Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1845: newbie

Wen Rensheng thought so, and looked through the small hole again.

Falling on the earth, the countless time and space trading points look real.

After thinking for a while, he took out a measuring ruler that could measure the reality of the world, and put it into the small hole to see it.

A red line moves on the ruler, and soon comes to zero on the scale.

This shows that what he saw was real.

All of this is not something that happened in the fantasy layer of the main world, but something that exists in the main world itself.

The question is, what kind of existence is that so-called interstellar business travel?

He thought so, and decided to attach himself to a robot again to take a look.

Soon he had chosen his target.


Meanwhile, on the far edge of the solar system, the Cobo-Yin asteroid belt.

Inside a silver-white aircraft, three people are sitting in the captain's room and talking.

If people on earth see them, they will be very surprised, because their appearance and size are exactly the same as human beings.

It should be said that humans look exactly like them.

"I didn't expect that the No. 13 experimental site would start producing energy so soon. Their potential is far greater than other experimental sites." A said with joy.

"I think it's a little strange, they are not prominent among the many seeds. But it doesn't matter, as long as enough energy is collected, the mother world will be saved." B followed.

"Then we have to study it to see if their situation can be replicated." C said cautiously.

"I just took a look. They seem to be ruled by artificial intelligence robots ahead of time. Everyone lives in a virtual world. Is it related to the early generation of energy?" A wondered.

"With their current level of technology, they have not even reached the I-level of civilization. How can they create ideological robots? Their ultra-large-scale integrated computers are far from the complexity of the human nervous system, and there is no hardware foundation to support consciousness. , there is a big problem here, maybe another civilization has intervened here." b said.

"Since there is a problem, then we will start the erasure plan and blow up their planet. We cannot accept the existence of a hidden danger." A said fiercely.

C shook his head and said: "Calm down, there are risks, but the benefits are greater, we should continue to observe one or two, it is best to send people into their world."

"I agree."

"I agree."

"Who's going?"

"You go."

"I don't go, enter this low-level world, and to explore their mysteries, I have to lower my intelligence to the same level as theirs in order to understand them. In the process, I will often be defeated by them."

"I'm not going either."

No one wants to go in. Their technology is very developed, but to explore the mysteries of lower civilizations, they cannot use their powerful technology to avoid interference from the observer effect.

In the end, after the most primitive contest, the three decided to enter the human world through scissors and hammers to see where the problem happened.

Looking at the fire from the other side, it is always unclear.


After the alien c landed, he chose to attach his consciousness to a dog.

Become a dog for better intelligence.

Because they have observed, the status of creatures on earth now is robots > pets > plants >... > people.

Yes, people are almost last in line.

It is difficult to understand this. It is obviously people who are creating wealth. Why is the status of people the lowest?

According to the memory in the dog's brain, it came to a house.

This family is player b.

At this point, the housekeeping robot had already left and went to the street to buy things to repair the faucet.

This left him some time to spare.

"Da Huang, do you still know how to come back?" He saw the yellow dog thief crawling through the door, and he was not angry.

He stepped forward and fell on his knees, pressing the dog's head to the ground, so that the other party couldn't bite him.

Alien C didn't know what the other party was making, so he could only innocently "beep" twice.

"Tell me, where is your dog food? Otherwise, I'll stew you. Now that I have gold stars in both eyes, I just want to eat meat!" Player B said viciously.

He turned around in the house just now, but he didn't find any dog ​​food, but only one ham sausage.

But the package said "suitable for rat poison", so he dared not eat it.

"Woooo..." Alien C screamed.

"Come on! I know you're very shrewd and can understand what I'm saying." Player B said fiercely.

Alien c had to nod.

Player b then lets go of it.

It didn't take long for Alien C to use the dog's sense of smell to find the sealed meat in a mezzanine of the wall.

Vacuum-packed roast chicken, roast duck, instant noodles with ham, drinks, beer...

"Damn, that **** robot is hiding so tightly while I'm playing games!" He tore up a roast chicken and scolded while eating.

Halfway through eating, he suddenly hugged his belly and rushed to the bathroom.

Well, I haven't eaten greasy for a long time, and my stomach can't adapt for a while.

Alien C understands how deep the contradiction between humans and robots is from the short-lived conflict.

It's just that under this circumstance, why haven't they fought back on a large scale?

It must be some kind of spiritual product that paralyzed them.

Alien C's gaze quickly landed on a helmet in the room.

That's the home, the only high-tech item it doesn't recognize.

It looked around and saw only a cat standing on the cabinet, so it sneaked over, looked left and right with the helmet, and finally put it on its head.

At this time, it did not know that the housekeeping robot was already staring at him from the window.

Of course, the control of this robot is now in Wen Rensheng's hands.

Wen Rensheng could see at a glance that the dog was possessed by aliens.

The reason is very simple, the other party has another consciousness and thinking, which is very common in the East Continent world, which is the possession of disaster.

And this is obviously not something that humans can do.

That can only be done by aliens.

I wonder how these aliens will react when they see the scripted game?


Alien c entered the script world and it was horrifying.

Because this is obviously the mother world!

No, it should be said that it is a place similar to the mother world.

Everything is very real, but there is a little bit of fantasy.

In his eyes, this scripted world is built entirely on source energy, and humans can only play with their thinking and consciousness.

"There is such a huge source of energy, how did they get it? We have cultivated for billions of years, and we have only gained a little bit of income. At most, it can condense a village here!" It was inexplicable and said to itself. speak.

A male player came over and asked strangely, "Dude, is this your first time playing? I'm so surprised, can't you, are you only connected to the Internet?"

"Yeah, I've been drifting at sea before." Alien C said half-truths.

The sky is also the ocean.

"It turned out to be like this, it's really pitiful, I can show Okay, thank you, there are still many good people."

Half an hour later, Alien C stood naked at the entrance of the village, looking up to the sky and roaring filial piety:

"Shameless, even novice outfits have to be deceived, human beings should be destroyed!"

Yes, just now he followed the male player to the pawnshop in the village. The other party said that he should **** his clothes and replace them with weapons, which would be beneficial to spawning monsters in the early stage.

His intelligence has plummeted, and it is difficult for him to recognize the true intention of the other party, so he took it as clothes, and under the direction of the other party, he signed a bunch of IOUs with his own name, which are said to be used to exchange for the initial development resources.

As a result, he was finally fooled by the other party, and his resources for selling himself were swept away.

A breeder, an observer, was deceived by the monitoring object.

Otherwise, they don't want to come in anymore?

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