Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1847: misfortune and good fortune

Wen Rensheng thought of the Ring World, thoughtful.

Heroes of Invincibility, Go, Werewolf, Fallout 4, Dinar of Mount and Blade...

Detecting the eucalyptus and breaking the eucalyptus, Cthulhu...

All the worlds he has passed through are not created out of nothing, but concepts that have long been in his mind.

Who is he?

Where is he from?

Where is he going?

The three ultimate questions swirled in Wen Rensheng's mind.

Finally he shook his head, what was he thinking about?

As long as you can still feel and be happy, that's enough.

At this time, the fish was still shaking its head and waving its tail, and said with tears: "God, please save our mother world."

"What happened to your mother world?" Wen Rensheng asked curiously.

"It's on the brink of heat death, the universe is in the final stage of death, and we need energy to restart it, but it's not enough."

"How much do you need?"

"Probably..." The fish gave a number.

It is almost equal to the source power content of three billion miscellaneous source crystals.

Wen Rensheng thought for a while, then pulled out Xiao Huan and asked, "Can you call out the source crystal of this number?"

"What are you doing for it? Isn't it bad to keep me for fun?" Xiao Huan poked at the fish resentfully, thinking it was meaningless.

"What she said makes sense." Wen Rensheng smiled at the fish, "Why should I give it to you?"

The fish shook its tail and suddenly said, "God, we have prepared the most precious gift for you through our hundreds of millions of years of prayers."

"Gift, what gift, take me Kangkang." Xiao Huan got excited and dived into the body of the fish, "Go quickly."

The fish looked at Wen Rensheng with his eyes.

Wen Rensheng nodded, he also wanted to see what happened to the world right now.

The fish turned its head and drilled toward the original hole.

It didn't take long for it to be back in the scripted game again.

After going back, it immediately chose to go offline.

Then it found that it couldn't get off the line.

It understood that its helmet must have been taken by Player B.

That is to say, when you enter the script game through the helmet, your conscious mind comes in, and the other party can also use this helmet to come in.

The helmet itself does not have the high function of thinking binding, it is just a thinking channel.

After a while, it found itself able to go offline again.

When I opened my eyes, it turned out that the housekeeping robot was putting the helmet on the dog's head.

Exactly the same as its conjecture.


Alien C returned to the spacecraft.

He was extremely excited.

"I found God, great God, I finally found her!" After returning to the spacecraft, he said to the other two with great excitement.

"It's over, crazy." A shook his head.

"It seems to be infected by lower life again. This is one of the most likely symptoms to detect lower life. Because of integration into lower social life, it leads to thinking dimension reduction and split consciousness." B analyzed seriously.

"Bastard! I'm fine, I said I found God! God's real body!" C roared again.

"Well, it's time to take the medicine." A called the robot and prepared C to inject a tranquilizer.

"I'm not sick, I don't need medicine!"

"You said you're not sick, then let me ask you..." B stared at him.

"Boom!" C gave B a stick, and then looked at A fiercely.

"You are normal!" A immediately shouted with his hands raised, "But where is God?"

"God is here..." Alien C suddenly got stuck.

But soon he didn't need to be embarrassed. I saw a little girl's head popping out of his head and looking around.

In front of him is the captain's room of a silver-white spaceship. On many square virtual screens, strips of blue data flashed quickly.

"Very ordinary, this kind of broken spaceship has not become as good-looking as the big cousin." Xiao Huan dismissed it, and then asked, "Is there anything delicious?"

"God, it's really a god!" A and B immediately left their seats with a frenzy look on their faces, and bowed to Xiao Huan.

"Don't worship me, let's talk about the delicious and fun things." Xiao Huan got out, floated to a seat, and said arrogantly.

"Okay, okay, get it right away."

Soon they brought the food, drink and entertainment on the spacecraft to the captain's room, which is strictly forbidden in normal times.

No sundries can be brought into the captain's room.

Today, however, there are no rules at all.

Xiao Huan even ate, drank and played for nine days and nine nights.

That's cool enough.

"Yes, it seems that you are okay there." In fact, she was very satisfied.

It can be regarded as encountering a high-level group of providers.

Unlike those black-skinned natives, who only hold mud blocks to worship her.

It just makes people angry, and there is nowhere to spread.

"God, are you willing to come to our mother world?" the three aliens asked cautiously.

"It's okay to go and have a look." Xiao Huan had enough to eat and drink, and it was still easy to talk.

Immediately, the spacecraft started immediately and left the earth.

"Look, that spaceship has left!" An observatory was the first to issue news.

"Hey, I always thought that aliens were coming to invade us. It turned out that they were here for trade."

"Yeah, who would have thought they would benefit us so much? How much life did you buy?"

"I sold all my property and only bought 6,000 hours. Fortunately, I was completely healthy. The same 6,000 hours as when I was 20 years old, I want to make more and more money!"

"My children don't want me to buy them, these unworthy sons, cut off all ties with them, and want money to earn by themselves, and I have to keep my money to buy my life!"

The aliens patted their **** and left. Although they didn't do anything evil, they left the earth's people with an intractable ailment.

This is even more difficult to solve than the **** of robots and scripted The ethics collapse, the relationship is severed, and the society is in turmoil.

No one wants to think about parenting anymore, or make it a business at all.

Society is being reshaped.

The elderly no longer leave inheritances to their children, especially the rich.

If the poor want to keep it, they can't keep a little money. If they don't leave debts because of old age diseases, many children are satisfied.

The problem for the rich is bigger.

There are still various taxes left over, why not just buy all kinds of materials, sell them to aliens, and exchange them for your own lifespan?

All kinds of strategies came out at the first time, what kind of products, the most cost-effective production and sales, the easiest access to raw materials, and better transportation conditions...

All kinds of information quickly emerged on the Internet.

Various factories began to land.

The once excess production capacity has now found a completely released export.

Steel, cement, various basic raw materials... One after another, production started.

The management quickly realized the danger: "If this continues, the earth will be finished! The products we produce are not consumed by people, but traded to aliens, and aliens give us, and Not physical goods, but medical services!"

No one cares about these rational voices, or everyone knows there is a problem, but pretends not to know.

At this time, the management suddenly rejoiced that the robot was ruling them at this time.

At least in terms of food, it can still maintain absolute sufficiency, because there is no way to buy it freely, and there is no way to exchange it.


Otherwise, a large amount of food will be sold to aliens, and there will definitely be a food shortage on the earth, which will lead to all kinds of tragic things.

As for other aspects, clothes and industrial products can be sold as much as they can, and the harm can't be seen for a while.

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