a dozen times, only two times he has lived past the age of fifty, and he is still in hiding, and has been displaced for most of his life.

If you want to live well, it is much harder than a sports script.

But the historical script has an advantage, that is, experience can be accumulated and can be used next time.

The last time you started building a musket, you didn't build it; the next time you build it, you'll know what's missing.

The last time you recruited generals, you didn't recruit them, and you can change the way next time.

The last time I offended a certain minister, the next time the script can be handed over to him.

Sports scripts don't work.

If you don't hang up, the last time you ran 100 meters for 12 seconds, the next time you couldn't run for 10 seconds, you couldn't even be exhausted.

And the last time I hung up, the next time I didn't have a vip to join you, I didn't have a chance to kill the vip, so I didn't hang up.


Wen Ren went home.

He was scanning the main world again.

Soon he found an anomaly. Some players in the main world often shivered, as if entering the script of ice and snow.

However, he has read the script of guarding the space control, and there are very few backgrounds of ice and snow.

The reason is very simple, the ice and snow is not conducive to population reproduction and industrial development, so it is often not the main place where the story takes place.

Throughout the novels and movies, 90% of the stories take place in warm areas.

Some intuition told him that there was a big problem here.

Thinking of his real opponent, he moved in his heart, thinking to peep at a certain player's script flow.

This player's name is quite interesting: Shangguan Tiezhu.

Obviously it is the standard surname of martial arts, but it turns out to be a rustic name.

deep impression.


Player b, Shangguan Tiezhu is playing the hegemony script again.

The start is in the Eastern Cold Land.

The good thing about this place is that in the feudal era, the tentacles of the dynasty were hard to reach.

In the cold, the march of troops and horses and the supply of food and grass will be greatly restricted.

The home field advantage is very, very large.

Correspondingly, the southwestern land is humid, hot and rugged, and it is also a place that is difficult for the tentacles of the dynasty to reach.

But Shangguan Tiezhu has a problem: he is afraid of snakes.

Moreover, there are many diseases in the southwest. In contrast, in the cold east, there are far fewer epidemics. It was originally a script of abuse, so of course he had to choose a safe place.

This year is another big cold season.

However, the medicinal materials tax, fur tax and giant tree tax to be collected by the imperial court have not decreased, and there is still an increasing trend.

He has played the script eighteen times.

He knew that eight months later, on the 18th day of the twelfth lunar month, when the tax collectors collected another tax, the mountain people would rebel.

If you don’t rebel, you will run away, leaving the familiar broken mud house in the ice and snow, where will you escape?

Although the house is broken, it can keep the wind and keep warm.

Without it, it would freeze to death in the wild.

That can only be a rebellion.

He presided over twelve rebellions, and the process was the same. At the beginning, he defeated his opponent, and even occupied two or three county towns.

After escaping halfway, the people scattered, freezing cold, dying, and prestige plummeted.

If you fight other villages and cities, you won't be able to beat them.

The vicious circle was finally annihilated.

If you want to break the game, you have to find a place where the imperial court's force can't extend, and when you fail, you have to settle for blood.

He carefully checked the history of the Qing Dynasty.

He found an important place. The opponent had a wide wiggle room from the beginning. Once the match was unfavorable, he could retreat to the farther north and heal his wounds beyond the border beyond the control of the imperial court.

This is the core.

Why can't Li Zicheng?

Li Zicheng has been circling in his heart, and he has no time to establish a base. If he loses once, he will start all over again.

As a result, the elites have been unable to accumulate, and there is not much accumulation. In the final battle, this is the fatal weakness.

Can the people of the Eastern Cold Mountains, the basis of his rebellion, escape to the north?

The problem is that the north side can't communicate with them, and they can't stand up when they escape.

He needs to figure out how to stand up.

He looked for several houses, and finally found one from the north.

After questioning, I heard that they were trying to avoid vendetta.

Several generations have passed now, vendetta should be long gone, but the connection with that side is almost cut off, and I just know a little bit of dialect.

He decided to start from this point.

He decided to set up a way back before rebelling.

It was before the rebellion, and we failed to get in touch with the way back.

Before the heroes of the rivers and lakes rebelled, they all knew that they would first find the cottage that fell grass.

Relying on the prestige he had accumulated before, he took the male from a family in the far north, as well as a few small children, a total of 15 people, all the way north, walking for more than a month, and came to a cottage.

It is also thousands of miles away from the nearest imperial county.

This distance was beyond the reach of the imperial court, and there were very few nearby villages, which could not support the plundering of the army at all.

For the feudal troops, it is difficult for most of the troops to pass through the no-man's land, unless they are conquered by the whole country and carry a lot of baggage.

But the current imperial court cannot mobilize the whole country for a cottage.

Unless he rebels to the point of Nurhaci.

But the shanzhai in front of them had a very bad attitude towards them, and several bone arrows shot at a dozen of them.

"We're here to do business, we're here to be friends with you..." The man who knew the northern dialect shouted towards Zhaizi.

Then they took out two large iron pans.

This is one of the most irresistible commodities for the barbarian tribe.

Iron pans are highly technical and very useful, especially in the Northland.

Boil hot water and soup, cook rice, this is the thing of life.

No more archery, one person goes up and down the stockade.

He was a half-sized boy, the kind that would not be a pity to die.

Thin and small.

"You... sell this?"

"Sell, 30 pieces, this kind of... fur."

The two communicated with difficulty.

Shangguan Tiezhu held a spear and felt that there was a drama.

However, the good times did not last long.

Suddenly a lot of savages appeared and surrounded them.

They were ransacked...

He was shot in the throat with a bone arrow and died.

The script resumes.

This time, he did not waste time, and made some small improvements in fishing and hunting skills as usual to establish his prestige among the mountain people.

Then set up a caravan, learn several native languages ​​in the north, and prepare to go deep into the north to investigate the situation.

At this moment, a voice appeared.

"Do you want to be an emperor? Do you want to clear the level once?"

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