Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1846: around the world

Just when the alien c was screaming in the sky, another female player came.

She listened to it for a while, and said sympathetically, "Oh, you were deceived? It's so pitiful, I'll give you some equipment."

"Thank you, thank you, there are still many good people." Alien C said hurriedly.

Half an hour later, he appeared in a slave auction market, naked with only one pair of pants.

"Damn, I shouldn't have any illusions about them!" The alien scolded viciously, clutching at the cage railing.

Then he got several whips on his body and could only keep his mouth shut.

"All officers, please take good care of Le! This slave is nine feet tall and weighs two hundred catties. He is absolutely strong. You can buy it for thirty taels of silver!" the slave seller shouted loudly.

"Thirty-two, I can buy ten girls this year. It's a big loss to buy him! I eat a lot, but I can't do much work." Someone shook his head.

"I can only sell thirty taels? Tui is cheap, at least one hundred taels!" Alien C cursed angrily.

I am a dignified alien who came to earth. It should be the plot of the urban dragon king. Why did it become a dog abuse article?

He thought angrily.

After a while, a certain gentleman who was shaking a fan bought him away.

First, I bought him some nice clothes.

After getting dressed, he wanted to run away, but suddenly the young man said, "You escaped, wouldn't you be deceived by a third person?"

He stopped.

How does the other party know that he has been deceived?

Also, this guy is right.

Alien c then followed this son-in-law honestly.

Then he enjoyed the blessing for several days.

Eating, drinking, and playing well, in short, is the dream of the common people here.

"Xiquan, I need you to assassinate someone." Brother Gongzi finally tried to see him.

"Who do you want to assassinate? Where?" Alien C didn't ask why.

He knew that the other party must have a purpose for him to eat and drink.

"It's the county magistrate of this city. He likes my restaurant and wants to take it away. I want to kill him in advance to avoid future troubles." Brother Gongzi looked out the window in the direction of the county yamen.

"Isn't the county magistrate a prodigal official? Why did he take away your family's property?"

"He is an official, but his concubine is a local."

"Understood, I'll take his head."

Alien c has no moral shackles of earthlings.

He climbed over the wall that night and entered the county office, where the magistrate was sleeping.

The reason why the magistrate would sleep here, of course, is that the young master sent someone to complain and held the magistrate.

Usually the magistrates live with their concubines in the city.

A knife fell, and the head fell to the ground.

The bed was full of blood.

At this moment, Alien C saw a trace of white mist coming out of the head of the deceased, and then merged into the heaven and earth.

That's energy.

Then he saw a notebook beside the magistrate's bed.

The notes are written in the local dialect of the earth people, and some diaries are written.

Is the magistrate actually a player?

He seems to have discovered what the mystery of the earth man is.

It turned out that they entered this virtual world, and after the consciousness died in it, it would release the source energy.

Who built this virtual world?

Who was the source of energy taken away?

Damn it, they cut off their achievements.

They worked hard to raise hens, and when they grew up, they became laying eggs for others.

It just doesn't make sense.

He was very angry.

He wants to find out who did it!

But it's hard to find.

Because the source energy has entered the heaven and earth.

He needs to integrate into heaven and earth in order to observe the direction of the source energy.

Just as I was thinking about it, an exclamation came from outside: "Master, what's the matter with you?"

It turned out that it was a yamen officer who saw that there was movement here, got up to take a look, and found that aliens killed the magistrate.

Alien c fled in embarrassment, and was almost shot in the hip by an arrow when escaping over the wall.

He didn't go to see the son-in-law.

Because he has adapted to human society.

When they return, they will be silenced.

This is inevitable.

Otherwise, Brother Gongzi will take the huge risk of killing the official.

He felt very disconnected, he clearly wanted to trace the direction of Yuanneng, but at the same time he also worried about the grievances and grievances of some avatars.

How boring.

He ran alone.

Then he was wanted by the government.

He ran to the grassland.

Then I met an acquaintance who was recruiting, and it was player b.

Wait, he was puzzled, didn't he take up the helmet?

Why can they still come in?

"You are also a player?" Player B shouted at Alien C.

Because of that body shape, that temperament, it is not a local indigenous person at first glance.

"Yeah, do you think I can apply?"

"Okay, by the way, what level have you cultivated to with your pure heart and few desires?"

"??" Alien C was stunned for a while.

"Didn't you see the update? Forget it, I'll tell you about it."

Alien c then mastered the art of pure heart and few desires.

He thought this formula was a bit bizarre.

After that, he practiced martial arts while serving as a soldier.

With his unique aptitude, he quickly reached the highest level.

On this day, he sat cross-legged in the tent like a rock.

The whole person has entered the world of the virtual world.

He turned into a fish, swimming between heaven and earth, swimming and swimming, and finally he saw a ray of light.

There seems to be a small hole there?

He got in without hesitation.


Wen Rensheng didn't even think that the consciousness of that alien c would actually be able to drill into his own world from that virtual world.

Unusual indeed.

What surprised him even more was yet to come.

"God, I finally found you!" the fish shouted with its mouth open.

"Oh, why do you say that?"

"You created the mother world, and the mother world sowed a new world." The fish said with a wagging tail.

When did I create the mother world?

I haven't even created a male one.

Wen Rensheng complained in his heart.

"When did I create it?"

"Yes, in your dreams," said the fish again.

in my dream? I do not know how?

Wen Rensheng was about to deny it when he suddenly thought that this might be possible.

Because he did create a lot of worlds in his dreams.

Of course, at that time, he only thought it was just a dream.

And now, it seems that his dream is already very extraordinary.

But since when, UU reading, his dreams can be turned into the world?

"I'm asking you the time." Wen Rensheng repeated.

"Time, time cannot be calculated in the concept of the world, because it is relative, our world may be billions of years of other worlds in an instant, and your world may be ours in an instant. A billion years, unless the two sides have contact, will they reach an agreement on the time." The fish said seriously.

"So that's it, what's the name of your world?"

"Round the world." Yu said seriously.

Around the world.

Wen Rensheng thought of a space construction and management game he had played.

It's the name.

A story of a group of villains who are exiled to a planet in space, where they build houses and buildings, and survive hard.

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