Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1833: Frostbolt

When Shangguan Tiezhu heard this voice, instead of being happy, he was shocked.

He stayed in Chunlei for a period of time, and he was tricked to take away a lot of food, and it was not for nothing.

They say never say yes when you hear some voices in the script.

Because that must be the devil's call.

Anyone who thinks he is the protagonist and thinks that he is helped by the old man is either crazy or stupid, as if he has lost his soul.

Just like player a before.

If it's not good, Player A just heard a similar sound, so he went crazy and followed the killer to kill people.

So he said decisively: "I don't want to be an emperor, I also want to clear the level once. I just like difficult games."

"Oh, it seems that you agreed. I will teach you the technique of dripping water into ice. Use ice walls, ice knives, and arrows to attack the enemy. Your opponent will only flee in confusion."

"I didn't agree!" Shangguan Tiezhu roared in his heart.

"You're very happy, I understand, it's normal, mortals like to hang up their lives."

"I'm Shangguan Tiezhu, I never like to hang up!"

"Be calm, even if there is a hang, if you don't pay attention, you will still die."

Shangguan Tiezhu was stunned, he suddenly felt a chill on his body.

When I stretched out my hand, I saw streaks of hoarfrost in my hand.

Thoughtfully, he suddenly pointed his hand at a tree in the yard.

The next moment, the ice froze, and the whole tree immediately turned into a snow tree.

Aiming at the ground again, the ground is quickly covered with a thick layer of ice.

really fragrant...

After more than half an hour, he developed various usages.

The ice blade ice arrow, if there are cumulus clouds in the sky, can go down bigger and harder.

With this thing, it is equivalent to taking modern bombers against ancient feudal soldiers.

Can this not crash?

In addition to the damage, there is also the bonus of destiny and ghosts.

The ancients believed this.

That being the case, why did he work so hard to open up a place in the north?

To put up with the savage "wah woah" and the smelly fur?

Thinking of this, he immediately summoned his own hair boy and a few familiar neighbors, and then tried his best to gather the whole mountain village under the big willow tree at the entrance of the village.

"Last night, I dreamed of the Emperor of Heaven. His old man told me that I wanted to be the emperor and sent the Ice God Snow King to help!"

Most people didn't believe it and looked at him with the eyes of a fool.

Only a few looked shocked and dubious.

"Dazhu, what are you talking about? Can you dream of the Heavenly Emperor? At most, you dream of little flowers in the west of the village!" A middle-aged man who was the second uncle laughed mockingly.

Shangguan Tiezhu didn't say much, just stretched out his hand.

Everyone saw that the second uncle was frozen into an ice sculpture!

"Ah!" One of the descendants closest to the second uncle collapsed to the ground in fright.

Man, a big living human being suddenly turned into an ice sculpture right in front of you!

Even modern people who have been tried and tested by film and television are not enough to see it.

Not to mention these rural mountain people!

"Second uncle has turned into ice cubes!"

"He really **** off God!"

"The big pillar is really blessed by God?"

The villagers were in a commotion, and some people had already begun to kneel before Shangguan Tiezhu.

"Da Zhuzi, your second uncle is not optimistic about your mouth, so please forgive him once, tell God to let him go." At this time, an old lady came over on her knees.

Only then did Shangguan Tiezhu nod his head and stretch out his hand a little.

I saw that the second uncle shook all over, and the ice cubes on his body disappeared.

It is said that as soon as this person freezes into ice, the flesh and blood tissue has long been destroyed, and he will die immediately.

Only now, these two uncles are still alive.

Shangguan Tiezhu can only say that the script world is not reality after all.

As soon as the second uncle came to life, he fell to his knees without saying a word, and kowtowed again and again.


After half a day, Shangguan Tiezhu organized 50 young men, and asked everyone to take out food, wild vegetables, jerky, and fur for military supplies.

Fifty young and strong people are in the front, and the old and the weak in the whole village are behind, and everyone goes on the road together.

There are only a few elderly people who really can't walk, lying at home and being abandoned by default.

Everyone else who could go followed.

There are filial children, pushing the cart and taking the elderly on the road.

A few others were beating gongs and drums and playing suona, not as if they were trying their best, but as if they were going to a big play.

They did not attack the city directly, but came to another mountain village five miles away.

An hour later, Shangguan Tiezhu replicated the previous miracle.

This is inevitable.

First, they are all about to live, only the last straw.

The second is that God has manifested, so what else is there to say?

Go to the next village.

Five days later, he had 800 young and strong men, 4,000 old, weak, sick and disabled.

After eating and drinking wildly, ten days after death training, the food has bottomed out.

He began to lead a siege of the nearest county seat.

It is ice and snow when it comes up, and it has just been displayed.

The soldiers on the front of the city and the city gates ran and knelt down.

Two hundred county soldiers, only a few of them fired a few arrows, all of them scattered.

The county magistrate jumped in a hurry and repeatedly called it witchcraft, but no one listened to him.

The county magistrate killed the magistrate with a few relatives, and took the initiative to bring people to take refuge in Shangguan Tiezhu.

Closing the city, collecting food and grass, recruiting soldiers, Player B is very skilled, which makes everyone think that he was chosen by God.

Then came the second county, the third.

They captured 15 county towns in a row, with 20,000 young men and 100,000 men under threat, sweeping the entire Eastern Frost Land.

Only then did the court fully react.

He hurriedly decreed that Shangguan Tiezhu was a demon, who confuses the public with demonic words, and uses sorcery to harm Sheji...

The commander-in-chief Du Hai gathered three thousand infantry, five hundred cavalry, and one thousand archers, and came to suppress it.

He didn't believe in magic at all.

There are too many such things in the history books.

What Taiping Yellow Turbans, don't they claim to have Taiping techniques?

What was the result? Wasn't he killed by the Han generals and slaughtered tens of thousands at a time?

He led the troops to enter Saigu Pass, which is the closest to the East Frost Land.

This is where the road to entry is controlled.

Then he sent someone to investigate.

As a result, the information reported by the spies became more and more outrageous.

What refers to snow, refers to the ground into ice.

If someone refuses to accept it, it will be frozen into an ice sculpture, and even on a hot day, it cannot be thawed.

Simply incredible.

At the beginning, he also called a few spies, but later the spies spoke in unison, including a few of his cronies, so there was a problem.

He was a little flustered.

Could it be true?

He has not fought for years and months. If it was just ordinary grassroots rebellion, he would have confidence in his assessment.

One thousand can kill more than ten thousand.

But the other party is really good at witchcraft, which is troublesome.

He hurriedly ordered a notice to be posted, inviting capable people from all over the world to come and give a generous bounty. UU Reading

Soon, various people from all over the world came to apply.

In the end, he tried them one by one, and nine out of ten were liars he could see, and one was a swindler that he couldn't see but was seen by the master.

All cut.

At this time, the imperial court sternly urged them to attack.

If he doesn't go, his whole family will go to jail.

If he wanted to rebel, the two inner guards could capture him, but the generals under him would not listen to him.

He doesn't have any sorcery.

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